The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 127: The Reason

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Victoria's POV

I know I made a stupid mistake by insisting we should go back here in Zenith. And now I fully understand why my parents didn't tell me what was happening in our beloved city. I could feel the piercing of my heart as I realized the once lively and busiest city all over the country had become a ghost city. And it was all because of me.

I am aware the hybrids wanted to have me, which is why they bring havoc in my hometown. I got so confused about what to do as I watched my fiance fighting for his life, and I could tell he wanted to save me. Still, now that they had grabbed me out of the car, I realized we had failed the mission, and there was no one to blame but myself, and now my fiance was taking every punch and blow they gave him as they tried to make fun of us.

Oliver's eyes were blazing with anger when their leader touched me, which made my body stiffen, and I hated myself because of the selfish decision, thinking I could save the world knowing I had fairy and wolf power combined. I wanted to go back to Gallant City and stay at Oliver's vacation home.

I wished to spend my days and nights with him, make love in his room, and wake up in the morning with his arms around me and my head is on his chiseled chest. And those things are what keep me sane at the moment as I tried to look strong even if I was breaking inside.

"If I were you, Victoria, stop fighting; there are so many of us against the two of you; besides, I could tell because you don't know what to do, you felt so useless right now. Nicklaus's fault was that he didn't inform you what you are." He declared.

"It was such a waste of time hiding the truth from you; your father knew you are powerful, but he allowed you to enjoy your life living like a human, and it was his biggest mistake that you end up in our hands and you will become our Luna." The beta of the black pack declared.

"You can never have me as your Luna!" I hissed, and he was laughing so hard.

"Why, Victoria? Do you think you can run away from us? The truth is, I am against the idea that our beloved king will have you as his mate because I have always wanted to have you for myself, and I am aware you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." He declared.

"And no wonder after so many years of solitude, the Black Wolf came out suddenly from his hiding place and wanted to have you as his bride because you became more beautiful after your transition." He said, and I could feel my entire body feel so cold as I imagined myself being married to the alpha of the Black Pack, and I wondered why this man talked like he knew me.

"But don't worry, Victoria, you will live like a princess, and I will never let him hurt you even he is the most feared beast all over the werewolf community, but before I hand you over to him, I wanted to have a taste of you, and I am sure my king will be pissed of me once he will find out that I touched his goods, but I couldn't stop myself from lusting you, Victoria." He added as he caressed my face with his calloused hand, and I could feel my entire body shiver, and there was no way I would let this bastard have me.

"The black wolf doesn't need to know about my plan because none of my men will tell him that we will bring you to our hideout first before we journey to our kingdom." He said, and his words made me have goosebumps all over my skin as I could feel the fear, and he was right; I didn't know what to do with my power.

I could see the wrath on Oliver's face. Still, there was nothing he could do because every time he tried to get up and run in my direction, hybrids blocked his way, and they beat him until he would go back to crawling on the hard ground over and over again, and it hurt me so much to see him in too much pain because of me.

And I tried my best to use my power, but it felt like my fairy magic was gone the moment I left Gallant City, or maybe my mother had done something about it, and right now, I wanted to shout and ask my mom's help, but I don't want them to get caught as well, it would be enough that they capture me. I wanted my mom and dad to be safe and free. And I wished they didn't leave Oliver's house.

"Are you afraid of me, sweetheart?" He asked, and I averted his gaze because I didn't want him to use his spell over me; I knew he was a mage before becoming a hybrid.

"I am not afraid of anyone," I responded sternly, and he held my chin and forced me to look at his face.

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"I think I should mark you and make you mine, but I don't want my king to devour my soul, he asked me to take you to him safe and sound, but right now, I could feel the hardness between my legs as I looked at your gorgeous body, how could you be this hot, Victoria Winner, and why until now you are still the only woman inside my heart?" He asked.

And then something caught my attention; the way he called my name sounded so familiar, and when I looked at his eyes, I felt so terrified when it dawned on me I was looking into the eyes of my friend whom I had taught who died. I couldn't believe I didn't recognize him at first, and maybe it was because of the fear I felt and my determination to save my mate.

"Tim? Are you not dead? How did you turn into a monster?" I asked in disbelief, and I could see the shock on his face. Still, it was only temporary, he gave me a wicked smile, and instead of loosening his hold on my wrist, he held me more tightly that I could feel the pain of his grip, and I tried to pull away from him, but he yanked me towards him, and I couldn't stop myself from looking at his body.

He has always been muscular, being the quarterback of our Academy's football team, he was famous in our school. And after turning into a hybrid, his physical appearance heightened, and I admit Tim is hotter now, and I am sure if Lana sees him now, she will become crazier with him.

"Are you checking me out, Victoria? That would be an honor because this is the first time you showed attention to my physical appearance, and it hurts me that you call me a monster. And how about you, aren't you a monster too?" He asked, and I turned my head away from him. I could still see his men attacking Oliver, I wanted to be there for him, but I couldn't even walk away from Tim's hold.


And it made me realize Tim was a mage before he turned into a hybrid when one of the black wolf followers attacked him at school, and I wondered who the man inside his coffin during his funeral when his sister called Lana a murderer.

"Tim, we are friends, and I know you are not in your old self, but I was hoping I would see the old Tim," I said in more than a whisper.

"It was too late for that, Victory, you killed my old self the moment you played with my heart, and you chose Oliver over me." He said, and I could hear the bitterness in his words.

"Tim, it is not yet late; you can be different from them; it doesn't mean you are a hybrid; you need to be wicked like them." I declared.

"You can live your life like a normal werewolf," I added, and I saw him shake his head, and he half laughed.

"There is nothing you can say that will change my mind, Victoria; I am now a hybrid, and I belonged to the Black Pack, and I felt so proud when the king chose me as his beta, and right now, I wanted to enjoy this moment with you, and I know if I remain a mage, I can never have you because no matter how strong the spell I used over you, it never affects you." He declared, and before I could respond to him, I heard the gunshot echoing in the entire area.

"No!!!!!!! Oliver!!!" I was screaming so loud after seeing Oliver's body fall to the ground, and I could see the blood all over his white shirt. The assistant, Tim Carl, hit Oliver on his chest, and then he aimed his gun again at Oliver's body lying on the ground. He shot him in his heart, and I could feel my tears dripping on my cheeks as I continued to cry in misery, and I felt so horrified if I would lose Oliver.

I tried my best to connect with him through his mind, but maybe because he felt so weak I couldn't reach him, and I felt so happy when I heard his soft voice in my head, and I told him to hold on, and I believe Oliver can heal himself, and I wish my father's men and Oliver's soldiers will come and help us.

He sounded so weak and dying, and when he whispered he loved me, I wanted to have him in my arms and heal him like I the way I did the last time he came home to our mansion with so many injuries all over his body.

But Tim and some of his men dragged me away from the man I loved, and I had never felt so hurt and so lost in my entire life. I shouted how much I loved him, and I could feel the piercing pain in my heart as I felt Tim haul my body and toss me inside his car. And I felt horrified when I remembered what had Tim said earlier; I would be the reason for Oliver's death.

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