The Adventures of the Reincarnated Vampire

Chapter 7: Chapter: 5 How The Vampire and Lucy Met (The Vampire’s and Lucy’s Date Part 2)

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Hello, Everyone it’s Lucy again, the princess and just arrived at a special very place in my heart in both good and sad ways. Before we start the author has asked me to give everyone that this chapter will take a darker and slightly graphic tone, if you don’t want to read this chapter do to this, it’s okay, this is important story on how the princess and I met.

“Thi..this place is where we first met, Lucy are you sure you want to come here I know it holds a lot bad memories for you”? (Lily)

“Yes I’m sure Lily, this place does hold some bad memories but it is also the home my greatest memory the day our fates became intertwined with each forever”. The princess asked me as such, when we reached a destroyed building in front of us. This building wasn’t always in this state it was rundown in the past but not destroyed. It became like this 3 years ago soon after I met my princess. (Lucy)

3 Years Ago

Hello, my name is Lucy, I am a elf with unique white hair and emerald green eyes. I was abandoned and thrown out of village, due to my unique characteristics. I am currently a slave to this disgusting, and vile human man, he makes me clean and work at his store in the Vamper Kingdom, and if I make a mistake he will hit me over and over until I get it right. I am currently cleaning the outside of the store, when I saw her, she was the most adorable and cutest girl I have ever seen, she was walking hand in hand with her mothers, the mothers were quite beautiful and had the aura of queens, whereas the girl had a cute and fluffy princess aura. As I was stuck in a daze while watching the girl her eyes met mine. She gave me a bright smile, and started running over here to me. Only to be caught by her mothers.

“There they go, that girl was really cute, I wish I could see her again and become friends with her….forget it Lucy, you probably won’t get see her again, don’t create false hope”. (Lucy)

As I walking to myself I felt a heavy slap to the back of my head before I fell to the ground.

“What are you standing around in a daze for, huh! I don’t feed you to laze around. Now get your ass up and fix my dinner”! (Master)

“Yes! I’m sorry, master. I will make your food right away”. (Lucy)

I wish someone would come rescue me, I don’t know how much longer I have to live with a master such as this.

After that day, the girl that I saw has started coming by to see me, she told her name was Lily and that she wanted to be my friend. I was going to warn her, about my master, but that bastard commanded me and forced to not tell her. Whenever she would come by she would teach how to read, write, and play games together. I didn’t know why the master allowed such things. Then that day happened, the master decided to kidnap Lily when she came over to see me. That bastard is currently beating Lily because she is trying to protect me from him.

“Aaa, you horrible bastard is this what you do to Lucy”? (Lily)

“Huh? The hell did you just call me? I was going sell you off as a slave, after I had my fun. But, you’re to much trouble, your better off dead”. (Master)

“Master, please stop hurting her! Take your anger out on me, leave the girl alone”. (Lucy)

“It’s okay, Lucy, this much pain isn’t enough to kill me, I’m a vampire after all”. (Lily)

While Lily me as such, and was looking back at me the master had already loaded a silver arrow on a crossbow. No if that hits her it will kill her. Right before the master shots the arrow I push Lily out of the way. I am currently laying in puddle of my own blood as I look at Lily, who holding me crying. If I could have one wish, I wish I could have told Lily my feelings for her and that we could be together forever.

“I’m so sorry Lucy, if hadn’t continued to come by and see you, you wouldn’t be dying and hurt like this. I’m so sorry”!

“Please…don’t…be…sorry…meeting you was the happiest moment of my life, I just wish it could have lasted forever”. (Lucy)

As I say those words I could see something click in Lily’s mind.

“Lucy, I think I know a way to save you and end this mess, but you have to promise me you will not regret what you said later and will always be by side from now on. Do you promise”? (Lily)

I don’t understand what is happing and why she is asking such things, I do know I wouldn’t ever regret being by her side forever. I need to answer her.

“I promise, I won’t ever regret being by your side now and forever”! (Lucy)

“Good, this might sting for minute, but I promise you will feel a lot better soon”. (Lily)

Lily said as such, before leaned over me and bit my neck, I start to feel momentary stinging sensation before it soon becomes warm and relaxing. I am feeling better already and my wounds are closing. As I look at Lily to ask what is happing, I see different Lily than the one I know. The Lily I know is shorter and has deep blue sapphire eyes, and a fluffy and cute princess aura. The Lily standing before me is taller, has deep crimson red eyes that shine like rubies, and she has aura of a empress.

