The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 22: Chapter 15: Da~te, Da~te, it’s time for a Da~te With Iris

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Hi, hi, everyone, it's your favorite cuddly, fluffy Vampire Princess, Lily, here. Iris has gotten her physical body, and we are going on our first date; she said there is a surprise that we also need to discuss. She is so excited she is pulling my hand and saying…

“Let’s go, let’s go. It is time for our first date of many, my Love.” (Iris)

“Okies, okies, Honey, where would you like to go first?” (Lily)

“Hehehe, you called me Honey… I would like to go to that sweet shop you enjoy, my Love. I haven’t ever got to enjoy and try sweets; Gods and Goddesses don’t need food because we use spiritual bodies when we need a physical appearance.” (Iris)

“That sounds horrible; I’m sorry, Honey. We can defiantly go there, and you can order whatever and however much you want. Sweets is life for a girl.” (Lily)

“Well, well, now I’m excited. However, I will only eat a little because I want to try other foods and drinks, my Love.” (Iris)

“Okies, we’ll see, Honey. You will learn that girls have a second stomach when it comes to sweets. Can we discuss that topic you told me about while we eat?” (Lily)

“Of course, my Love, that sounds fine with me.” (Iris)

While Iris and I were holding hands and walking to the sweets shop, I saw a little girl who seemed to be around 5 years old and looked slightly panicked, and I felt a sense of familiarity with her. When I tried to take a better look, I noticed she was in danger, a human man was trying to sneak up on her to kidnap her. I let go of Iris’s hand and took off to the little girl…

“Iyaaa…let go of meee! Mo…Mommy!” (Little Girl)

“Shut up, little brat, and stop resisting unless you would rather die here.” (Kidnapper)

“Let her go, you piece of shit!” (Lily)

After running and reaching the little girl, I told the garbage as such before Iris caught up to me. I’m honestly scared; I have difficulty dealing with humans and men. So it’s even worse with Human males. I’m glad Iris was able to catch up to me as quickly as she did. It seems she recognizes this little girl as well…

“My Love! Please don’t take off on your own. Hah, this little girl is…” (Iris)

“Mind your damn, you stupid bitches!” (Kidnapper)

“My Love, when I give you the opportunity, please grab the girl and cover her eyes and ears.” (Iris)

After Iris says such, I can feel the anger radiating out of her; to be honest, I also think the same; I don’t understand why I am feeling this way, but I feel a sense of a protective maternal instinct to this little girl, she also sort of reminds me of all my wives. I will do as she says…

“Very well, I will do as you say, Honey.” (Lily)

“What are you 2 wome…gah!” (Kidnapper)

Before that piece of trash could finish his sentence, Iris had already appeared in front of him and punched him. After such, I grabbed the little girl and hugged her tight to keep her from seeing and hearing what Iris would be doing next; when I hugged her, I could hear her call me…

“Mo…Mommy!! (Little Girl)

Did this girl just call me Mommy? It seems as though Iris recognized her, so this might be what Iris wanted to discuss with me. I need to respond and cover her eyes; I can’t deny that I feel this girl is telling the truth, so I will respond as her mother…

“It’s okay, it’s okay, sweetheart. Your mommies are here, but I need you to cover your eyes, okay, don’t uncover them until I tell you to okies.” (Mommy Lily)

“Okies, Mommy.” (Little Girl)

This sweet girl responded as such while giving me a bright smile. Now I know this girl is my daughter, and how dare that bastard to try to hurt my little girl. After I think as such and make sure my daughter’s eyes and ears are covered, I yell out to Iris…

“Iris! By my authority as the 1st Princess of the Vamper Kingdom, I give you permission to kill this man who dared to try to harm my daughter. Give him a punishment that is worse than hell.” (Lily)

“Don’t forget she is my daughter as well; I was already planning to punish him appropriately, but this makes the aftermath easier to deal with. Thank you, my Love. I would like you to cover your eyes as well, but I know you aren’t able to now due to the circumstances. I will eliminate the memory of this punishment and ease your nightmares tonight when we go to bed.” (Iris)

After Iris responds, she turns her attention to the piece of trash lying on the ground from the punch earlier…

“Now it is time for your punishment for trying to harm my daughter and speaking ill of my Love. I’m sorry, but you messed with the wrong family, and this Goddess will show no mercy to your soul.” (Iris)

“Please…please don’t kill me; I was doing my job!” (Kidnapper)

“Who hired you to kidnap the girls from this country?” (Iris)

“The Harold Kingdom!” (Kidnapper)

“That despicable kingdom, I need to ensure that my Love doesn’t go there unless it is absolutely necessary.” (Iris)

“Please…I told you what I know, so please don’t kill me.” (Kidnapper)

“You still accepted the payment, knowing what you were hired for. You will still be punished, so shut up and accept your fate. Death is not enough for someone like you; I will destroy your entire soul so you can’t be reborn again.” (Iris)

“Aaagghh!” (Kidnapper)

After Iris punished the kidnapper, we started walking to the sweets shop again so that Iris could explain everything to me and we could get our sweet daughter something to eat.

