The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 112: Felt Relieved

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Oliver's POV

It felt like my heart was split into two when I drove away from my vacation home as I looked at Victoria's figure fading away in my rearview mirror, and I wanted to turn around and be with her. She doesn't know her parents are coming, and I wanted to tell her after receiving the call from Nick when we were having dinner with my friends the other night in my house.

"Nick," I answered him right away after I got out from the dining hall, and I walked towards the front steps.

"Oliver, I am glad you've got signal over there now." He said.

"Yeah, I spent a reasonable amount of money on it because I don't want your daughter to be so lonely, but it seems she only got one friend, and she is upset with her parents right now," I responded, and I heard Nick release a heavy sigh.

"I know." He muttered.

"What the hell is going on with your daughter, Nicklaus? What kind of secrets you were trying to protect all these years?" I asked when I couldn't control myself.

"They are bigger than you could ever imagine, Oliver." He stated.

"No matter how big they were, she has all the right to fucking know what is going on with her life. Your daughter was suffering, Nicklaus. She couldn't accept what she was, and I don't know how she will take it if you tell her another secret, and I know Victoria is a strong woman, but I couldn't bear to look at her in too much pain, Nick." I declared.

"You could have at least told her half of your secrets; at least she has some idea who she was, and she needed to know everything. I didn't expect you to be this coward, Nicklaus. I idolized you ever since I was a kid, and I wished you would never disappoint your daughter and me." I responded.

"I know that is why I am coming over there." He said, and I felt so relieved.

"Okay, I hope you will be here sooner than later, Nicklaus; we need answers, I have glimpsed of your daughter's power, and I know it wasn't ordinary. And if you will not come, there would be a chance she can't control her power, and it will become her downfall." I muttered.

"I don't know who will side with us the moment the secrets behind Victoria's existence will get exposed. And fighting my own pack members and other werewolves from other packs will be a no for me, knowing I have to protect your daughter at all times." I added.

"I know I am strong, but fighting all of them at the same time will make me lose right away, and I can't underestimate the power of the council, Nicklaus; even if Angus is your friend, being head of the council means he got more power than us, and we can't fight him without soldiers by our side," I added.

"And I know they will not accept Victoria as part of the werewolf community if she possessed that kind of power because they will consider her as a threat to the council and all the werewolves even if we know she will never hurt anyone." I continued.

"You don't need to worry, Oliver; nothing will happen to you and Victoria, at least for now. The hybrids are here, and they are attacking the humans, and I know they will not rest until they have my daughter." He stated.

"What??" I got so shocked that I almost lost control of my car when it swerved on the road after hearing his words.

"Don't worry, I deployed my men around the city of Zenith, and they are trying their best to minimize the attack and save the target of the hybrids before they can turn humans into another hybrid. And it was a challenge to keep Zenith City safe, but it would be impossible to make them leave unless we need to use another means of fighting them, and that is why it is hard for us to go there right away." Nicklaus declared.

"Believe me, Oliver, I wanted to be there for my daughter, but with what is going around here, I couldn't allow our enemies to kill more humans and bring havoc in my peaceful community, and I know my Victoria is safe; in your hands." He added.

"And you know the hybrids are strong even if there are only a few of them, and that is why I asked Zafirah's help, but she needs to be extra careful because she can't be seen using her magic. And I couldn't afford to lose my wife." He said, and I know right away, Zafirah is a hybrid, and my girlfriend got her extraordinary power from her mother.

"Please, son, don't tell Victoria about what is going on at Zenith, and I am sure she will ask you to bring her back home immediately; I want her to at least have some training with you, and then it would be time for her to use her magic to save the lives of innocent humans," Nick said. His news made me feel so anxious.

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And I couldn't believe they were now attacking the capital city. Nick bid his farewell without telling me when they would be here in Gallant. I know how much Victoria loved her birthplace, and she grew up at Zenith, and even if she is not close with her classmates, I know how much she cares about them. 

"Hey, it is your first day to be back, and you looked like hell; what is going on with you, buddy?" I heard Zane say when he got inside my office, and I snapped back to the present.

"Do you know what is happening in Zenith?" I asked my beta, and I knew right away that he knew what was going on in the capital city by the expression I saw on his face.

"Yeah, I deployed some of our men to help Nick; I didn't tell you about it because I know you are enjoying your time with your mate." He responded, and I furrowed my forehead.

"Zane, in times like this, you need to let me know what is going on, they are our allies, and Nick is my future father-in-law; he needs my help," I replied as I took a deep breath.

"Oliver, I am sure Nick wanted to secure his daughter because we all know when the right time comes, we needed her to save not only humankind but to save our kind."He responded, and I got up from my office chair and I walked towards the glass window of my office, and I realized nothing had changed to my beloved city.

"Yeah, I know, but Nicklaus was so unfair, and I wouldn't say I like the way he hid the truth from Victoria," I said as I took a deep breath.

"Stop worrying about her, Oliver; your mate will be okay." He said.

"It is easy for you to say, Zane. We are talking about Victoria's future here." I replied.

"Well, if you only listen to us, you could have at least convinced Nick to tell Victoria that she is one of us, but you ignored us, and you continued to fight what you believe in, but I can't blame you, and I am still proud to say, I was right." My best friend stated, and I released a soft sigh, and I turned around to look at him.

"Yeah, and I regretted that I turned down Nick's invitations to visit his estate for how many times because I don't want to meet his daughter; if I had only known she had the power to change my principles in life, then I could have done things differently. But I am already late, and all I can do right now is protect Victoria whatever it takes, and to do that, I will need your help." I declared.

"You don't need to ask me, Oliver, I will always be here to help you in everything that you do because I am not only your beta, but I am also your best friend." He responded, and I gave him a wide grin.

"And I think you better start checking the reports in your table, Oliver. You have been gone for months, and those important documents needed your attention, and of course, certain documents needed your signature, especially the contracts." He said.

"Don't worry, before the day ends; I will make sure I go through with those files, and I will not go home if I am not done checking them, "I responded.

"That is good," Zane said before he got out of my office, and I spent my entire morning analyzing data, checking the monthly reports, and signing contracts. And when I looked at my watch, it was almost time for lunch, and I felt disappointed when I looked at my phone, and I hadn't received even a single text from my hot girlfriend, and I suddenly felt alert, and I couldn't stop myself from getting worried.

I dialed her number, but I couldn't get through, and it seemed like her phone was off; I got up and picked up my suit jacket from my chair. I made my way to the door, and I felt so shocked to see her standing on the doorstep of my office, she was wearing a beautiful smile on her lovely face, and I couldn't stop myself from pulling her closer to me.

I put my arms around her waist while we were facing each other, and my hot girlfriend was looking at me while the rest of my staff were gaping at me as if I had lost my mind. I could see the shock on their faces, and I knew they never expected that there would come a time I would be hugging a woman and looking at her like she was the most beautiful creation on earth.

"I miss you so much; why didn't you turn on your phone, Victoria?" I asked.

"I am sorry, Oliver, I forgot to charge my phone, and I was so excited to visit you here in your office." She said while I could see the blush on her face when she realized all eyes were on us, and I took her hand, and I pulled her with me to get inside my office.

And the moment I closed the door, I cornered her at the back of the door and held her mouth captive, and I kissed her hungrily.. I smiled when Victoria kissed me back in the same manner I was claiming her sweet lips, and I couldn't believe I would be missing Victoria this much; I felt so glad she came to my office and knowing she was safe made me feel so relieved and happy.

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