The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 24: Chapter 16: The Vampire’s Daughter (Lily and Iris’s Date Part 2)

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Hello, it's everyone’s favorite and loving soulmate of, Lily, Iris. I am at the sweets shop with my Love and our daughter Freya who appeared out of nowhere; I’m sure that is what you dear readers are thinking, and to be honest, I was shocked by how she showed up as well. I thought I would have time to explain to my Love and that she would appear in front of us when it was time. Anyways it’s time to explain to  my Love about our darling daughter…

“It all started around the time you started training with Yami…” (Iris)

One Month Ago

“I can’t wait to have my physical body with my Love. I think she figured out who I was; I hope she is mad and changes her mind about making my body. Knowing her, I’m sure she will say something sweet like it makes her love me more. Now I should check on that child my Love saved before she died in her previous life. Since I won’t be here much longer.” (Goddess of Creation)

“Huh, this poor child, even after being saved by my Love, she still died at the hands of her own mother, no less. Before she died, one of my Love’s wishes was for the child she saved to live a happy life. I feel connected with this child and will bring her soul to look into her memories and family history.” (Goddess of Creation)

After I stated as such to myself, I brought the young girl’s soul to my realm to get a sense of her life and who her family was; that was when I found something that truly surprised me…

“No wonder I felt a connection with this girl, I thought it was because my Love saved her, but it was a much deeper connection. This girl was my Love’s child in her previous life, and the mother of this girl never told my Love that she had a child. She has only had intercourse once in her previous life, and that was when she tried to follow others' advice telling her that she should have sex first to know how she truly felt. Which was utterly lousy advice that has nothing to do with one's gender. I guess during that time, this child was made. To think fate would lead this situation, this girl that was saved by my Love, and turned into the catalyst for my Love’s greatest dream to come true, was her daughter she never knew. I will tell her about my Love, the person who saved her, and how she was her parent in her previous life. I will give her a choice on if she wants to be completely reborn without her memories or if she wants to be reborn as my Love’s and our daughter.” (Goddess of Creation)

After deciding what to do, I woke the child's soul from her slumber, and I explained everything to her, about what happened to the person who saved her, and how that person was actually her father who didn’t know about her, how she died. I also showed her how my Love is living now and how she helped the people she loved. After I explained to the child everything, I gave the child the choices I decided to give her earlier.

“Now, young one, what would you like to do? You can be entirely reborn to a random family without any of your memories about your previous life, what we discussed, and meeting me. Or, You can keep the memory of meeting me, the memory of my Love saving you in her previous life, the instinctual feeling from your previous life that my Love was your parent, and you can stay here with me until my Love finishes helping me create my physical body, there will be excess magic power and vampire aura after to make you a body that resembles all of us and if a DNA test was done it would be positive that we all would be your mothers. You should be warned that there will only be enough energy to create a body at the age of five, so your mental age will regress to that of a 5-year-old.” (Goddess of Creation)

“I want to be her daughter; from what you have shown me about how she lives and how pure and loving she is, I know she would be a much better mother than the one I had in my previous life. I am fine with losing most of my memories and the age regression. Can you promise me two things? Can you make sure my mother doesn’t try to change herself because she believes she needs to be mature to be a mother? I want her to remain pure and loving. The second promise is can you make sure I will be strong enough so that I won’t keep my mother from getting to go on her adventure she has been looking forward to.” (Freya)

“Of course, I can promise both of those things, you will be immortal like your mother, and you will stop aging after reaching the age of 18, and you don’t have to worry about being strong; your body will be created using my and the fellow wives powers, your mother’s powers. Your body will inherit all our best qualities and abilities, and you could be the strongest of the family with proper training.” (Goddess of Creation)

“Good then, I will happily stay here with you until I can be reborn as my mother’s daughter. Please don’t tell her until after she has finished her training and you made our bodies.” (Freya)

“I won’t tell her until after everything is done. Your soul will go back to sleep soon, so I can modify and change your soul's age to suit your new body. When it is time for you to appear, you will show up in front of us at the castle after I explain to your mother. Goodnight, for now, my Darling Daughter.” (Goddess of Creation)

P.O.V. Change to Freya after getting her new body

“Hmm, where am I? I thought mama said I would see my mommy when I woke up?” (Freya)

After I ask myself such, I start walking around trying to find my mommy; I recognize the place I’m in from what Mama Goddess showed me. Soon I felt like someone was sneaking behind me, but before I could do anything, that person grabbed me…

“Iyaaa…let go of meee! Mo…Mommy!”

All I could do was scream for my mommy, hoping she was near me. That was when I heard a girl say…

“Let go of her, you piece of shit!” (????)

When I looked to see who it was, I noticed it was my mommy, and a girl was running up beside her…

“My Love! Please don’t take off on your own. Hah, this little girl is…” (Iris)

That reaction and how she calls my mommy, she must be Mama Goddess, the only name I can think to call her is Mana Iris, though.