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“Sweetheart, you can uncover your eyes and ears now.” (Lily)

I say as such while I pat the little girl on the head. I know you're probably wondering what our sweet daughter looks like; well, she feels like a combination of all my wives and me. She has long jet-black hair that reminds me of Yami. She has emerald green eyes, which remind me of Lucy. She has silver-white Neko ears and a tail that reminds me of Mana. Looking into her eyes, I feel a sense of faith and purity. From what I think, her aura is like my aura is described as fluffy and pure. Oh, this adorable daughter of ours is opening her eyes…

“Do you want to get something sweet to eat, my darling daughter?” (Iris)

“Uhm! I want something sweet, Mama Iris!” (Lily’s daughter)

“Fufu, she’s so cute, isn’t she, my Love?” (Mama Iris)

“Of course she is, she’s our daughter after all. Okies then, sweetheart, you can order whatever you want today.” (Mommy Lily)

“Yaay! Umm….” (Lily’s daughter)

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” (Mommy Lily)

“Mommy, will you give me a name?” (Lily’s Daughter)

“Of course, I will, sweetheart; I’m sorry for not doing so already. How does the name Freya sound? It represents a goddess of love.” (Mommy Lily)

“I think that name is beautiful; I’m sure the other wives will also, my Love. What do you think about the name, my darling daughter?” (Mama Iris)

“Freya loves it, thank you, Mommy; I love you!” (Freya)

 “Ehehe! You are too cute, I’m glad you love your name, and I love you too, sweetheart.” (Mommy Lily)

We just arrived at the sweet shop and ordered what we wanted before Iris said…

“You two are so cute and fluffy, my Love. Please don’t feel you need to mature even though you have a daughter. Freya wanted to be our daughter because she saw how happy and pure you were; she had a tough life and had a terrible person as her mother before she got reborn. She also has a special connection to your past life as well.”

“Honey, can you tell me more about Freya, my connection with her in my previous life, and how she randomly appeared here? I could tell it caught you by surprise as well?” (Lily)

“Very well, my Love. I will tell you after we eat a little and our darling daughter falls asleep; it seems she is close to dozing off now. Oh, my, this is delish, my Love. What's this called? Can I order more?” (Iris)

Iris says as such, after eating her pudding cake and pointing out Freya was starting to fall asleep…

“Ehehe, I told you it’s delish and that you would want more, didn’t I. It is called chocolate pudding cake, and you can order as much as you wish, Honey. Freya, sweetheart, you don’t have to keep yourself awake for us; come here. You can lay your head on my shoulder and take a nap.” (Mommy Lily)

“Ehehe, thank you, Mommy.” (Freya)

Freya thanked me before toddling over to me, sitting on my lap, and laying her head on my shoulder. After which I ask her…

“Is it comfy?” (Mommy Lily)

“Mm! I think this is my favorite spot now, Mommy.” (Freya)

“That makes me happy. Do you want to know a secret, sweetheart?” (Mommy Lily)

“Umh, what's the secret, Mommy?” (Freya)

“Sitting in your other mama’s lap is my favorite spot. Is it okay that Mommy doesn't act very mature?” (Mommy Lily)

“It’s okay, Mommy. I love that side of you.” (Freya)

“You are such a sweet girl; I love you too, sweetheart. You can nap now; sweet dreams, my lovely daughter.” (Mommy Lily)

“…Good night…Mommy…Mama Iris…szz.” (Freya)

After Freya fell asleep, I noticed Iris had already eaten five pieces of chocolate pudding cake and was finishing her sixth piece. After she finished, I asked…

“Honey, our lovely daughter, is asleep. Can you explain everything to me now? I promise you can keep eating if you still want some more.” (Lily)

“Yes, I suppose I should explain, my Love.” (Iris)

“It all started around the time you started training with Yami….”


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello again, everyone; what did you think about the surprise addition to the family? I have always loved novels and stories with the main character having a child soon after being reborn or transferred to a new world. The next main story chapter will be Freya’s origin story. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support; I will let Freya have the last word, so ciao for now. “Nice to meet yoush, thanks for enjoying my Mommy’s story.” (Freya)

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