The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 13: Chapter 9: Don’t hide your pain behind a smile! (The Vampire and Mana’s Date Part 2)

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Hello, hello everyone, its Mana here. I am currently walking to the diner, with Lily is still sleeping in my arms. I wouldn’t have ever believed you a year ago if you said that I would eventually be one of the Princess’s wives and blood servants, and even more importantly that this adorable princess would be my reason for living. Let’s take a trip down memory lane where it all began…

1 Year Ago

Hi, everyone my name is Mana I am 14, and I have recently graduated from Vamper Academy, at the top of class in both academic and magic arts. Many have called me a genius due to graduating early as well, while others have judged and ridiculed me because I am cat demi-human who is unique compared to other members of my race, due to have high magical capabilities and high intelligence. The other members of my race can be described as muscle brains, all they care for is physical strength which is the one place I am lacking compared to them. I couldn’t care less what anyone says about me, I have put in the work to get to where I am today for one purpose and one purpose only so that I can make enough money to pay for my beloved mother’s medicine and support her. I put on a bubbly and happy personality act when interacting with others so I don’t worry my mother, and so it won’t hinder me from getting jobs, because face it who wants to be around someone who is always in a gloomy mode. Anyways sorry for rambling, I am currently headed to the adventures guild to find my next job when two young girls who seemed to be around my age approached me, the first girl was a elf and had unique long white hair, and beautiful green eyes that shined like emeralds. Whereas the second girl was a short and petite vampire with unique long jet black hair and pretty deep gray eyes that shined like silver.

“Excuse me, Madam. Could perhaps be Mana the Neko Witch, who recently graduated from Vamper academy”? (Second Girl)

Time to put on the act again, I guess. Could be a potential job. I hate interacting with people.

“Yes, that’s me, though I didn’t know a I had such a title, hahaha that’s quite funny. So, how may I help you”? (Mana)

“See I told you it was her, Yami”. (First Girl)

So the first girl’s name is Yami huh, I feel like I heard her name before a about a year and half ago when the Queen’s made some sort of announcement about the Princess. I wonder who the other girl could be.

“I know Lucy, but it is best to make sure first, we don’t want to put you-know-who at risk, by making a mistake, right”? (Yami)

Wait, she just called the first girl Lucy…and they were mentioning someone without saying their name…it can’t be them…can…it?

“Maoo…your as overprotective as always, but I know your right, sorry Yami”. (Lucy)

“Aaahhh! Are you two, the first and second wife of the First Princess of Vamper Kingdom. Princess Lily!? What could you possibly need from someone such as I”? (Mana)

Crap, I’m starting to get nervous, I’m really bad with people in a higher position than myself.

“My, my, quiet down a little please, fufufu”. (Lucy)

“So..sorry”. (Mana)

Gah I hollered that out loud, there was probably a reason why they were trying to be inconspicuous.

“It’s okay, and I’m sorry as well we haven’t officially introduced ourselves, I am the second wife and personal bodyguard of Princess Lily, and my name is Yami”. (Yami)

“Nice to meet you”. (Mana)

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss. Mana. I am the first wife and personal attendant of Princess Lily, and my name is Lucy”. (Lucy)

Yami seems to be quite mature for her age, whereas I can’t get a read on Lucy’s personality at all. Let’s see if we can get to the point as to why they approached me.

“My, my I’m sure your ready for us to get to the point as to why we called out to you, right”? (Lucy)

Wait can this girl possibly read my thoughts…I need to be careful around her…

“Fufufu”. (Lucy)

She’s scary…

“Now, now quit teasing the poor girl, your even giving me the creeps, Lucy. Sorry about that Miss. Mana, to get to the point we would like hire you, or more specifically the Queens, Queen Charlotte and Queen Daisy would like to hire you as a academic and magical theory tutor for the Princess, they don’t want her learning how to use magic just yet even though she does compatibility with it because her body is quite frail, so please keep that in mind”. (Yami)

This would be great job, but before I give an answer I need to know how long I will be hired for and how much I will be paid.

