The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 70: There Would Always Be First Time

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Victoria's POV

I know this is the first time I have never listened to my teacher's discussion. I am always attentive to every lesson, but right now, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about my shopping escapade with my best friend later this afternoon after class. And of course, I couldn't stop myself thinking about my boyfriend even if I knew he was only sitting chairs apart from me at the back of our classroom. I knew I should focus, but I couldn't because, at the back of my head, I felt so excited about my eighteenth birthday.

"Why are you smiling, huh?" I heard Lana whisper in my ear, and I softly giggled, and I couldn't stop blushing, and there was no way I would tell my best friend I was thinking about the gift I asked from Oliver, and the anticipation is making me nuts, and I couldn't stop from feeling so thrilled.

"Nothing, Lana." I lied, and she poked me on my side, and I felt glad I was able to hold my voice from screaming.

"Will you stop that, Lan? I couldn't concentrate listening to our teacher." I said while she looked at me.

"I know you weren't paying attention, Victoria, and I am sure your mind is not here in our classroom, but it doesn't matter whether you listen or not. You will always get the perfect score every time we have an exam, and not only that, I know you can solve anything even if your eyes are closed, and that is why everyone here is jealous of your intelligence." My best friend declared, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

Lana was right, and I love Mathematics the most, but I never realized I would concede that Oliver was right when he told me there is more to life than good grades, beauty, and wealth, and I only realized those things after I met him. And I never thought he would make me feel this way for the first time. And I wanted to be different, and I no longer care if I will lose my title as the School Queen, and being perfect is overrated since no one is perfect, not even me. And I felt so ashamed of myself for why I hated him when he told me those things.

From now on, I want to balance my social life. I will find time to enjoy myself with my boyfriend and best friend, and it is time to welcome new friends, but it doesn't mean I will take my studies for granted. I will still aim for the Valedictorian spot. That is one of my goals in life since I wanted my parents to be proud of me.

When the bell rang, signified the end of our last period in the morning, I got up quickly and pick-up my bag and books, and when I turned around, I was shocked to find Oliver already standing in front of me.

"Wow, that is fast," I said while I couldn't contain my smile.

"Of course, I can't wait to be with you," Oliver said, and I could feel the butterflies swarming on my belly. He took my bag and books, and then he held my hand, and we walked out from our classroom holding hands, and I could see the hard stares of Keisha and her friends, while I could see the disappointments of the boys as they looked at Oliver and me. And I felt so guilty when I found Tim in the hallway looking so hurt, and I tried to smile at him, but he only grimaced at me.

I didn't know this was what I'd got after I allowed myself to date, Oliver. And I have always known I would pay a high price the moment I got myself a boyfriend, but this is my life; I have my own choice, and I felt frustrated that no one in our school is happy now that I have a boyfriend except for Lana.

"Hey, are you okay, Victoria?" Oliver asked after we sat down on our chairs at the cafeteria to eat our lunch.

"Yeah, I am okay." I lied, and I felt so glad Lana and Declan joined us at our table since I could tell all eyes were on us. And when he took my hand over the table and squeezed it, I couldn't deny I felt better. And I temporarily forgot our surroundings when I found Oliver gazing at my face.

"Is there something on my face, Oliver?" I asked, but I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Nope, you are so beautiful, Victoria." He mumbled.

"Thanks," I replied, and I heard Lana clear her throat, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling like I was floating in the air as I continued to eat my lunch.

Lana and I excused ourselves, and we went to the restroom.

"Wow! It seems like your boyfriend is head over heels with you, Victoria." My best friend said, and I giggled.

"I am not sure about that, Lana," I said, and she furrowed her forehead.

"Are you kidding me? Can you see the way he looked at you? It seems like you are the only person in the cafeteria.." She trailed off, and I looked at her.

"What?" I asked, hoping she would continue what she was saying.

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"Well, that is not new to you; you always experienced that kind of treatment even before Oliver Prize came into the picture," Lana added, and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"What you mean by that, Lan?" I asked.

"Well, almost all the boys on campus are looking at you in that manner, and the only difference this time is you are looking at him the same way," Lana responded, and I smiled.

"Yeah, I am aware that I am no longer myself lately after I realized how much I like Oliver," I said, and Lana put her arm around my shoulders.

"I am so happy for you, Victoria," Lana said, and I smiled at her, and we got inside the female restroom, but my steps faltered when I heard Keisha's voice echoed in the room, and she didn't stop talking to her friends while my entire body was trembling.

"What? Are you telling us Oliver was only faking her feelings for Victoria?" Jean asked her best friend.

"Yup, you know the first time Oliver came, he never gave Victoria his attention, right? And we all witnessed how Oliver hated Victoria, and it is impossible that my boyfriend will like her since she insulted Oliver on the first day he showed up to class." Keisha declared while I was leaning on the door frame.

"You know, that bitch feels like she owns the entire school because of her perfect beauty, she is rich and the brightest student amongst us all, and Victory couldn't accept that the hottest boy on campus didn't give her the treatment she deserves and that is why the school queen was angry with Oliver." She added.

"And guess what? Oliver told me he hated her, and he will never like Victoria Winner, and he told me we needed to break up for a while to accomplish his plan." She continued, and I felt Lana take my hand, and she tried to pull me away from the restroom, but I stayed firm to listen to everything.

"No way. Does his plan make Victoria fall for him and break up with her later?" Jean asked.

"Correct, and do you know when he planned to break her innocent heart?" Keisha asked, and I could feel the piercing of my heart.

"When?" Keisha's friends' chorus.

"On her eighteenth birthday, and I couldn't wait to be there and get back together with Oliver. It would be the downfall of Victoria. Can you see how her eyes twinkle every time she looks at him?" Keisha declared, and I never felt so hurt my entire life.

"Hell, yes, she is crazy in love with him, and this is the first time I see her like that; it seems like Oliver was one of our subjects. Do you know what I mean? We all know nothing is important to Victoria before, but her grades and she loves every subject, and I couldn't believe the subject I hated the most is her favorite. How could someone love math so much when in fact, if we will go to the real world, it doesn't matter anymore." Jean responded, and they all laughed at my expense.

"Yeah, she thought she was so perfect when in reality she is so pathetic." One of their friends responded, and this time I allowed Lana grabbed my hand, and we walked out from the restroom quietly while I could feel my tears are streaming down on my face.

"Victoria, I don't know how to comfort you right now, but I am sure Keisha was lying." My best friend said.

"Lana, she was right, and I was such a fool that I fell in love with Oliver. We both know only Oliver didn't show any interest towards me because most boys will tell me on the first meeting that they like me, and that is what happened with Declan, and I don't think Keisha was lying." I responded as I tried to control my tears. I was hurt and humiliated, and I don't want to lose what I have left, which is my pride.

"What is your plan now?" Lana asked, and for the first time, I didn't know how to answer her question. I don't want to disappoint my parents since they felt so happy about us without knowing Oliver was only playing tricks with me.

"I don't know, Lana, but I think I can't go to class; please tell our teachers I am not feeling well," I responded.

"No, you are not doing this, Victoria; you never miss class." My best friend replied.

"Well, I guess there would always be a first time for everything," I said as I walked towards the school exit while I heard Lana calling my name.

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