The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 107: Responsible

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Victoria's POV

I was on the balcony watching the waves, and I felt so at peace as I watched them pounding at the extended shoreline of the beach; and I could feel the ocean breeze lull me to sleep, and I couldn't believe I fell asleep in the rattan sun lounger. And when I opened my eyes, I was already in Oliver's arms, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so thrilled to be with him.

"Where is Noel?" I asked.

"He went home, but don't worry, he will come back tonight to have dinner with us, and he wanted to hunt with you tomorrow morning." He responded, and I was a little excited and anxious at the same time knowing Noel would be joining me on my hunt tomorrow.

"Can he train me instead of you?" I asked as I looked up at his face.

"Yes, of course, he can, but I felt hurt why you wanted to train with Noel when you can have me as your teacher." He replied while he caressed the back of my arm, and I could see the pain on his face.

"Well, I don't think I can learn from you, and I am afraid if we will end up making out instead of training." I declared, and Oliver laughed.

"Clever answer, Victoria, and you were right; I know I can't stop myself from kissing and touching you every time we are near each other, but when it comes to training, you can trust me that I will be a good instructor. And I can show you how good I can be if you will go training with me." He said, and I peeked at him before I returned my gaze on the white sand.

"All I have are dresses on my closet; I couldn't train wearing gowns," I responded.

"You have training clothes on the lower right dresser on the closet." He replied.

"Can we train now?" I asked, and his face lit up.

"That's my girl, always eager to learn," Oliver stated, and I could feel he was so proud of me.

"Well, I don't have a choice but to try my best to accept all the impossible things that are happening around me. From the time I learned I am a monster, I wanted to disappear from this world because I don't like who I become." I said, and I could see the concern and sadness on his face.

"Victoria, please stop calling yourself a monster; you are one of the most beautiful creations I have ever seen, even if you are in your wolf form. And you are the strongest Luna ever born, and you don't realize yet how beautiful you are, and the power you possessed is extraordinary," Oliver responded.

"Are you sure about that? I know you are hiding something from me, Oliver. And I could tell I am so different from you." I responded, and he suddenly tensed up.

"I wanted to tell you about it, but I don't know how to explain what is happening with you, but I am sure you are one of us because you shifted into a wolf, and I am certain you are more than a werewolf." Oliver declared.

"I am sorry, Victoria, if I don't have an answer to some of your questions, and I think we need to go back to Zenith one of these days because I need to speak with your father." He added, and I suddenly felt alarmed.

"I don't want to go back to our mansion, Oliver, not at this time," I replied.

"I know, but you need to speak with your parents sooner than later, Victoria, if you wanted your questions to have some answers, and I need to know why you have powers that vary from us," he continued.

"Do you think I am dangerous?" I asked, and he shook his head, and he kissed my forehead.

"You are not dangerous, I know you will always have your good nature in you, and that is why you felt guilty every time you killed your prey, even if you did it when you were in your wolf form. Meaning your human instinct is more dominant than your wolf self." He said, and I don't know if it is a good thing, but all I want is to stay human, and I dreaded shifting every time I felt so hungry with raw meat.

"Can we train now?" I asked since I didn't want to talk about meeting my mom and dad, and I was not yet ready to face them because I could still feel the pain of their betrayal.

"Sure!" He said with a broad grin on his face, and he pulled me up from my seat, and together we walked back inside his bedroom, and I smiled when he grabbed the training clothes from the drawer, and he handed them to me, and he also pulled out the running shoes from the rack, and he put it in the floor with sacks.

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The black leggings and racerback shirt felt so comfortable on my body, and I put on my shoes in haste, and when I raised my head, Oliver was Oliver at the door waiting for me, and he let me get out ahead of him. 

"Where are we going to train?" I asked, and he smiled at me.

"I have a gym at my basement if you want, but if you wanted some fresh air, then we can do your training at the seashore or in the woods, but I think it is better to get started here in front of my house." He said, and I smiled at him. And I could tell it was a good day for training because the sun didn't come out today; it remained hidden beneath the clouds.

"Why do I need to train again?" I asked, and he gave me a coy smile.

"So you will learn how to defend yourself; I already told you why you needed to train, and I think you have forgotten everything, or you are just trying to mess with me." He said.

"How many enemies do we need to face, Oliver, that my father needed to deploy his men in here?" I asked, trying to look calm, and I could see the shock on his face.

"You can't hide it from me, I can feel their presence, and I only tried my best to ignore them, but there are too many of them that I couldn't stop myself from hearing their movements even if they try to walk around the area unnoticed, and I could listen to their conversation even they are far from us, and they are talking about enemies" I added, and his face pale.

"I don't want to scare you, Victoria, but many men are looking for you since unmated Alphas all over the country wanted to have you as their mate, and the black wolf is among them. He is the king of the hybrids, and he wanted you to become his bride." He said, and I could feel goosebumps cover my entire skin.

"Why?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because you are special, Victoria, you are prophesied to become the strongest Luna, and I know the black wolf wanted to have you not only to make you his bride but because he wished to use you for his benefit since he wanted to become the strongest werewolf," Oliver responded.

"And the black wolf loved killing innocent humans, and war between humans and werewolves is possible since he started spreading havoc in the community, like what he did to Tim." He said, and I couldn't stop myself from remembering Tim's death, and I could feel the anger boiling inside me.

"Can we defeat him?" I asked, and he looked at me for a long time.

"Yes, and you are the only hope of everyone because the well-known seer who came from the witch clan foretold you are the only one who can kill the black wolf." He said, and my mouth hung open.

"What? How can I kill the black wolf when I don't even know how to fight, and I am a girl, and I don't think I can kill anyone, Oliver." I said while I couldn't contain the trembling of my voice, and my boyfriend squeezed my hand.

"I know this information would be too much for you to handle, but when you realize the humans need your help, you will no longer hesitate to do it, and I am certain you will never allow the black wolf to attack the students at Zenith Academy ever again ." He responded.

"I just want you to know I will protect you whatever it takes, Victoria, even if you are stronger than I am." He said, and I shook my head.

"That would be ridiculous; how could you even say that when you are towering over me, and you have a strong body, and you can easily lift me without a sweat? While I can't make you budge even if I will use all my strength on you." I responded while I was still unable to believe what Oliver was saying.

"I don't know how to convince you yet that you are more powerful than I am, but I am not lying to you, Victoria, and the best thing we can do right now is to start your training since we can't afford to waste time knowing the enemies are coming for you, Victoria," Oliver said. I could feel the hair on my nape standing with fear.

I let Oliver hold my hand as we walked towards the sand, and when he asked me to run with him, I followed his instructions. And as we jogged as far away from his house, my mind was somewhere else because I couldn't stop thinking about the black wolf and the possible attack that might happen in the Academy.

My boyfriend had a point, even if I don't know anything about my power yet, I am aware I will never let the black wolf kill my fellow students at Zenith, and even if I wanted to stay here at Gallant with Oliver, I know I can't sit around and wait for the wicked king to capture me.

If what Oliver had said were all true, and if I am the only person who can defeat the black wolf, then I should train and learn how to wield my magic to win against the dark forces.

And I can finally give Tim's death justice, and I know my training will never be enough knowing the enemies are coming. Still, I will make use of my remaining time, and I will do everything I can to keep the humans safe, especially my best friend, Lana.

I know I had to go back to Zenith City. Still, I needed to stay here until I could control myself.. I could go back to eating human food because I can't afford to go back and end up hurting humans; I wanted to become a responsible werewolf so I could make Oliver proud of me.

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