“Mind your damn business, you stupid bitches!” (Kidnapper)

After the kidnapper said such, I could see and feel the anger appearing in Mama Iris…

“My Love, when I give you the opportunity, please grab the girl and cover her eyes and ears.” (Iris)

“Very well, I will do as you say, Honey.” (Lily)

After my mommy responds as such, the kidnapper tries to say something but gets punched by Mama Iris before he can finish…

“What are you 2 wome…gah!” (Kidnapper)

After the kidnapper let me go from getting punched, my mommy ran up to me, grabbed me, and hugged me tight while backing away. She feels so warm; I feel safe in her arms. I can tell she hasn’t been told yet, but all I could say is…

“Mo…Mommy” (Freya)

After I said as such, I could see my mommy thinking to herself before responding as such…

“It’s okay, it’s okay, sweetheart. Your mommies are here, but I need you to cover your eyes, okay, don’t uncover them until I tell you to okies.” (Mommy Lily)

I will do as she tells me I should respond…

“Okies, Mommy.” (Freya)

I don’t know what happened after; it felt like a while had passed. Then my mommy told me…

“Sweetheart, you can uncover your eyes and ears now.” (Lily)

After she says such while patting my head, I uncover my eyes and ears…

“Do you want to get something sweet to eat, my darling daughter?” (Iris)

Mama Iris asks me as such. I am hungry, but there is something else I want. I want my mommy to give me a name…

 “Uhm! I want something sweet, Mama Iris!” (Lily’s daughter)

“Fufu, she’s so cute, isn’t she, my Love?” (Mama Iris)

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“Of course she is, she’s our daughter after all. Okies then, sweetheart, you can order whatever you want today.” (Mommy Lily)

It makes me happy to hear my mommy say such, I should ask her for a name now…

“Yaay! Umm….” (Lily’s daughter)

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” (Mommy Lily)

“Mommy, will you give me a name?” (Lily’s Daughter)

“Of course, I will, sweetheart; I’m sorry for not doing so already. How does the name Freya sound? It represents a goddess of love.” (Mommy Lily)

Freya, it’s cute. I love my name, and I love my Mommy! After I think as such to myself, I hear Mama Iris say…

“I think that name is beautiful; I’m sure the other wives will also, my Love. What do you think about the name, my darling daughter?” (Mama Iris)

I should respond with how I feel…

“Freya loves it, thank you, Mommy; I love you!” (Freya)

 “Ehehe! You are too cute, I’m glad you love your name, and I love you too, sweetheart.” (Mommy Lily)

Yay! Mommy said she loves me, ehehe…

After I received my name, we made it to the sweets shop, and after ordering and getting our food, I started to feel sleepy, but I wanted to stay awake and spend time with my mommy. Then I heard mommy say to me…

“Freya, sweetheart, you don’t have to keep yourself awake for us; come here. You can lay your head on my shoulder and take a nap.” (Mommy Lily)

After Mommy tells me as such, I toddle over to her and get in her lap and say…

“Ehehe, thank you, Mommy.” (Freya)

After I respond to her, Mommy asks…

“Is it comfy?” (Mommy Lily)

Of course, it is. I love it; I should respond as such…

“Mm! I think this is my favorite spot now, Mommy.” (Freya)

I tell Mommy as such before she responds and asks…

“That makes me happy. Do you want to know a secret, sweetheart?” (Mommy Lily)

I respond…

“Umh, what's the secret, Mommy?” (Freya)

“Sitting in your other mama’s lap is my favorite spot. Is it okay that Mommy doesn't act very mature?” (Mommy Lily)

Of course, it's okay; it's one of the reason’s I wanted to be mommy’s daughter; I love that part of mommy. I should respond as such…

“It’s okay, Mommy. I love that side of you.” (Freya)

“You are such a sweet girl; I love you too, sweetheart. You can nap now; sweet dreams, my lovely daughter.” (Mommy Lily)

After mommy says such, I soon start to fall while saying…

“…Good night…Mommy…Mama Iris…szz.” (Freya)

P.O.V changed to Lily after being told the explanation from Iris

“That’s everything I know; I thought I would find out why she appeared so suddenly by looking through her memories, but I guess she didn’t have a memory of what happened.” (Iris)

Iris tells me as such after explaining everything to me while eating her 12th piece of chocolate pudding cake.

“Thank you for explaining everything to me; I understand now. I didn’t think I could this daughter of ours any more than I already did, but now I love her even more. It’s almost time for us to meet my mothers. Do you want to go ahead and head back to the caste, or do you want to continue our date a little longer, Honey?” (Lily)

“I suppose we should head home so we can show this darling daughter of ours to her other mothers and grandmothers. To be honest, my stomach is hurting from the chocolate pudding cake. Thank you for the lovely date, my Love.” (Iris)

Iris states such before giving me a light and chocolaty kiss.

“Ehehe, that’s because you ate too many, Honey. I’m glad you had fun. Now let’s head home to show off our lovely daughter and get permission to start our adventure.” (Lily)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello again, everyone; 1 main story chapter left and 2 extra .5 chapters until the arc ends. Thank you all for your continued support. Ciao for now, my wonderful readers.

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