The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire (Edited Reupload)

Chapter 20: Chapter 13: Vampire and Combat Training with Sergeant Yami

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Bonjour tout le monde, it's your favorite cuddly French-speaking Vampire, Lily here. The time has come for my combat and essential vampire ability training with Yami. We were discussing which training we should start when Rose spoke to me…

"Good mourning, my Love." (Rose)

"Ehehe, good mourning, Rose. Do you have a suggestion on which training we should start first?" (Lily)

"Actually, I do; however, first, I want to thank you for working so hard for me. I would also like to thank your wives for training you. Would it be okay if I took over control of your body? Your body has become so you won't lose consciousness this time, and it will also teach you how to do your vampire transformation for your training." (Rose)

"You don't need to thank me, Rose; you don't have to ask. You are free to use my body whenever you need until we can get your own made."

"Thank you, my Love. Well, I will take over now." (Rose)

After Rose took control of my body, it felt as though my physical form had become nonexistent, and my consciousness had been moved to a white space in my mind that had nothing but what could be described as a large screen currently showing my wives. Is this where Rose lives? This place reminds me of where I met the Goddess; this feels so lonely. I must save Rose. Rose said she had spoken to the Goddess; I wish I could see and talk to her again. The Goddess stated that she would help us, but she can't do anything until I master my powers, and she will also need my wive's help. Oh, they noticed the transformation…

"Dear!?" (Mana)

"My Beloved!?" (Yami)

"Dar…no…Rose? Is Darling okay?" (Lucy)

"Good Morning, Lucy, Yami, Mana. Don't be worried; Lily is okay, and she is still awake. She is listening to us speak right now." (Rose)

"Phew…please give us a warning next time, my Beloved. Good morning Rose. Do you have a suggestion on which training we should start with? (Yami)

"Yes, I suggest you start with the vampire ability training; by me doing this transformation with Lily awake, she has learned how to do it as well. I have 2 other things to discuss; make sure you listen to this, my Love." (Rose)

"Mou…I promise I'm listening." (Lily)

"Hehehe, good girl. 1st is when Lily does her vampire transformation on her own; she will have an incredible thirst for blood; you girls will all need to be by her side to calm and quench her thirst. 2nd is after my Love finishes her training, her vampire powers that have been suppressed will explode outward; I don't know what will happen, but I have a feeling that the memories that I have suppressed as nightmares will surface; this when you will need to be strong my Love, your wives and I will be there with you when it happens, this will also give the Goddess the notification to start creating my body. She will need you to pour your mp into my Love's body. You will also need to be calm and send your mp into your body, my Love." (Rose)

"Very well, we will do as you say, Rose. Thank you for warning us." (Yami)

"Good then; I will return my Love" s body to her, so you can start your training immediately. Thank you, girls, for training my Love for my and her sakes." (Rose)

Soon after Rose stated, my consciousness returned to its physical form. After which Rose told me…

"Good luck, and work hard; I will see you soon, my Love." (Rose)

“Before you go, Rose, may I as what will your physical body look like?” (Lily)

“’s a sur~prise. I will give you a teaser though, my eyes and hair are the color of what your blue and red eyes make.” (Rose)

"Thank you, I'll see you soon. I love you, Ar…ahem…Rose." (Lily)

After I corrected myself, hoping Rose didn't hear me, given that I was not 100% sure yet, I could sense a slight smile on her face. Now I'm absolutely sure I'm right. I'm not angry; I just hope she explains when the time comes.

"Hehehe…I love you too, my Love." (Rose)

After Rose responded and I had complete control over my body again, we immediately started my training.

At the Knights Training Ground

"Ok, Private Lily, for your vampire power training, we will be covering just the basics; you already know how to transform, so after you do so, we will practice how to bring out your wings and fly; once you become proficient in it, you will be able to bring them out in your everyday form, how to summon your familiars from the dark haze, and we will have to get you used to your enhanced physical prowess when you are in this mode. Now pop quiz, why do we Vampires have two different forms?" (Sergeant Yami)

"Ma’am, it is because, over the centuries, due to the blood servant contract, our ancestors performed the Vamper and Vampar races combined with the future generations gaining each races abilities, which created the Vampire race; as a result, we can suppress our blood thirst in our everyday form, and we are not a nocturnal race. Ma’am” (Private Lily)

