The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 10: Chapter 7: How the Vampire and Yami Became Wives (Lily and Yami’s Date Part 2)

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Hello, everyone. Yami here, currently Lily and I are at the Lake of Fenrir where we met for the first time as children 12 years ago, and it is also the place Lily saved me and I became Lily’s blood servant and our fates became one for eternity as wives. The author has asked to warn you readers that this will feature some dark themes in regards to mental instability, and slightly graphic content. You have been warned. Let’s start where I first met Lily…

My name is Yami, and I am currently celebrating our nations founding with my family at the Lake of Fenrir, I am 4 years old and this is first time I got to go and play at an event like this. I have to mind my manners though because the Royal family who my mothers work for are here as well. While I was playing by the Lake with some of the other girls, I saw a young girl with beautiful silver white hair, and deep blue eyes that shine like sapphire, get too close the lake and tripped and fell in.

“Aaagh….hel…help me”. (????)

“Hold on, I’m coming”! (Yami)

Before I realized it myself I was already running towards the lake and diving in. It was like it was on instinct that I need to save and protect this girl. I’m glad one of my mothers is a knight and decided to teach me how to swim at a young age. I have reached the girl and pulled her to land, all the adults are starting to gather around us, I need to check on her.

“Hey, hey, are you okay”? (Yami)

“Waagh…waagh…tahnk you, tahnk you, for…hic…saving me”. (????)

“It’s ok, it’s ok, just calm down for now. What’s your name”? (Yami)

I ask the young girl that as I am hugging her and patting her head to calm her down. However before I get an answer, I see two beautiful women who if I remember correctly are the Queens of our county, Queen Charlotte Vamper and Queen Daisy Vampar, running towards us along with my mothers. I wonder who this little girl is?

“Lily”! (Queen Charlotte)

“Are you okay, sweetie”? (Queen Daisy)

“Mama, Mommy”! (Lily)

So this girl was Lily the first Princess of the Vamper Kingdom, I confirm to myself as my mother’s come running to me, to check on me.

“Yami, are you okay? (Yami’s Mother Chole)

“I’m fine, momma”. (Yami)

“Good grief, I’m glad you were able to save the Princess, but why did jump into lake yourself, instead of hollering for an adult”? (Yami’s Mother Kim)

“I’m sorry, mommy, I don’t know what came over me, my body moved on instincts like it knew it was my duty to protect and save the princess”. (Yami)

“Now, I understand, Yami. There is something you need to know about your bloodline on my side of the family. We have a rare trait in that when we sense and see the person we are fated to be with in danger our bodies will move on its own on instinct to save and protect them whether we knew that person beforehand or not. For me that person was your mother Chloe, and for you it’s seems to be the Princess. I’m quite surprised out family trait came out quite early for considering your age don’t tell anyone for now okay, I need speak to Her Majesties first”. (Kim)

“Okay, I won’t tell anyone mommy, until you say it’s okay to. Can Momma train me so train me more so I can become stronger and be able to protect myself and the Princess when I get older”? (Yami)

“My, my, my little girl is already enthusiastic to train, while thinking about the future. I are so mature for your age Yami. I wish you would stay my little girl a little longer. Very well, its better if you know how to defend yourself and others at an early age”. (Chloe)

As I was talking with my mommy, the Queens and Princess Lily who is being carried in one of their arms, start approaching us. Immediately after my mothers saw them they bowed to one knee and had me due the same.

“Please lift your heads and stand, Prime Minister Chloe, Knight Commander Kim. You raised your head and stand as well, young Yami, you are our dear daughter’s savior. Truly, thank you for saving Lily”. (Queen Charlotte)

“Yes, thank you truly sweetie. I believe Lily has something she wishes to tell you and ask as well. Go on, and talk to Yami, honey”. (Queen Daisy)

While I’m still trying to come back from being the Queens bowing their heads and thanking me, Princess Lily starts toddling over to me.

“Ummmh, Yami, thank you for saving me. Are you okay, did you hurt yourself anywhere”? (Lily)

She’s too cute to be worrying about me when she was the one in danger.