“What’s…what’s happening, who are you and where did that girl go”? (Master)

The master asks with fear all over his face.

“Ara, ara, You think you deserve an answer you disgusting piece of trash, after you tried to harm my other self, and kill our wife/blood servant. I will show you a thousand times more pain then you done to those girls”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

As the empress version of Lily states as such a dark mist starts covering the entire building and thousands of red glowing eyes could be seen in the darkness staring at the master. I no longer have the feeling of needing to save him now due to the slave contract, if feels as if it was overwritten by me becoming Lily’s blood servant.

“Aaaaa, no please spare me, I beg you, I won’t ever come near you again. Just spare me…”! (Master)

“No, you will die here and now”! (Vampire Empress Lily)

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After those words were uttered, thousands of vampire bats began feasting and tearing the master’s flesh from his bones.

“I am sorry you had to see something like that Lucy, are you scared of my now”? (Vampire Empress Lily)

“No, no, I’m not scared at all thank you for saving me Lily”. (Lucy)

“That’s good, now I need you to listen to me and do as I say because I can’t stay in this form much and other self will be passed out afterwards. You have become ageless and immortal like ourself due to becoming our blood servant/wife. You will stop aging after reaching the age of 18. Do you understand”? (Vampire Empress Lily)

“Yes, I understand”. (Lucy)

“Good you will have more explained to you after you reach the castle. Show the guards my other self and explain to them you became our blood servant and what happened. They will take you to my mothers and explain the rest”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

“Yes, I understand, Lily I will do exactly as you say”. (Lucy)

“Good, one last thing, I have suppressed the actions that I took against that trash deep inside my other self’s memories however they will come to surface as nightmares at times. Especially for the next few days, she will also a fever for a few days after awakening me to early, please explain this to our mothers, and Lucy due to being our blood servant and wife, you will be needed to calm my other self down and ease her fear”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

“Yes, my empress. I will always be by Lily’s side and protect her from whatever may do her harm”. (Lucy)

“It’s time for me to go now, make sure to give lots of cuddles and love to my other self when she awakens. Good bye for now, Lucy”. (Vampire Empress Lily)

Vampire Empress Lily states to me before lightly kissing me, and falling asleep while shrinking back into her fluffy cuddly princess form. I pick princess Lily up in a princess carry, and start walking to the castle when I hear her mumble in a sweet angelic voice…

“Kehehe, I luv you, Lucy”.(Lily)

That statement brought by surprise but I already know my answer…

“I love you too, My Princess”. (Lucy)

Hello, everyone present Lucy here again, what did you all think about the Lily’s and I relationship origin story, huh? What, you are wondering what happened after we made it back to the castle, well that’s a story for another time, it is time to go…

Back to the Present

There are day’s where I truly wonder if it was okay for me to be saved by my princess, when she has to face the repercussions after it. Lily still has nightmares, from that time and it also one of the reasons Lily has become terrified of men. There is a reason why Yami, Mana, and I, kiss the princess awake it is to protect her from remembering her nightmares and the tears she cried in her sleep, by tricking her brain into thinking she was dreaming about eating something sweet, when she wakes up. Her body is quite frail when she is in her normal princess mode due to her overwhelming vampire powers suppressed inside her. I feel guilty at times, however I will always be by my princess’s side and protect and love her forever.


“Lily, thank you for saving me three years ago, these three years since have been the happiest years of my life, and I can’t wait to continue the next eternity with you. I love you, Lily”. (Lucy)

As I thank Lily tell her my true feelings, I can see her stating to tear, which is in turn making me tear up as well.

“I…Love…You…Too…Lucy, thank you for always being by my side”. (Lily)

Afterwards, Lily and I sat in the park cuddling while crying until it was time for Lily’s date with Yami.


Author: WeebWrites96

Author Notes: Hello, everyone I hope you all enjoyed the origin story of our vampire princess Lily and Lucy’s relationship. This chapter was longer than normal with over 1,800 words. Next chapter will back be to the heartwarming fluff for Part 1 of Lily’s and Yami’s Date. I hope will continue to read and this little book of mine. Sorry Lily and Lucy didn’t say anything this time, they are still comforting each other with cuddles. Bye-Bye see you next time.




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