The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: I Am the Girl’s Cuddly Vampire Princess, All Boy’s Begone!

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Hey, Hey, Your very own adorable fluffy and cuddly princess Lily here its finally time to start school and make my debut. I am currently standing in class room being swarmed by a bunch of lovely and angry girls glaring down own boy. So, how did it come to this you ask, well lets start from where I walked in.

“Good Morning, Everyone, Fluffy Lily is here”!

As I give my greetings to everyone in the class I start to hear several different squeals coming from all the girls…

“Hiii…so adorable”. (Girl A)

“Kyaa…my hearts beating so fast calm down me”. (Girl B)

“Fufufu, You are quite popular aren’t you Lily”? (Lucy)

“Kehehe, this quite embarrassing to be honest Lucy, but I am happy to being to be friends with all these wonderful girls”. (Lily)

After I say as such, all the girls start swarming me, giving sweets, head pats, and cuddles. It was quite fun and cute until one of the few boys in the class tried to hit on me…

“Wow, you are quite beautiful Lily, why don’t we skip class and have some fun”? (Random boy)

The boy asks me while trying to grab my hand.

“Iyaaa…don’t touch me please, I am scared of men”. (Lily)

After I inform the boy that, he is looking at me with an even nastier grin, which makes me more frightened as I am shaking.

Now all the girls are giving that boy a death glare like no other, including Lucy who hugging me to calm me down. That was when I heard one of the girls state…

“Keep your hands away from her. I will protect the pure princess”. (????)

I soon realized who the girl was that made that statement it was my childhood friend, and my second blood servant who is a vampire like me, her name is Yami. She is a petite girl with long jet black hair, deep gray eyes that shine like silver. She is a inch taller than me with her height at 5’0 ft. This is bad that boy will die, if I don’t stop her, she knows about my fear of men, and she is quite protective over me. I don’t care about the boy, necessarily I just don’t want Yami to get in trouble.

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“Yami, wait, don’t do anything that will get you punished”. (Lily)

“Princess…he tried to grab you when everyone knows you have a fear of men he needs some form of punishment”. (Yami)

“I know and I understand, Yami. That is why, Lucy can go and inform the Headmaster of the Academy that the 1st Princess of the Vamper Kingdom Lily wishes to discuss the error that was made in regards to putting men in the same class as I, and my mother’s the Queen’s of this Kingdom explicitly asked him not to. Also can you please escort these boys outside the classroom. I am still quite shaken”. (Lily)

“Yes, Princess Lily, I will inform the Headmaster right away and come back as soon as I can. Yami, please take care of the Princess. Come, you disgusting trash, come with me to the headmasters office”. (Lucy)

“Very well, Lucy, I will take care of the Princess, don’t kill those boys on the way there now. Come here, Princess, you can sit my lap until Lucy returns”. (Yami)

“Kehehe...thank you Yami, I will take that offer. I luv you, Yami”. (Lily)

“You are such a sweet girl Lily, I love you to, My Princess”. (Yami)

While we are waiting for Lucy to come back with the Headmaster, I am currently sitting in Yami’s lap while being hugged and getting head pats from the girls including the teacher.

I am enjoying this scene so much that I happily state out loud…

“I Am the Girl’s Cuddly Vampire Princess, All Boy’s Begone”! (Lily)


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Sorry for the short chapter this time I promise the next chapter will be extra long. I hope everyone enjoyed this fluffy chapter that explains there aren’t and won’t be very many men in this series. I hope to see you all next time. Lily says Bye-Bye!

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