“You are entirely correct; good job Private Lily. Now let's get started. You will pass this week's training when you can summon your wings in your everyday form and control your physical strengths in your Vampire form. Now start transforming.” (Sergeant Yami)

“Yes, Sergeant Yami.” (Lily)

After I responded to Yami, I started my transformation, I soon realized my point of view had gotten higher, and I was taller than Yami now; I also realized my chest has bigger. Mmm…what is this dry feeling? My throat feels dry, and I need something to drink. Hmm, I smell something sweet; where is this smell coming from? I want it…

“It’s okay; I know you must be thirsty here; come drink my blood, my Beloved.” (Yami)

As stated as such, she shows me the nape of her neck; I’m really thirsty, and I need to make sure not to drink too much of her blood.

“Don’t worry about holding back your thirst. Once Yami reaches her limit, you can drink mine, Darling.” (Lucy)

“Yeah, don’t. You can drink mine as well, Dear.”(Mana)

As my wonderful wives tell me as such, I bend down and sink my fangs into Yami’s beautiful neck; I hope this doesn’t scar.

“mmm…Do…Don’t worry about scaring me; when Vampires suck blood, their fangs bring out an aphrodisiac effect, so their blood servants don’t feel pain, and after they finish, they can lick the spot that was bitten, and it will heal. You can bite harder to get more blood, my Beloved” (Yami)

“Thank you, My Darling.” (Lily)

After I thank Yami, I sink my fangs even deeper into Yami’s neck. I can tell she is about to hit her limit, but my thirst hasn’t yet quenched.

“Aaah, I’m… my limit; I’m sorry, my Beloved.” (Yami)

“It’s okay; rest, for now, my Darling.” (Lily)

“Come here; you can drink my blood next, Darling; I know you are still thirsty.” (Lucy)

“Thank you, my Wifey. I will partake then.” (Lily)

After I thanked Lucy, I began drinking her blood as well; not very long later, she hit her limit, yet I was still thirsty.

“Rest for now, my Wifey.” (Lily)

“Here, Dear, you can drink my blood next. (Mana)

“Thank you, my Dear.” (Lily)

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After I thanked Mana, I began drinking her blood as well. Finally, after a short while, my thirst was quenched. Soon after Yami and my other wives recovered, I started my basic Vampire training. While training, I felt as if I could hear them discussing finding more people I can connect with and make them my blood servant/wife because they don’t think they and Rose will be enough to quench my thirst after my vampire powers are fully unleashed. I can worry about it later, I guess. The vampire training soon passed, and I learned how to summon my wings in my everyday form and control my enhanced physical abilities while in my Vampire form. We are now discussing what I will be training in next…

“Okay, Private Lily, good job with last week's training, this next week we will be training your swordsmanship; I have a friend from the knights here to be your training partner. However, before you start mock battle training, you will be doing the Knight's swordsmanship exercises for the first 3 days to get used to handling a sword. You will have to beat this Knight in a mock battle to pass this week's training. Katy does not go easy on Private Lily just because she is our Princess; this is for her to get stronger.” (Sergeant Yami)

“Very well, Yami, but are you sure you can control your overprotectiveness towards our Princess.” (Knight Katy)

“To be honest, I’m worried about that as well; I know how overprotective you can be, my Darling.” (Lily)

After the Knight, Katy and I said we could see Yami turning beat red, she is my Darling Tomato now.

“Th…that’s Sergeant Yami, to you, my…Belo…Private Lily. I will control my “overprotectiveness,” as you call it. Now get started.” (Sergeant Yami)

“Kehehe. Yes, Sergeant Yami.” (Private Lily)

Soon after I responded, we started my swordsmanship training; Yami tried her best to control her protectiveness over me, but as the week passed, she lost her control slowly each day, especially after I started my mock battle training with Katy. Which led to this…

“Congratulations, Private Lily, you did a great job in this week's training; you no longer have to do the mock battle test with Katy. You pass with flying colors.” (? Yami)

“No, I do not want to be given a free pass. I will partake in this test. I will not call you Sergeant Yami because I know you are pretending right now. Don’t worry; my body feels stronger than ever; I will be fine, so let me do this test, my Darling.” (Lily)

“Bu…but…” (Yami)