“Fufufu, your wonder how long the job will be, and how much you get paid correct”? (Lucy)


“No need to worry about that, the Queen’s have authorized us, judge how much you should be paid, so with that said, I believe 10 gold a month for 6 months which will be the length of your starting contract, and if you do a good job and the Princess likes you, you will be given a bonus of 40 gold at the end of the contract for a total of 100 gold at the end of the contract. If you do a great job, we will discuss a second contract at a higher pay rate after the first contract ends. Is that okay with you, Yami”? (Lucy)

Te…ten gold a month for 6 months, with a bonus of 40 gold at the end, I will be able to buy my mother’s medicine without scraping by each month, and I can also save the excess to buy a better place for us to live. Thank you, Goddess. I will have to do my best to make sure that the Princess likes me…

“That’s fine with me, whatever you think is best your financial wiz of our little group, I trust your judgement, Lucy. So what do you say, Miss. Mana, do you want the job”? (Yami)

“Yes, of course I will happily take the job, when should I start”? (Mana)

“Great, please report to castle at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning, you will get your first payment then”. (Yami)

“I will be there, thank you, thank you so much”! (Mana)

“Fufufu, No problem, Miss. Mana. Yami we better hurry and leave otherwise the Princess will panic if she wakes up without us there. Bye-bye Miss. Mana, see you tomorrow”. (Lucy)

“Oh shoot, your right we need to hurry. Thank for you for your time and accepting the job, see you tomorrow Miss. Mana”.  (Yami)

“Bye-bye! See you tomorrow”! (Mana)

Wait did I just say bye-bye, and what is feeling inside my heart… It doesn’t matter right now, I need to hurry home and report what happened to my beloved mother.

I ran all the way home afterwards, until got I inside the house where I slowly and quietly went to my mother’s room in case she was resting. You are probably what happened to make my mother sick, and why I am working so hard to take care of her. Well, first I am a quarter cat demi-human and three-fourths human, my other parent was a human male which quite rare in world where the population is pre-dominantly female. When I was young child around 3-4 years old, my mother would protect me from my drunken bastard of a father, she would get beaten and hit over and over, but she never blamed me or looked at me with contempt, instead she would shower me with love after, and than one day after a couple years of this happening, I was 5-6 years old, and I went out and played with some of the other kids, and when I got home I noticed my beloved mother laying in the floor convulsing, and the same was happening with my father as well he had what appeared to be a poison vial in his hands, I ran to my mother, and while holding her head I began crying and praying to the Goddess to give me the power to help my mother…

“Momma…mommy…Goddess I don’t know if you can hear me but please, please give me the power to save my mother”!

That was when I felt a strange warmth overflowing in my body, and then the method to use healing magic appeared in my mind. I immediately started healing my mother…

“Huh…huh…please work”. (Mana)

That was when my mother finally stopped convulsing and her breadth became steady.

“Thank Goddess. She’s stable now I can find a doctor to find out what to do next and if she needs medicine. As for that piece of shit father, I’m not wasting my magic he is better off dead than alive. I will start looking for a doctor for my mother”. (Mana)

After I found a doctor, and had the trash taken out, I found out that my mother was really ill due to the poison, and that it will require a somewhat expensive medicine to keep her alive until a cure can be made. Afterwards the doctor recommended me to several different to people so that I could do odd jobs to earn money for the medicine. She also told me that I could make even more money if graduate for Vamper Academy, she said I should study really hard and practice my magic and when it is time she will recommend me for a scholarship to the academy.

That is how I got here and what happened to my mother, I later found out, that bastard of a father was trying to poison my snack my mother made for me when I a got home, she fought him in order to protect me and because of that he poured the poison down her throat and then drunk it himself so that he wouldn’t go to prison for killing her.

I reported to my beloved about my new job, and how I will be starting early tomorrow, before leaving the room so she could rest.

“I need to go to bed early, so I can be on time tomorrow. I can’t wait, I will do my best, just you wait Princess”! (Mana)

The night soon passed, and I am currently standing at the castle gates waiting to be shown to where the Princess is.

“Good morning, Miss. Mana, please follow me to the Princess’s chambers”. (Yami)

“Please feel free to call me Mana, and Good morning to you as well Miss. Yami”. (Mana)

“Very well, Mana, but that if that is the case please call me Yami as well, same can be said about Lucy, and especially the Lily, she was really excited to meet you after we told her last night, she said can’t wait to be you student and friend. So please when you meet her, call her by her name, the smile you will receive will make your whole day great”. (Yami)

What does she mean it will make my day, by seeing her smile, now I’m curious so I guess I will do as Yami said.

