The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 64: Different

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Victoria's POV

I was shocked when I found Declan on board Oliver's boat, and I couldn't believe he was with him.

"How come Declan is here?" I asked the moment Oliver put my feet on the floor.

"He wanted to steal the spotlight from me, but I didn't give him the chance to save you," Oliver responded, and I heard Declan chuckle.

"Kidding aside, he was here because he was worried about you," Oliver said as he caressed my face, and I couldn't believe they would be in the same place without hurting each other. I moved closer to Declan, and I touched his hand, and I laughed when he jerked and pulled his hand away from me, and he was looking at Oliver.

"Victoria, I don't want to be thrown at the water at this rate, so please move away from me a little," Declan said, and what I did, I moved closer to him, and he grunted under his breath while I was laughing.

"Don't worry, I don't think my boyfriend is a jealous freak, Declan," I said while I could tell Oliver was trying his best not to show his real emotions, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so lucky that they came to save me.

"Thank you, Declan; I always wanted to be friends with you even if my father is against it," I said, and he was messaging his chest.

"Ouch, I know you don't want me to be your boyfriend, but I never realized it would feel this painful to hear it coming from your mouth that you only wanted me to be your friend, Victoria. But it would be okay to me rather than to be your enemy." He said, and I beamed at him as I offered my hand for a handshake, and he shook my palm with a firm grip, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him from ear to ear, and I felt glad Declan helped Oliver.

I almost stumbled on the floor when big waves hit the boat, but Oliver was on my side right away. He held my waist to steady me. And I could feel the butterflies on my chest as I smelled his familiar intoxicating scent and felt so happy that my nightmare was over. I thought I would never see Oliver and my parents again.

"Victoria!" My mom was shouting even before I could get down from the boat, and I could tell in one glance she was crying while my father was comforting her.

"Mom!" I shouted back, and I disembarked the vessel with Oliver's help, and it would always feel nice to have him by my side. My mom was running in the white sand while I could feel the water on my legs as I made my way to meet her halfway.

"Oh, sweetheart, I am so sorry!" She said the moment she closed the distance between us while tightly hugging me.

"Mom, I am fine. Oliver saved me." I said while I was wiping her tears.

"I felt so worried about your safety, and this is all our fault." She said while her tears were still falling on her beautiful face.

"Mom, it wasn't your fault. I know being your daughter will always put me at risk, knowing many people will target me because they wanted to ask for ransom money from you." I declared, and I could see the surprised look on my mom's face.

"I couldn't deny I am afraid, but I will never have regrets that I am your daughter. There are wicked people everywhere who want nothing, mom, but to ruin other people's lives, and I guess they will never succeed because I know you and dad will do everything to keep me safe, and now I know why you hired Oliver." I added.

"He is not only hot and handsome, but he has exceptional fighting skills, and I am impressed, and I couldn't believe a Senior High school student could be as good as him," I said with a beautiful smile on my face. When I turned around to look at Oliver, I could see his entire face turned crimson, and I laughed as I realized the arrogant boy I once hated could not handle being praised.

"I told you, Victoria, you can trust Oliver!" My dad proudly said, and I could see how his face darkened when he saw Declan standing beside Oliver. I let go of my mom's embrace, and I walked closer to my dad as I could see the anger on his face.

"What are you doing here, Declan?" He hissed, and I held my father's wrists as I gave him a pleading look.

"Dad, please, Declan is my friend. He came here to help Oliver." I said.

"You don't know his father, Victoria!" My father said in a stern tone.

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"Dad, I know I am not in the position to say this, but I don't think you have the right to treat Declan that way. He never once hurt me, dad." I said as I looked in his direction, and I could see the guilt on Oliver's face, and I realized I know he hurt me so many times in the past, but I didn't intend to say those words for him. I only wanted to convince my father to give Declan a chance.

"Yes, Nick, Declan helped me save your daughter tonight, and I think it is enough to give him a chance to prove his worth," Oliver said, and I felt glad he helped me persuade my father.

"Mr. Winner, I know I am my father's son, and I don't even know why you hated him so much, but please don't judge me because of what my father had done. I like your daughter a lot even if I know she couldn't be mine, but please allow me to serve you by protecting your daughter, and I could assure you I will be here to offer my life for her as her protector." Declan said, and I was shocked by his words, and I couldn't believe he would do something like this, and it felt like I was a princess that needed so much protection.

I could see my father was speechless as he looked at Declan, and I could tell my father was sizing him up, and I was impressed by Declan's personality. He is not afraid of my father, and I felt so nervous as I waited for my father's decision.

"My dear, I think the boy has a point." My mom said in more than a whisper, and I could see my father's face soften when my mother touched his hand.

"Okay, it seems like everyone here likes you, but I hope you will never disappoint me, Declan." My father said, and I released a sigh of relief, and I could see the happiness on Declan's face.

"Thank you, Nick." He said.

"You have to prove your loyalty Declan before I could fully give you my trust," Dad said, and Declan nodded.

"Yes, sir." He responded, and then my father took me into his arms.

"Welcome home, my dear, and I am sorry that something like that happened, but don't worry, I will make sure those culprits will be given enough punishment." My dad said as he tightened his arms around me.

"Thank you, Oliver, for saving me," I said when we were alone, and he was taking me into one of the guest rooms since I couldn't sleep in my room after what happened.

"It was nothing, Victoria, I am here as one of your bodyguards first, and then you become my girlfriend." He responded, and my eyebrows raised.

"Is my father paying you for your services?" I asked since I could no longer stop my curiosity, and he chuckled.

"No, I don't need your father's money, Victoria; I came from a well off family, we may not be as rich as your family, but I can take good care of all your needs, and you can live your life the way you used to once we will get married." He responded, and I couldn't stop myself from blushing, and it felt like I was not talking to an eighteen-year-old boy.

He is talking about marriage again, and I wondered why he seemed too different from all the boys in school, and I am sure none of them will talk about marriage if ever I allow one of them to be my boyfriend. And honestly, I couldn't stop myself from feeling so excited to become Oliver's wife, and it may sound absurd for now, but I couldn't deny my heart is dancing with happiness.

"Good, because it doesn't feel right if ever you are one of those bodyguards, who is roaming around trying to blend into my surrounding pretending to be passersby, but I know they are my father's men. I thought you were one of them pretending to be a high school student." I declared, and he shook his head.

"No, I am so different from them, Victoria." He said, and I could feel my heart is racing the moment we stopped in my new room.

"Do you think," I trailed off since I felt so embarrassed to invite him again to be with me?

"Yes, of course; I'd love to spend the morning with you, Victoria." He said in a sexy voice that I could feel my entire body turn like jelly, and I felt so glad he was holding my hand, or else there is a tendency I will stumble on the floor. I was smiling as I opened the door, and I was shocked when he picked me up like I weighed nothing at all, and he put me gently on the bed while I was giggling.

"Thank you," I said, and I couldn't take my eyes away from his handsome face.

"It will always be my pleasure to serve you, Victoria," He said before he captured my mouth, and I felt so happy that nothing happened to us tonight, and I felt so guilty that Oliver's life would be in danger because of me.

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