The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 49: Overconfident

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Victoria's POV 

I melted in Oliver's arms, and the hot kiss we shared made me forget what happened last night at the park. For how many times I told myself never to kiss him back again if ever he will capture my mouth without my permission, but every time I felt his soft lips on mine, I will be lost to his charm once again.

It was a wonderful kiss that I could feel the butterflies on my chest, and I let out a soft moan as he kissed me tenderly, and then his kiss became more demanding when he snaked his tongue past my lips, and I could feel the knots on my stomach. And when he sucked my tongue, I could feel the spark travels from my fingertips down to my spine.

And I was moaning as I could feel the intensity of his kiss. And then something snapped, and I realized this was too much. Oliver was taking advantage of my weakness once again. He always kissed me wherever he wanted, and I couldn't stop him every time he would claim my mouth, and I got the courage to slap him hard on his face, and I knew it was a hard slap that I could feel my palm got swollen.

I told him to quit playing with my heart because I was tired, and I could no longer play with him since I knew I was losing the game we played. I was shocked by Oliver's reaction after receiving my blow; I thought he would get angry with me, but instead, I saw Oliver's face softened, and when he cupped my face and looked at me, I was surprised when I saw the expression on his face. And I could tell Oliver was staring at me full of affection.

I thought I read him wrong, but when he uttered the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, I thought I'd got wings, and I was flying in the sky because of the happiness that I felt, and he stunned me with his confession. Oliver Prize conceded, and he told me he was helplessly falling in love with me.

At that precise moment, I felt my heart would burst with too much happiness because I had never expected that he would tell me that he was falling in love with me. And I relived it even if we were now walking to his car. I was smiling from ear to ear as I realized the only boy I love feels the same way too, and I wanted to scream and let everyone know my wish came true, even before I could make it on my eighteenth birthday when I blew the candles of my cake.

When Oliver asked me to be his girlfriend, I wanted to say yes right away. Still, of course, because of all the things that he had done to me, I realized I would not make it easy for him to have my answer even if it is already apparent that I am so crazy about him too, I still have my dignity, and I have a reputation at the Academy that I needed to uphold.

And when I told him about my condition, I thought he would surrender, or he would beg me, but he accepted my challenge for him without complaining. I find it amusing that Oliver was willing to meet my demands, and I couldn't wait to have him as my official boyfriend.

And I know once we will become a couple, I need to be honest with him about my secret moments with his pet. Still, as of the moment, I couldn't tell him yet about what happened to Wolfe and me last night at the park, and I suddenly remembered the Vet I met last night. I haven't asked his number, and I hope Dr. Zane will visit when I have already got back from school; I wondered how I would find the wolf later if I would be spending my time with Oliver.

I will worry about the wolf later; what is important at the moment is I am holding hands with Oliver. He only let go of my hand when I got inside his car, and I couldn't believe that this was all happening to us; and I felt so happy when he took my hand the moment he drove his car, and we left our mansion.

"Wow! Really? I exclaimed as I looked at Oliver when he brought me to one of my favorite places, and he nodded before he climbed out of the car, and he ordered doughnuts and coffee.

"Thank you, Oliver," I said when he handed me my doughnuts and coffee, and when he smiled at me, I could feel my heart skip a bit.

"You are welcome, Victory." He said, and my grin widened, and it sounded so sweet coming from his mouth, and I love the way he called me by my nickname.

"How about you, are you not going to eat anything?" I asked him, and he nodded his head, and I could tell he was also like me; we were both smiling and enjoying our time with each other company, and I could tell this was the first time that I feel this way.

"Just watching you eat your doughnut; I am already full." He replied, and I almost spit my coffee since I couldn't believe Oliver could be sweet and corny too. I suddenly felt worried as I realized he was only pretending to be good with me because he was planning to do something sinister that would make me sad and lonely.

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"Hey, why do you look like you are about to cry, Victoria? Did I say something that upset you?" He asked when he noticed the abrupt change of my expression on my face, and when I looked at him, I found him gazing at me, and I felt glad it was still a stop sign, or else I would get worried since he needed to focus his attention on the road.

"No," I responded, and I shook my head.

"Come on, Victoria, even if you hate my guts, and we don't get along most of the time, but I know when something is bothering you." He responded, and I could feel the worries and concern in his voice.

"I couldn't stop myself from feeling so worried that you are only doing all of this because you are planning something bigger to humiliate and hurt me," I said, and he darted a glance at me before he returned his attention on the road. I heard him release a heavy sigh before he spoke.

"I know that I couldn't stop you from thinking that way, but you have to believe everything I said a while ago. I am serious with you, Victoria, and please stop worrying because my guilt is eating me up." He declared as I felt him squeeze my hand.

"From now on, I will try my best that I will be the source of your happiness and not the other way around. Don't worry; you will realize along the way that I am not kidding at all. And I think you better say yes now so you can make sure I am not playing with your feelings, Victoria." He added.

"It is not yet time, Oliver," I responded, and I beamed at him while he muttered the words, "I know, Victoria!" 

I felt anxious when I realized we were getting inside the school entrance. As usual, when we arrived at the Academy's parking lot, almost all our classmates were still lingering in the area. At this point, I am no longer feel excited to see the boys waiting for me. 

My face was saddened when I saw Declan was among the crowd, and he was talking with the football players, including Tim, and I couldn't believe he had the guts to wait for me knowing he abandoned me last night. And could feel the anger towards him, and the idea that I could have died last night made me have goosebumps on my skin.

Oliver parked the car, and he attempted to kiss me, but I quickly avoided him, and I could see the disappointments on his face.

"No more stealing of kisses, Oliver, unless I already accepted you as my boyfriend," I said, and he chuckled, and I could see the amusement on his face.

"Okay, and I know one of these days you will be the one asking me to kiss you, Victoria, because I could tell you will miss my kisses." He responded feeling overconfident.

"Stop being conceited, Oliver. It will never happen," I responded, and I couldn't deny I was lying since he was right; I would be missing his kisses, and I could see Oliver's disappointments since he wanted to protest. Still, I am determined to stop his habit of kissing me anytime he wanted, because I need to teach him a lesson, and that is why he needs to control himself.

He got out of his car and opened the door for me, and he took my books and bag from me. I could hear the gasp of the girls, especially the cheerleaders headed by Keisha, and the boys were surprised; Declan stopped in his tracks when he realized I was with Oliver, but after he recovered from his shock, he walked towards us. Still, he ceased walking again when he saw Oliver was holding my hand, and together we walked in the direction of the library while I could feel my entire face blush.

"I want everyone to know you are mine, Victoria." He whispered in my ear.

"You can't own me, Oliver," I said as I tried to sound angry. Still, I could feel the butterflies swarming on my stomach since it felt surreal that I was walking while holding hands with Oliver.. I loved it when he told me I was his, but there was no way I would admit it to him, maybe later on when he will become my official boyfriend, but for now, I will enjoy the moment I had with Oliver as he will do his best to make me say yes.

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