“Ve..very well, I will as you say, Yami. May I ask what is the Pr…ahemm..what is Lily like, and why are we meeting in her bed chambers”? (Mana)

“Hahaha, good job, for what Lily is like…where should I begin? Well first, she is incredibly pure, and innocent, secondly she is a very cute girl that brings out you protective instincts she could be compared to a pure Goddess who’s followers choose to protect at costs by their own free will. However there is a another side of Lily that shows up in times of a emergency, I can’t go into much detail but that version of Lily could be compared to a Goddess who rules all. As for the reason we are meating in Lily’s bed chambers is because that is where she will be studying due to her not being able to move a very much due to her body being weak and frail, plus she had a very rough night, last night and Lucy is currently trying to wake her. It is better to show and then explain rather than trying to explain it by itself”. (Yami)

Now I’m really curious about the Princess, as gloomy as I am I due secretly adore anything that is cute. However, I am a little scared about ever meeting the other version of the Princess that version sounds less like a Vampire Princess, and more like a Vampire Empress. I wonder what she means by showing me and than explaining it, rather than telling me now? As I was asking myself about what she meant, we had reached the princess’s bed chambers.

“Knock…knock..Lucy, Mana and I are coming in…”. (Yami)

“Welcome back, Yami. Good morning, Mana. I’m sorry the Princess has woken up yet, please don’t think poorly of her for this she had a very rough night last night, and she was so excited about meeting you to”. (Lucy)

From what I have been told so far, and from what I can understand, I wouldn’t think poorly of the Princess because of this. As I was thinking to myself, I went and looked at the sleeping princess who is currently having her head patted by Lucy. Wait…is she crying…is she okay…I need to let them know and ask…

“Lucy, Yami, the Princess is crying, is…is she okay”? (Mana)

“Shoot, Mana, I’m sorry, I know this is rude to do in front of others put please understand”. (Yami)

Yami says as such before hurrying to the Princess’s side and giving her a light kiss. Wait, why a kiss…it looks as though as her crying has calmed a little but, she’s still crying pretty hard…

“Damn it, she will go into panic if she wakes up like this, hurry Lucy you do It to”. (Yami)

“Yes, of course. I hope this helps ease your tears, My Princess”. (Lucy)

Lucy says as such to Yami and the Princess before giving the princess a light and slightly longer kiss. Oh, it seems as though the Princess has fully stopped crying, I need to hurry and ask before the Princess wakes up.

“Thank Goddess. That seemed to work, she should be waking up soon”. (Yami)

“Ummh..Yami, Lucy, may I ask what that was about? I figured I should ask now before the princess wakes up”. (Mana)

“Very well, I suppose Yami was right, it better that you have seen this sooner rather than later, I just wish our princess didn’t have to be in pain and crying in order to show you…”. (Lucy)

“I know, I hate it as well Lucy, I want to see our Princess smiling not in tears. I know this is hard for you to talk about, I will explain everything to Mana, so can you please go be by the Princess’s side in case she wakes up before I finish explain”. (Yami)

“Very well, …thank you…Yami”. (Lucy)

After Yami and Lucy’s conversation finished, Yami brought me to the study area which is a outside my patio area linked to the princess’s room. She went on to explain everything to me, from how the Princess saved Lucy, and Yami and Lucy and Yami’s first meeting with Lily’s other self and the punishment that her other self-delivered to that men that she saved them from. She told me about how the princess has being saying she has been prophetic like dreams about the future but she can’t remember the details after she wakes up. She also explained to me to about why the Princess’s body is so frail and weak, and most importantly about why when the Princess starts crying in her sleep when she is taking nap during her study break to immediately call for one of them if we are alone at that time. After seeing Yami start crying while explaining and hearing all this information myself, I found myself crying as well. Why…why am I crying, I haven’t cried in years because I had to be tough to take care of my mother. So why after hearing all this why am I crying about the princess… After we got ourselves back together and dried our faces we headed back into the Princess’s room, where we found the Princess sitting in Lucy’s lap eating pudding, before she turned and looked at me.

“….” (Mana)

Oh my Goddess, what is the cute and precious little creature, she is so pure, happily enjoying her pudding. Just seeing this sight makes me want to protect her forever. Is this what Yami meant earlier? I have to find out I will defiantly call her Lily after our introductions I want to see that smile. What is going on with me, I haven’t ever once cared about stuff such as this so why now and why the princess…

“Ahh..You’re here, yataa! Nice to meet you, Mana, thank you for taking the job to tutor me, and I hope we can be friends as well”. (Lily)

“Likewise it is a pleasure to meet you as well, it is honor to be your tutor, and I would love to be your friend, Lily”. (Mana)

As soon as Lily heard me call her by her name, and said I would love to be her friend, I received the most beautiful and brightest smile I have ever seen, it truly felt as if my heart stopped for a few seconds and my whole world got more colorful and brighter. Is this what they call love at first sight? No, I need to focus on my job of tutoring her, it’s all for the sake of my beloved mother.

