The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire (Edited Reupload)

Chapter 1: The Adventures of The Reincarnated Vampire Character and Design Outline

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World Name: Yggdrasil

Character names and the meaning:

Lily: Meaning Purity: White lilies symbolise a rejuvenation of the soul. They can represent purity, commitment and rebirth.

Lucy: Meaning Light: As of light, or shining

Yami: Meaning Dark or Darkness: The Darkness is not evil, it there so people can rest and relax from the day they had and wake up with a smile.

Mana: Meaning: Everlasting: Spiritual Powers and Consderation for others.

Rose: Meaning: Beauty, and Courage: You can admire a rose's beauty but be careful of its thorns.

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