The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire (Edited Reupload)

Chapter 18: Chapter 12: Academic Training with Bow-Wielding Professor Lucy

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Hello, everyone; your favorite cuddly and fluffy student, Lily, is here. It is the morning after Mana and I finished my magic training, and we are currently discussing who will be training me next.

"I think I should train Lily next; her body is strong enough for combat training now, especially if you add her physical enhancement and stamina healing magic." (Yami)

"Hmm, you might be right, Yami, but I'm still unsure. What do you think, Lily?" (Lucy)

I am still tired from the physical enhancement magic training; I was so tired I forgot to shock Instructor Mana with the chantless magic I developed; I will have to show and teach her later; I would like to do something a little less physically straining this time. I guess that leaves out Yami. I will ask if Lucy can train me next…

"Yami, I'm sorry, but I'm still worn out from the physical enhancement magic training. Is there any way I can do the academic part of Lucy's training first?" (Lily)

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lily; I wasn't thinking about how tired you must be from the magic training. I guess I got too excited about your body getting stronger." (Yami)

"It’s okay, Yami. You don’t have to apologize. I am excited by my body getting stronger, but I don’t want to push too hard and accidentally regress.” (Lily)

“Thank you, Lily, and I understand.” (Yami)

“So, Lucy, is it okies with you if we start the academic training first and then do the bow combat training?” (Lily)

“That is perfectly fine with me, Princess; though you won’t get much of a break, there isn’t much left to teach you academically; you have already read all the books in the castle’s library over the years.” (Lucy)

“Well, that is true, so since I have the knowledge in my brain, why do we put it to use, like a test for each subject? There are 12 subjects I need to know for sure, so why don’t we split it into three tests a day for the next 4 days? If I have a passing grade on all the tests, I will get a break for the three days after before starting my bow combat training?” (Lily)

“That sounds great to me, Lily; I believe the only subject you might have some difficulty with is race theory, but worry not, I want you to rest as well, so the bow-wielding Professor Lucy will teach you all you need to know personally.” (Bow-Wielding Professor Lucy)

“Kehehe, thank you, Professor Lucy.” (Lily)

“Aah…mmm…Li…Lily, can you call me that one more time, please...?” (Lucy)

“No~pe, not until you ask me corre~tly.” (Sadist Lily)

As I say such to Lucy, I can see her turning red and squirming. She is too cute, I have gotten her to call me by my name more often than not, but now I am trying to get her to call me darling; we are wives, and that is what my mommy calls my mama, and I want us to do the same; Lucy is my first wife, so she should call me as such first. Yami and Mana have been waiting for her to do so so that they can call me darling too.

“mmm…Da…Darling…will you please ca…call that one more time, please…?” (Wifey Lucy)

“Yaataa! You finally said it; make sure to call me that from now on, okay, Profe~ssor Lu~cy.” (Lily)

“Fufufu, I will do as you say, my soon-to-be-punished dar~ling wife.” (Angry Lucy)

Oh crap, I teased her too much; I went from being the one doing the punishing to being punished; I should have known from over the years to not try to out-sadist a naturally born sadist. I need to apologize…

“I’m sorry, my beautiful, lovely, charming, and devoted wife. I just really wanted you to call me darling.” (Lily)

“Hah…I guess I understand that I should start writing up your tests for today; you can start reading the books I got that cover race theory.” (Professor Lucy)

“Okies, I will start reading them now.” (Lily)

Phew… She is back into Professor Lucy mode; I was scared for a minute there; luckily, I was able to dodge that bullet, like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix. At least that’s what I thought until I heard Lucy say…

“Don’t feel too relieved; you'll still be thoroughly punished later tonight, Dar~ling.” (Sadist Lucy)

Shit, you failed the bullet dodge Keanu. I’m so screwed. Well, she is calling me Darling now, I should consider this a win, and the punishment might be kinda fun in its own way later.

“Ye…yes, ma’am.” (Slightly-excited Lily)

After we finished our flirting, we started my academic training; Professor Lucy was incredibly thorough in explaining race theory to me, like how most of the dominant races in this world have some form of another race in their bloodline, there are only 5 races that have what they call pureblood, and they will abandon a member of their race if they find out they are not pureblooded. Those 5 races are the Spirits, the Humans, though apparently, not all humans feel this way; the Elves, the Dragons, who can freely change to a human form; and the Fairies. It turns out they can change their size from tiny to the standard size, and they will just be slightly shorter and cuter than most. As for the Vampire race, we don’t care about the purity of our blood; we believe everyone should be free to love and have children with whom they wish, regardless of race. Soon the 4 test days passed, though, on the first day, I was thoroughly teased and punished that night after we finished my training. It was pretty fun… hehe. Don’t tell Lucy, though. She will get mad and make it worse. Professor Lucy is currently telling me my test scores…

“Congrats, student Lily, you got a perfect score on all your tests.” (Professor Lucy)

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“Yaataa! Thank you, it is only because you are such a good teacher, Professor Lucy.” (Student Lily)

“Well, like we agreed, you can have a 3-day break before starting your bow combat training. Since that is the case, it is time to go back to the loyal and loving wife Lucy mode and tell you your congratulations gift. (Professor Lucy)

Professor Lucy tells me as such before putting her hair back down and taking off her fake glasses and white coat.