“Yaayy, did you hear that Lucy, Yami! Mana, called me by name without me having to ask! Mana, thank you, I’m ready to learn. I’ve been bored being stuck in this bed chamber with nothing to do I have already most of the books in the castle. So let’s get started, can we study on patio today”? (Lily(

“Wow, I’m glad you are excited to learn, with a thirst for knowledge like that I can tell it is going to be quite fun to tutor you. I wouldn’t mind tutoring on the patio today, is that okay with you two Lucy, Yami”? (Mana)

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This is the first time I have seen someone with the same thirst for knowledge as I, I’m starting to get excited.

“Very well, that will be fine, but I know this will embarrass you, but I will carry you, my princess”. (Lucy)

“Bu..but…”. (Lily)

“Do as your told this time Lily, you are still running a light fever from last nigh”. (Yami)

“Maoo…very well…but it’s not like I’m happy about it”. (Lily)

When Lily said as such I could see a slight smile on her face after being picked up in a princess by Lucy.

“Hahahaha”! (Mana)

Oh no I laughed out loud, I haven’t genuinely laughed in so long I forgot how to hold it in. I hope their not mad and think I was laughing at the Princess…

“Ehehehe, look Lucy, Yami, Mana’s laughing see others laugh makes me happy”. (Lily)

She is such a sweet and pure girl. We started our study session after getting to the patio, the first study session was a lot of fun, and Lily seems to be able to memorize what she learns after hearing it or reading it once. Before, I realized it 3 months had already passed, and we finished the academic part of the study sessions, during those three months I noticed I started to genuinely smile and laugh a lot more when it is just me and Lily together. After we finished the academic part of the study sessions, we advanced and moved onto magical theory and formations. During that time, 2 more months has already passed, I have been Lily’s friend and tutor for 5 months now and we have become quite close, I found myself talking about Lily all the time when reporting to my beloved mother about how my days where going, and during those months I have even tolled Lily about my mother and how she is sick, Lily cried for me, and had Lucy to go with me when I went home to see if she could help apparently Lucy is really good with healing magic, however it didn’t help. My mother’s condition has started to get worse here recently and after I told Lily as such, she had us strictly study different healing magic formations and theories, some of which I couldn’t fully understand myself but Lily was able to comprehend and understand them, we continued study healing magic until another month had passed and it was the last study session on the contract, and we was able to make a break through, however the only person who is able to it to its fullest capabilities is Lily due to her high magic compatibility. That was when that event happened, all I could think about was testing that magic to see if it truly worked, I forgot about why Lily hasn’t been allowed to use magic yet these last 6 months, and that she didn’t know why she wasn’t allowed to either.

“Great job, figuring this out Lily”! (Mana)

“Ehehehe, it’s just to bad that it appears I am a the only one that can use it right now”. (Lily)

“True, but now that I think about it didn’t we study a magical theory that stated if someone were to use magic on someone else, as long that person survived, they would gain the knowledge to use said magic as long as they had the same affinity and compatibility with said magic. The same can be said with healing magic as long as It can heal the wound, the person that was healed will be able to use the magic as well. So Lily I have a very important favor to ask from you as a friend will you use this new magic you figured out on me, I have affinity and compatibility with healing magic, so I should be able to use it after as well, I might be able to save my mother, please, Lily”? (Mana)

After I ask Lily as such, before she could and I even realized what I was doing, I had already took out my knife and cut my arm.

“Wha…what are you doing, Mana!? I have no choice now, I was planning on saying yes anyways, but their was a better way to go about this. Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”. (Lily)

Lily stated as such to me, in slightly irritated tone before performing the magical chant…

“It worked, it really worked, I am also able to understand how to use it now as well, thank you Lily”! (Mana)

“….” (Lily)

“Lily, I said it worked, now I’ll be able to heal my mother, isn’t that great”? (Mana)

“….” (Lily)

“Lily, why aren’t you saying anything”? (Mana)

“….” (Lily)

As I calmed down from my excitement, I turned around to look a Lily, when I noticed she collapsed, and when I reached down to pick her up, her whole body was hot like it was on fire.

