The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Chapter 81: Oliver Is Safe

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Victoria's POV

I never felt so worried my entire life as I saw Oliver lying on the bathroom floor with blood all over his body. And I wondered what had happened to him. I wanted to scream for help, but I was too terrified to walk away from him since I felt so anxious if the same thing with Tim happened to Oliver.

I felt so hurt, and I could feel his pain. I slowly got down on my knees while calling his name with a trembling voice, and I couldn't control my body from shaking so hard. I thought I only had a bad dream, the same as what happened to my best friend and Tim, and how I wish things would get back to normal tomorrow the moment we will go back to school.

I was hoping I could see Tim again standing from a distance looking at me with the same kind of expression on his face. But when I heard Oliver's voice moaning in pain, I realized I was not dreaming at all. I suddenly felt strange, I could feel my entire body was on fire, and I felt like I was glowing, and suddenly I felt my eyes turn so big. I desire to heal Oliver as if I have some power.

I had been calling his name, but he still didn't answer me, and he remained unmoving, and my only assurance that he was still alive was his grunts, and I felt so delighted that my boyfriend was still alive. I could feel electricity running on my veins, and the urge to touch Oliver's wounds was so strong that I quickly caressed his wounds with my fingers.

"Oliver, please, come back to me," I murmured, and I am not sure if he could hear me while I could feel my tears trickling down on my face. I am so afraid I will lose him. Losing Tim was hard enough already when he was only my friend, and I couldn't take it if I lost Oliver.

"Please, I want you to get better," I added, and I felt like I was transferring my energy to Oliver, and it made him open his eyes. When he looked at me with his compelling eyes, I felt so happy he was back. Still, I felt terrified with what happened just right now because I felt like I was becoming someone else, and when he smiled at me, all the worries I felt inside was gone, and when he cupped my face with his bloody hands, I could feel the strong pull I felt for Oliver every time we are near each other. I wanted to kiss him and tell him everything will be alright.

"Victoria, your so beautiful, and I felt so grateful you are mine." He murmured, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I realized how he could say that words when he was still hurting.

"Shh, don't talk, Oliver, and don't move. I will go to my parent's room and ask for help, don't go back to sleep; I don't want you to get unconscious again, hold on a little," I said as I let go of his arms, and I got up in haste. It feels like I am back to my own self now, I could have called help, but instead, I tried to heal him with my touch, and I know it was absurd, but I could feel it in my bones when I touched his wounds he immediately opened his eyes, and I could feel like my touch healed him.

"You don't need to go, Victoria. You have to believe me; I am fine," He responded.

"You are not fine, Oliver, I could say that that wolf attacked you because of the bite marks I have seen, and I don't know how you survive, but I am glad. Don't ever dare to move where you are, and we need to bring you to the hospital." I replied, and I ran towards the door while I could hear Oliver's plea telling me to stop and come back to him.

I was knocking so hard on my parents' bedroom door, and I suddenly remember when I was still a little girl coming here all the time, hoping they were home until I got tired from coming because I knew they would never be around.

"Dad! Mom! Please open the door, and help me, help us!" I shouted, and I could hear the unlocking of the door in an instant.

"Victoria! What happened to your face?" My dad asked right away as he dragged his eyes on my face down in my hands, and I could see the horrified looked on his face. I have never seen my father this worried, and I realized my face and hands had Oliver's blood.

"Relax, Dad, I am fine; it was Oliver; I woke up, and then I wanted to see him since he told me he would be coming home late, and I found him on his bathroom floor with blood all over his body." I declared, and I could see how his face changed from worries to calmness. How could he feel relaxed like that when Oliver was having a hard time, and I realized my father was glad I was okay.

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"Relax, baby, Oliver is fine." He said.

"How could you say that when you didn't even see him, dad?" I asked, unable to believe my father would tell me such a thing.

"You have to believe me, sweetheart; Oliver is fine." He insisted, and I felt so frustrated with my father.

"Dad, I've seen him, and he is far from fine!" I said in a high pitch, and I hate that I have to yell at my father so he would believe me.

"I am sorry, Victoria, I don't want you to feel so stressed; now, go back in there, and I will follow you, but I am telling you, nothing is wrong with him. I saw him arrive a while ago, and he was fine, and I am sure no one will enter inside our mansion Victoria. Our security is tight because I don't want anything will happen to you. I know you only had a bad dream." Dad declared, and I released a heavy sigh, and I turned my heels without responding to him since I couldn't believe he would act this way.

I ran back towards Oliver's room, thinking about what my dad had said. Am I dreaming? How could it be when I knew I woke up from my bed, and I even looked at the clock on my wall before leaving my bedroom. I tried to calm myself before I got inside Oliver's room again, and my eyes widened in disbelief when I saw him standing on his two feet, wearing a beautiful smile on his face as if nothing had happened to him at all. He looked so handsome and strong. His room is spotless, and I couldn't find a single stain on his floor.

"Oliver!" I softly said, and he came closer to me; and I couldn't believe the wounds on his arms were gone, and it seemed like he didn't experience any pain. He looked so fresh, and I could tell he had taken a shower.

"I am sorry, Victoria, I came home so late, and I wanted to see you right away, but I don't want to disturb you in your sleep." He said, smiling at me while trying to internalize what was going on.

"Are you okay, Victoria? Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, and I wished my dad would not come

after me since I didn't want Oliver to think I was losing my mind, but right now, there is no explanation why everything in his room seemed normal. My eyes were wide open as I looked at his handsome face. And I never felt this way before, and what is happening with me scares me to the bone.

But if it was only a bad dream, then I have to be happy since Oliver is safe, and I did the most sensible thing. I closed the distance between us, and I hugged Oliver, and I couldn't stop myself from crying once more because I felt so scared of losing Oliver.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He softly whispered in my ear, and then he kissed my forehead, and I could feel my skin tingle as I felt Oliver's arms around me. I couldn't formulate a single sentence on how to tell him I saw him a while ago on his bathroom floor covered with blood, and I could tell he was dying before I touched his wounds. And I am sure it wasn't a dream at all.

I started to think that what happened with Tim and Lana got me, and I think I needed to see a doctor soon before it would worsen. I have always controlled my emotions, and it feels so weird that I have some power within me, and I know I couldn't tell something like this to Oliver because I don't want him to think I am losing my mind.

I didn't protest when Oliver picked me up, and he slowly put me on his bed, and I could smell his intoxicating scent. I allowed him to take away my worries when he started kissing me, and I felt so glad nothing happened to him, or else I didn't know how to handle losing Oliver.

"Sleep beside me, Victoria, and let me take your fears and worries away." He said before he captured my mouth, and I kissed him back hungrily as I tried to stop thinking about what I experienced because I knew what I saw.. Still, I need to set it aside, stop worrying about it, and enjoy my moment making out with my hot boyfriend; what matters the most is Oliver is safe, and he is alive, and I felt so secure while I was lying on his bed wrapped with his strong arms.

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