“Yaataa! Ehehe, what is the gift, my loyal and loving wife?” (Lily)

“Well, Darling, since you did such a great job on your test, I thought you, Yami, Mana, and I should get out of the castle for a couple of days, so I got us a room at the hot spring hotel near the capital. We will also pick up your favorite butterscotch pudding cake on the way. What do you think, Darling?” (Wifey Lucy)

“That sounds perfect; thank you, Wifey. I love you so much.” (Lily)

“Fufufu, My, my, I’m glad it was worth it then. I love you too. Now I have already told Yami and Mana, and I have already packed our luggage; we are ready to leave whenever you are, Darling.” (Lucy)

“If that is so, then let’s go! A break at a hot spring with my beautiful wives, I couldn’t ask for anything better.” (Lily)

After I stated such, we left for the hot springs for a well-earned break. Over those three days, we had a lot of fun and relaxed while spending some fluffy, quality alone time together. What, you wanted to know what happened during our fluffy hot spring trip? That is a story for another time because it is time for…

Bow-wielding Professor Lucy’s Bow Combat Training

“Dar….ahem…Student Lily, are you ready to start your bow combat training?” (Professor Lucy)

“Yes, Ma’am, I am.” (Student Lily)

“Good, let’s get started right away then; we have three weeks for you to become master bow combat; for the 1st week, we will have you get used to using and aiming a bow without wind magic. The reason for this is that there might be a time when you need to hit something at a long-range, and you don’t have time or the mp to use wind magic to help you; you will pass when you can hit a still target dead center 10 times in a row. However, after you get used to handling a bow, I will start using wind when you try to shoot an arrow at the target; this will teach you how to calculate the wind trajectory and pressure when aiming and shooting at your target. Now begin.” (Professor Lucy)

“Yes, Professor!” (Lily)

After I responded, I started practicing with the bow; it took 3 days to get accustomed to using the bow and another 3 days to correctly calculate the wind’s pressure and trajectory when aiming and shooting the bow. It is now the last day of the first week of my bow combat training. I was able to pass the 1st test. So we are now discussing what we will do in the 2nd week of training…

“Great job, Dar…Student Lily, you hit all 10 targets dead center. You have passed the first test, so the next bow training exercise you will be doing is shooting at moving targets in the air while using wind magic. Wind magic doesn’t just make your bow’s arrow stay on course. If you become proficient with combining the two. You will not only be able to increase your bow’s attack power, and you will be able to freely change your arrows trajectory to hit a fast-moving target and sometimes hit more than one target with only one arrow. To pass this week’s training, you must shoot down 10 fast-moving targets dead center with only 5 arrows. After you get used to shooting down moving targets, I will use wind magic again to make the targets move faster and make the target's movements less predictable.” (Professor Lucy)

“This coming week’s training sounds like it is going challenging and fun as well; I’m excited to get started.” (Student Lily)

After I stated such, we went home for the night and started the 2nd week of training the next day. We are now on the last day of the 2nd week's training. I passed my 2nd week’s test with 1 arrow to spar, which impressed Professor Lucy greatly. I used 3 arrows to take down 3 targets dead center each, and I used the fourth arrow to shoot down the last target dead center.

“Wow, that was fantastic, student Lily; you are doing even better than I thought you would. I’m impressed.” (Professor Lucy)

“Ehehe, like I said last week, it’s just because I have such a great teacher, Professor Lucy.” (Lily)

“You are too sweet. Next week will be the last week of your bow combat training; the 3rd week’s training will be against live targets. You will be hunting magic beasts in the woods near the castle, you will be putting what you learned these last two weeks to the test, and you will also be training in stealth so that you can get in a proper sniping position to take down you target without getting noticed. To pass this week’s training test will need to take down 5 magic beasts with one hit and without being noticed. This training will help improve your accuracy and stealth, and it will also help teach you how to calculate how much power you need to add with wind magic. Are you ready for your last week of training, Student Lily?” (Professor Lucy)

“Yes, I am. I’m excited to get started tomorrow.” (Student Lily)

“Good. If you do a great job this coming week, I will give you a reward, so please work hard and look forward to it, Darling.” (Lucy)

“Now I absolutely will do my best; I can’t wait to see what my Wifey’s reward will be.” (Lily)

After saying such, we headed home for the night, and the following flew by. I completed my final training week’s test, and we are now discussing the matter of Lucy’s reward for me.

“Congratulations on passing the final test, Student Lily. It is time to return to your loyal and loving Wifey Lucy mode. Congrats, Darling; for your reward, I figured we could go to your favorite sweets shop and share a parfait while playing the say aaahh game you like to play.” (Lucy)

“Yaataa! Thank you, my lovely Wifey, and thank you, Professor Lucy, for training me for both my and Rose’s sake. Now let’s go get our fluffy and cuddly flirt on!” (Lily)

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