“Shit, what have I done, I need to get her to Yami or Lucy. I’m sorry Lily, I’m so sorry. All for my selfish reasons I put you in danger”. (Mana)

I need to hurry, as I running with Lily in my arms, I finally reached Yami and Lucy.

“Yami, Lucy! The princess collapsed, and she feels like her body is on fire. It’s my fault, I’m so sorry, Lily”. (Mana)

“You can explain what happened, and apologize later, now hand the Princess to me, you can go ahead and head home now, I am sure you have something you need to do there, judging from this situation”. (Lucy)

“We need to get Lily into bed and get the royal physician, let’s go Lucy. Go home for now, Mana”. (Yami)

The both told me to go ahead and go home, it is scary how Lucy can read into every situation, but it’s true I can’t argue with either one of them and I don’t right be by Lily’s bedside because I am the one that caused this situation. I need to hurry home, other wise, putting my relationship with Lily at risk, and unintentionally causing her this pain would have been pointless. After seeing them two run off with Lily, I started running home as fast as I can, I hope I’m not to late, my mother was in really bad shape this morning. Once I reached my house, I ran into my mother’s room, but when I got in there, I noticed my mother was no longer breathing…

“Am I…am I too late? No! No! Maybe not if it hasn’t been to long that spell will still work”! (Mana)

I yell as such to myself before reciting the chant…

“Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”! (Mana)

“Damn it! She’s still not breathing. I won’t give up I will keep going until I run out of mana or she starts breathing again. I won’t let myself putting Lily’s health at risk be in vain”! (Mana)\

I state as such before reciting the magic chant again…

“Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”! (Mana)

“Still not working”! (Mana)

I started reciting the chant again…

“Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”! (Mana)

And again…

“Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”! (Mana)

And again…

“Oh Dearest Goddess, bless the body with life and give it better health, Rejuvenation”! (Mana)

I kept reciting the magic chant, over and over again, until I collapsed and was barely able to speak.

Damn it, because of me my mother lost her life. She was trying to protect me from that bastard, and got poisoned herself, it’s my fault. Because of my selfishness I put Lily’s health at risk, and it was all in vain, because I was to late anyways. It’s all my fault, I don’t deserve to be in this world anymore. I don’t want to hurt anyone else again…I grabbed my knife from my side, and slit my wrists before saying to myself…

“I’m sorry Goddess, forgive me. I’m sorry for hurting you Lily, I truly enjoyed our time together and I know now that I truly feel in fell in love with you, but its too late what I done was unforgivable. Goodbye, My Princess”. (Mana)

“Mana! Nooo! It’s not to late! Hah…hah..what you did can be forgiven, please don’t give up on life. If you need a reason to live in this world than I will be that reason. But for this love of Goddess, don’t say you love me after trying to kill yourself. Don’t hide your pain with a smile”! (Lily)

“Li…Lily! You shouldn’t be up and running with your fever”. (Mana)

“Damn it, Mana, if you where truly worried about me you wouldn’t have attempted to do this, why do you think I’m here, my other self gave me a vision of you doing this while I was passed out, and I woke up I noticed you wasn’t in the castle and rushed over here as fast as I could”. (Lily)

“Why would you go to such lengths, when I was selfish and hurt you”? (Mana)

“Why? Why you ask, it’s because I love you dummy! Everyone makes mistakes nobody is perfect and if they say they are, they are lying. Now answer me, do you really want to die here, is that really what your beloved mother would want”? (Lily)

“No, this is not what my beloved mother would want, and no I don’t want to die like this”! (Mana)

“Then do you promise you will accept me as your new reason to live life happily and healthy, do you promise that you really love me like I love you, and that you won’t ever regret being by my side for all eternity”? (Lily)

“I promise I will accept you, I promise I love you more than anything, and I promise I won’t ever regret being by your side for all eternity”! (Mana)

“Good, this might sting a bit but I promise you will feel better soon. Fair warning, you might get a very stern talking to from my other self, she is quite pissed at you”. (Lily)

Huh..what do you me…”? (Mana)

However, before I could finish my question I felt a momentary stinging sensation, before a flood of warmth covered my whole body, and my self inflicted wounds started healing. As I turned to ask Lily what happened I noticed it was longer the Lily I knew standing there, it was the Vampire Empress Lily that Yami told me about.