“I’m fine, Princess. I glad you are feeling better”. (Yami)

“I don’t get to play with kids my age due to me being a princess, and I don’t fully understand this feeling because I’m still young, but I feel like it’s fate that we met like this. So…Ya…Yami can we be friends”? (Lily)

Wow, I can’t believe it, I know it was fate due to my family trait, but the princess felt it as well. I’m so happy. Ah, I need to answer her.

“Of course, Princess. I would love to be your friend”? (Yami)

“Mao…if we’re friends won’t you call by name”? (Lily)

“Huh…very well, Li…Lily”.(Yami)

“Yaaatta! Thank you. You are so cute, Yami”. (Lily)

Lily, excitedly thanks me, before hugging me calling me cute. She is so pure, I need to be make to always protect her smile.

Hello once again everyone, present Yami here, that was how Lily and I met and became friends, and it was the day I vowed to protect her smile. We are going to back in time again to 2 and half years ago which was after Lily saved Lucy and became frail and sick due to awaking her vampire powers too early. It’s was a dark time for me because I was constantly blaming Lucy for putting Lily in danger and blaming myself for not protecting her. It got the point where I was avoiding them altogether until I heard that someone had infiltrated the castle and kidnapped Lily…

“Why did Lily pick her to become her first blood servant and wife, I have always been by her side these last 9 years. No, no its not her fault. It’s my fault for never confessing my feelings, and avoiding her and that girl the last few months. It’s all that girls Lucy’s fault that Lily is so sick and frail. She’s the reason Lily is having those nightmares and crying to herself at night. It’s my fault as well I was so pre-occupied with I didn’t realize Lily didn’t get back from visiting Lucy at the scheduled time that day, if I did maybe I could have protected her”. (Yami)

“Yami! The prin…cess, the Princess has been kidnapped”! (????)

As look for up from I daze, I realize Lucy is hollering to me that Lily has kidnapped.

“What, how, when, where was she they last seen”? (Yami)

Damn it, is it going to happen again, is Lily going to get hurt again. Hey body is to frail and weak right now, I know she can’t die but it will take a while for body to naturally heal. Instead of getting wrapped in my own head, I should have talked to Lily and stayed by her so this wouldn’t have happened. I can’t blame myself later. I need to hurry to the princess.

“The princess has been kidnapped, a human male was able to infiltrate the castle. It was 15 minutes ago, the scouts that were following say that they are at lake near the castle”. (Lucy)

“Ok, Lucy, come with me I know you have been training these last 6 months, so I might need your help. Now let’s hurry”! (Yami)

Lucy and I ran nonstop and finally reached to where Lily was, I hope she’s not hurt too badly. While I was praying to myself I could overhear a commotion where Lily is.

“You little bitch! Do what I tell you, and get out of my way”! (Kidnapper)

“No, I won’t allow you harm these girls”! (????)

“I wonder if you will be so brave if I scar your face Miss. Princess”. (Kidnapper)

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When I go to look at what is happening I can see Lily standing in between some girls around my age and the kidnapper. Shit, he has silver knife.

“Get the hell away from her”! (Yami)

My body moved on instincts again, I have already left where Lucy was, got in between the kidnapper and Lily as he was swinging down his knife made with silver.

“Gahh, it burns”! (Yami)

“Yami! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry it’s all my fault. I’m so pathetic, I’m always putting the people I love in danger due to being so weak”. (Lily)

“Hehehe, so…sorry for laughing Lily, I was just happy to hear you say you loved me as well. Goddess, it’s ironic isn’t it I finally get to hear they words I have always wanted to hear these last 9 years”. (Yami)

As I say as such while being held in Lily’s arms, I look up at her and feels as she is having a conversation with someone inside her head and then all of a sudden she asks when Lucy reaches us…

“Lucy, I’m sorry, but I really want to save Yami, she is my childhood friend and has always been by my side these last 9 years. Are you okay with me taking another, wife/blood servant? I believe it was fate that you became my blood servant first because now I am able to make Yami who is a vampire my blood servant as well, which would normally be impossible”. (Lily)

“Of course it’s okay, Princess, I believe it is fate as well”. (Lucy)

