The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 30: Chapter 20: The Vampire and The Noble’s Daughter (Part 1/3)

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Hello, everyone, it is your favorite fluffy and cuddly vampire Princess, Lily here. My sweet daughter, wives, and I have arrived at the Garrison Empire’s Royal capital, we are currently getting checked at guard gate, my Mama told me to give the guard this letter when we arrive, I wonder what Sue and her mom’s noble is? Ah, the guard is coming up to me now…

“I need to so a form of I.D.” (Guard)

“Yes, here you go, I was told by my mother, Queen Charlotte Vamper of the Vamper Kingdom, to give this letter to you when I arrived.” (Lily)

“Ah, I’m sorry, please allow me to verify the contents of the letter to ensure you speak the truth.” (Guard)

After the guard states as such and moves away to read the letter, I turn to my wives with Freya in my arms and state…

“I wish I would not have to name drop my mama, I wanted to be treated normally while on our adventure. I understand if I were to be treated normally it would be hard for us to visit Sue since she is a noble.” (Lily)

“That’s right, Dear. Though after we finish visiting Sue for a week or so, we can move on to a different place, where you can be as inconspicuous as you wish.” (Mana)

“Darling, maybe we can ask the guard when they come back to keep your identity a secret from public ears, I still it was a good decision to come here to visit Sue, she seemed like a sweet girl.” (Lucy)

“I know and I am excited to visit Sue as well, my Lovely Wives, though do you all mind that we find an inn and rest before we start exploring?” (Lily)

“Are you having a hard time around the humans, my Beloved?” (Yami)

“A…little…” (Lily)

I could manage being around 1 or 2 at a time, but the line into the capital is long and crowded, not to mention there a few human men as well, as I am explaining this to you all…Freya gives a little squeeze and Iris holds my hand while asking…

“Would like for me to manage conversating with the guard when they come back, I can ask for a good inn, and explain to them that we would like to rest first if they try to take us to Sue right away, my Love?” (Iris)

“If you would not mind, Honey. I truly hope becoming friends with Sue and being around the humans during our time will make my aversion at least a little better.” (Lily)\

“I believe it will, but do not push yourself past your limits. I will take care of this. Freya, my darling daughter, do you want to be held by Mama Lucy so your Mommy and be carried Mama Mana?” (Iris)

“Honey, I’m fine, I…promise…” (Lily)

“No, Mommy, you are shaking, Freya will be carried by Mama Lucy.” (Freya)


“Our sweet daughter is right, Darling.” (Lucy)

“That’s right, you shouldn’t push yourself, I will carry you and you mofu-mofu my ears to calm down, Dear.” (Mana)

“Very well, Wifey. Thank you, my Dear, I love you both, and thank you as well, Sweetheart, I love you so much.” (Lily)

“Ehehe, Freya loves Mommy too.” (Freya)

After Freya says as such, she gives me a tight squeeze and moves to Lucy, after which Mana picks me up in a princess carry and I start playing with her ears after giving her light kiss on the cheek. During this the guard comes back, with warm eyes due to the scene in front of them, after which they come back to reality and nervously speak…

“I am sorry for our rude behavior, Princess.” (Guard)

“It…it’s…fine.” (Lily)

I am starting to get sleepy from playing with Mana’s warm and fluffy ears, my sweet daughter is starting to fall asleep in Lucy’s arms as well. Realizing I am about to fall asleep, I give Iris a nod as signal for her to take over, before I fall asleep, I hear Iris state…

“Please do not apologize. My Love is not feeling well so I will take over the conversation for her if you do not mind.” (Iris)

P.O.V Change: Iris

“Thank you, and I understand. I should take you to meet the person you are visiting, but would you like to rest first?” (Guard)

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“Yes, if we could please. May I ask, do you have any recommendations for a nice inn with a bath?” (Iris)

“Yes, I would recommend the Spirit’s song inn, it has a large bath, tasty food, and big beds. Would like for me to show you the way there? (Guard)

“That would be much appreciated.” (Iris)

“Very well, let’s be on our way then.” (Guard)

After the guard states such, we walk to the inn and before saying our goodbyes the guard states…

“Please come to the guard gate when you are ready to go meet the person you are here for. Goodbye for now.” (Guard)

“We will, thank you.” (Iris)

After I thanked the guard and they left we checked into our room, it was a room with two big beds for all of us to sleep in. My love does not like to sleep with us near her, and our darling daughter does not like sleeping without her mommy. I am she will grow out of that soon.

“I wonder why the guard kept referring to Sue as the person we are going to meet, instead of her name?” (Yami)

“She might be more than just a noble’s daughter. Oh, well I am sure we will find out soon.” (Iris)

I stated such to Yami, while Mana and Lucy laid, my Love and our darling daughter down in one of the beds. Mana soon came to us with Lucy while having a worried expression on her face and states…

“Iris, is your ability that can see when someone she knows is in danger, or can Dear see those visions as well?” (Mana)

“We both have that ability now that I am one of my Love’s wives. Why what is wrong?” (Iris)

“Dear, seems to be having a scary dream about someone being in danger. She has started crying, and I am worried if I should wake her with a kiss to have forget the dream or let her wake up in a panic.” (Mana)

“I can see into her dreams, after I see what she is dreaming about I relieve the stress from it, you can wake her with a kiss after.” (Iris)

After I state as such I go to my Love and place my hand on her head and peak into her dreams…

“…” (Iris)

“What is dreaming about?” (Mana)

“…” (Iris)

“What’s wrong?” (Klare)

“…One second…” (Iris)

“What’s going on with, my Beloved” (Yami)

“…Done…” (Iris)

“What’s wrong, Iris” (Lucy)

“My Love’s dream was a vision, and the one in danger is the First Princess of the Garrison Empire, Susan Garrison otherwise known to us as Sue…” (Iris)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello everyone, how did you like the chapter? I am going to do a new format for where if need I will do a character’s part of the arc in three parts. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night. Ciao for now.

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