“Good to see you again, My Empress”. (Yami)

“It’s good to see you, though I wish it was under different circumstances, My Empress”. (Lucy)

“wh..who..are…yo…”? (Mana)


Before I could finish my question, she slapped me, before saying…

“Damn It! Why would you do that to yourself, why would you show that to Lily!? Do you know how much mental anguish you put her through seeing you like this? You better take responsibility when she comes to. I have something I need to tell all three of you girls, but you have to promise not to tell Lily yet, she has woken those memories yet, I believe that will woken within her the morning of her 15th birthday, that is when she need to starts classes at the academy, you three will need to personally train her. She has gotten a third wife/blood servant so her body will much stronger now after a the first a couple weeks of bed rest. Mana you will train her in magic and magic control. Yami you will train her in how to use basic vampire abilities after training her In sword and martial combat arts. Lucy you will train her in bow combat arts, and academic knowledge that wasn’t taught by Mana, such as economics, kingdom policies, and racial characteristics and history. You girls will have to be tough while training Lily, she only has three months after her 15th birthday to master all of these things. Three months is minimum a student a has to attend before they are aloud to graduate early. Make sure to accomplish this before then, something will happen that will require Lily to have control over her Vampire powers herself, which requires her to strengthen her body and other powers first. Do not go easy on her during training, however make sure to spread it out correctly for at least the first few weeks, because even though her body has become stronger, she will still be quite frail until she builds up her stamina and gains more control over her powers. Another thing I should say and reveal, Lily’s soul was not originally from this world, she died in her previous world after saving a young child, the Goddess of Creation Aria, watch Lily in her previous life and when she died, brought Lily’s soul to this world to be reborn, Lily gave up her memories of her previous life before she was reborn because she wanted a fresh start, and those memories where quite traumatizing and terrible in their own right. Please, don’t call me empress, Lily is your girl’s princess, wife, and empress. The Goddess created me with a piece of her memoires about Lily and her previous world’s self in order to protect Lily and help control her vampire powers, until the time came for her to control them herself. To be honest, my race isn’t even a vampire, you could call my race if I had a physical body a hybrid of a vampire and succubus, I don’t feed on lust or blood, but rather dreams and fearful memories. I have also fallen in love with Lily, and I want to protect her as well, that’s why promise me you girls will do as I say and train Lily to master and control her powers within three months after her 15th birthday.That will be when the next blood moon will appear, during that time we may beable to ask the Goddess and work together to have a physical body made for and transfer my consciousness to said body. If Lily dosen’t have control by then my consciousness will fade to nothingness and Lily go berserk unable to control her powers”. (????)

“We understand, we promise to train Lily”. (Lucy, Yami, Mana)

“What should we call you next time we meet”? (Mana)

“You can call me Rose from now on, now it’s time for me to go goodbye for now girls”. (Rose)

Rose stated as before laying in my arms and shrinking back to fluffy princess Lily mode. I pick Lily up and in a princess carry and start walking to the castle with Lucy and Yami, before I hear Lily mumble in her sleep with a soft angelic voice…

“I love you, Mana. Don’t hide your pain, with a smile”. (Lily)

My response was,,,

“I promise I won’t ever hide my true feelings to you again. I love you too, My Princess”. (Mana)

Hello, hello everyone, present day Mana here, what did you guys think about Lily and my relationship origin story? What you want to know how I got along with Yami and Lucy as fellow wives of Lily’s, and my punishment from Lily for doing what I did? That is a story for another time, because it is time to go,,,

Back to the present

Lily and I had just finished eating and we are headed back to castle, so Lily can rest a little more before her birthday ball the Queen’s put together for her tonight. What is Lily doing, she fell asleep in my arms again. As we where walking back I heard the Lily mumble…

“Thank you for living for me, I love you, Mana”. (Lily)

“Thank you for teaching me not to hide my pain, with a smile. I love you too, Lily”.

Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Wow over 5800 words and 5 straight hours of nonstop writing later, this chapter has came to an end. I am sorry for it being so long, but I got started and ran with what my heart was telling me to write. I have personal experience with mental health issues such as Schizophrenia like what Lily’s previous life had, and depression like Mana has. So this chapter a had a very special feeling for me. I hope everyone enjoyed it, and I want to thank everyone for their continued support, have a great day and see you next time.

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