“Huh, what’s happening, Lily? Are going to do what you did with Lucy that day? If there is a way to save me and for us to always be together forever, I will be happy, wouldn’t ever regret getting to be by your along with Lucy”. (Yami)

“Ok, this might sting for a minute, Yami, but you will feel a lot better soon”. (Lily)

 Lily states as such before biting my neck, I feel a momentary stinging sensation and then warmth feeling my whole body. My would are already healing. What is this? I go to look at Lily to ask, but it’s no longer the Lily I know. The Lily that is currently before is slightly taller with a bigger chest and red crimson eyes that shine like rubies. She no longer has the aura of a fluffy cute princess, she has the aura of a Vampire Empress.

“Ara, Ara, I came out again a lot sooner than I thought I would, but that might be for the best since it seems my other self was able to get another wife/blood servant which will help strengthen her body”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

Does that mean is our Lily continues to get more wives/blood servants she can become healthy again?

“Who are you bitch? Where did that little Princess go, I still need to cut her”? (Kidnapper)

“Who are you calling a bitch, you disgusting piece of garbage. How dear you try to harm my other self and her loved ones. You need to experience excruciating pain”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

After she says that to the kidnapper, Vampire Empress Lily, turns looks at Lucy, myself, and the other girls that where kidnapped and says…

“I’m going to need you girls to cover your eyes for a few minutes okay”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

 As she is tells us to do so, a dark black haze is starts to encircle our surroundings and thousands crimson red eyes both in the air and on the ground start shining in the black haze. After we all closed our eyes I hear the Empress say…

“Now that these girls can’t what’s going to happen to you piece of trash, it’s time for your punishment, tear his fingers, toes, limbs, and flesh to pieces, my pets”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

“No…nooooo….have mercy pleaassse… huurrrtsss….aaaaggghhhh”! (Kidnapper)

After what felt eternity the kidnappers screams have finally stopped, when I open my eyes I can see the Empress hugging me and telling me….

“Yami, listen to me okay I don’t have much time before I pass out and go back to my other self. I have suppressed punishment that I performed on that kidnapper deep into my other self’s memories, however they will come back as nightmares at times especially the next few days while she has fever from awakening me again, she is going to need both yours and Lucy’s help to get better because you are both her wife and blood servant. One more thing, can you reaffirm your promise to protect my other self’s smile forever”? (Vampire Empress Lily)

“Yes, I promise to forever protect her smile, My Empress”.

“Good, it’s time for me go I’m sure we will see each other again. Good night Yami. Lucy will explain what to do next”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

The Empress Lily states as such while giving me a light kiss, before sliding down into my lap while shrinking back into her fluffy cute princess Lily form smiling.

I pick Lily up in a princess carry, and start walking with Lucy to the castle, when I hear Lily mumble in a sweet angelic voice…

“Thank for always protecting me, I love you, Yami”. (Lily)

“Forever and always, I love you to, My Princess”. (Yami)


Yo, present Yami here, what did you think about Lily’s and my relationship origin story? What you’re wondering how all three of us got along after I became Lily’s wife as well? That’s a story for another time, it is now time to go….

Back to the Present

Lily and I are currently playing in the water, before I walk up to her and hold her tight and say…

“Lily, I want to reaffirm my promise once again”. (Yami)

“O..okies”. (Lily)

“Lily, I promise from henceforth and for all eternity I will protect your smile no matter what happens. So please continue to be as happy and smile as much as you can, because that version of you is the one I love the most”. (Yami)

“I want you to always smile as well Yami. I love you so much”! (Lily)

Lily says as such before hugging me tightly and kissing me, after we separated our lips she looked up at me with a bright smile and says…

“Now, you kiss me Yami”. (Lily)

I give her a bright smile back and answer...

“Yes, My Princess”. (Yami)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Wow, over 2,500 words for this chapter. I got into a roll, I personally feel as though Yami has became one of my characters so far while writing this chapter, and I truly enjoyed writing about their relationship. I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, I will post a another extra fluff .5 chapter in between this chapter and the next date chapter. Once again, thank you everyone for your continued support and see you next time. Sorry Lily and Yami didn’t say anything this time they are having cuddle time before Lily’s date with Mana.

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