Yami was still trying to argue, so I had Lucy and Mana hold her back while I started my mock battle test with Katy. It was a tremendous and thrilling battle of swords; neither one of us held back, and as a result, I beat Katy. To which “Sergeant” Yami stated…

“Hahaha, I knew you could do it; I never doubted you for a second, Private Lily.” (Sergeant Yami)

“Yes, yes, whatever you say, my Darling. Katy, I would like to thank you for the fun battle and for helping me train this last week.” (Lily)

“Hahaha, it was my pleasure. Good luck in next week’s training, especially with this “Sergeant” over here, my Princess. (Katy)

“Hey!” (Yami)

“Hehe, thank you. Bye-bye for now.” (Lily)

Soon after Katy left, I talked to Yami about the coming week’s training; as I looked at her, I felt that if I were to look in a mirror, I could see a dark purple aura coming out of my body. I soon spoke to Yami and said…

“Now, “Ser~geant,” let’s discuss next week’s training while I think about your punishment for breaking your promise about being overprotective.” (Angry-Lily)

“Ve…very… well. Ahem…Private Lily, you will be training in hand-to-hand combat, and I have another Knight friend who specializes in this type of combat that will come and help train you. You will pass this week's training after beating said Knight in a mock battle. Like this last week, you will be doing the Knights' hand-to-hand combat training for the first 3 days and practicing mock battles until the last day, which will be the test. Understood?” (Sergeant Yami)

“Yes, Understood. Sergeant Yami.” (Private Lily)

“Now, head home; you still need to be punished, my Dar~ling.” (Angry-Lily)

“Ye…yes, my Beloved” (Scared Yami)

“You brought this on yourself, Yami. Don’t be too hard on her now, Darling.” (Lucy)

“Haaa, just thinking about Dear’s punishment when I made her angry gives me the shivers. She refused to hug or speak to me for a whole day.” (Mana)

“No…no, anything but that I can’t go without getting to speak and hug, my Beloved. (Yami)

“I will give you a choice then, my Darling. You can either receive the silent and no cuddle treatment, or you can be Mana’s practice cooking taster. Now, which will you choose?” (Lily)

“Ehhh, either way, I will die mentally since I can’t die physically. Hah…I will be Mana’s taste tester…” (Dejected-Yami)

“Hey! I will have you know my cooking has gotten better, okay.” (Mana)

After we had fun talking while heading home, the night soon passed but not before Yami was thoroughly punished, and Mana was telling the truth; her cooking has slightly better; Yami didn’t pass out until the second dish was given to her. The following weeks' training soon began, like the last week Yami’s overprotectiveness showed up again before the final test. Luckily I saw this coming and had Lucy and Mana drag her away. I once again had a fun and thrilling mock battle with the Knight, to which I won and successfully passed the final test. We are now discussing what the last week’s training will entail…

“Hah…I am quite angry right now, so please skip the congrats, and tell me what we will be doing in the last week of training, my Darling.” (Angry-Lily)

“Ye..yes…Ma’am. For the last week, you will put the skills you learned the previous 3 weeks together and have a mock battle against me; if you can beat me, you will pass the last week’s test. You will be doing your swordsmanship training in your vampire form for the first three days, and then you will be doing your martial art combat training in your vampire form the following three days until the last day, where you will have your final test against me.” (Sergeant Yami)

“Very well.” (Lily)

After I give “Sergeant” Yami an exasperated response, I turn to Lucy and Mana and say…

“Let’s head home, my Wifey, my Dear.”

“Yes, let’s, Darling.” (Lucy)

“poor…Yami… Sure, let’s be on our way, Dear.”

“Wait…don’t tell me…my Beloved, I’m sorry.” (Yami)

“Wifey, do you hear something? (Lily)

“Nooooo!” (Yami)

After thoroughly giving Yami the silent treatment that night, I made up with her and gave them a hug and a kiss in the morning before we started the final week’s training. The week passed just as fast as the rest, and I beat Yami, who was not overprotective this time, and passed the final test, thanks to being in my Vampire form. When it happened, we were complimenting each other and I was receiving congratulations from Lucy and Mana. When it happened…

A black and purple aura soon exploded out of me, and all the nightmares I had had up until now started resurfacing before my eyes…

“Aaahhhhhh!!!!!” (Lily)


Author: WeebWrites96

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