The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 109: Did I Scare You?

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"Stop staring at me,"

"Do I look strange?" the guy in front of me said all in a deep different terrifying voice.

He cleared his throat, "Um... my voice is bad?" is it scary?" he rumbles in a completely different voice again. What is happening? 

"Hey NANCY," 

"Hi Nancy, I think this tone is better, oh no it still sounds bad right?" he mumbled still holding up my face.

I was shivering to the core as I felt sweat dripping in between my legs that could barely standstill.

I didn't know how to react, I still couldn't tell if I was dreaming or if I was still on earth or perhaps somewhere else.

"Okay don't be scared, I don't bite, my wings look scary, right? I should have to change it before showing myself to you. How bad it's the coolest wings back home, oh well give me a second," he said as he lets go of me and step back. I still couldn't move nor scream I stood still.

He moves his body swiftly and the wings disappeared into his body. Ahh, I don't know how to explain that, oh my god! where did the giant wings go?

"I forgot I flew here, I should have kept it hidden," the strange guy whispered as his eyes sparkles again.

"You flew here? how did you enter the palace without anyone seeing you in the air?" I asked the first stupid question that came to mind.

I was just altering absolutely nonsense, my mind has stopped working and I still couldn't believe or interpret what was going on. I couldn't tell from reality or if it was a dream.

"Relax Nancy, I came to see you," he said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Me?" My face drops as I take steps back.

"Yes," he said, he have powers, obviously he just made his wings disappear and change his voice.

Now his voice was normal like anyone else.

"It was never my intention to scare you," he said now in a normal voice after trying several times to get a normal voice, that wouldn't scare me.

He did a good job, his voice was calm and confident yet comforting.

"Thank you but I would have appreciated it if you would have thought of it earlier that way you wouldn't have scared the hell out of me," I mumbled still struggling to keep my fears away.

"What are you and where are you from? Who are you? and what are you doing here?" I asked all in one breath before swallowing hard the air clung up in my throat.

"Take it easy girl one question at a time, what am I? I am a handsome guy with the coolest wings in the universe. Where am I from? I'm from the moon and who am I? I'm Nicobolmo you can call me Nico. What am I doing here? I'm here to train you," he said letting out a deep breath.

"Well, Nic....." I said trying to pronounce the long name he just mentioned.

"Simply Nico," he said with a smile as he stares at me.

"Ok, Nico what do you mean you are here to train me?" I muttered knowing fully well I need to be trained but why him? 

"Nancy to cut a long story short, every species on the moon has decided one way or the other make you the new moon goddess, you will be surprised to know everybody took a piece of their powers and sealed it in your body, now that the seal is broken, it's time for you to start your training," he said.

"I was confused my grandmother is still the moon goddess, Why would you need a new moon goddess?" I pout as he could see my confusion with just a glance.

"Your grandma is here on earth and we need a moon goddess up in the moon is that simple enough for your human brain to understand?" He rumbles placing his hand around his waist.

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"They didn't tell me becoming a human is this tiring hump," he let out a chuckle.

"Excuse me, you want me to replace my grandmother when she is still alive, I don't understand," 

"Goodness Nancy you don't have to understand it then, you just need to get ready and prepare for what is ahead of you... in the future, your grandmother will have to vacate her position as the moon goddess to you and I'm sure it won't be difficult when the time comes because you are her granddaughter," he said as he walks towards my chamber.

"Why me?" I asked lagging as he pushes the door open.

"Well Nancy because you're special, now enough of the questions," he said as he lay on my bed comfortably, he was already tired of dealing with me and I have not even yet started.

His gorgeous body looks delicate yet scary.

"I have only two rules, first of all, you can't tell anyone about me, and secondly you can't tell your grandmother about me, are we good?" he said as roll himself on the bed.

"Wow this is comfortable I like it, what is it made of? why don't we have a bed like this on the moon? no wonder anyone that comes here on earth doesn't want to go back to the moon, you have amazing pieces of stuff here," he said like the alien he was, anyone that hears him speak will know he's not from earth and that is scary.

I have a man in my room and on my bed and I don't know how to handle this, I'm in complete shock and out of ideas.

"Okay Nico, I'm sure my grandmother already knows you are here and you can get up from my bed now," I said as my hand began to tremble.

"Relax I'm not an enemy, I'm just here to help you with your powers that's all, you should trust me I'm not a bad person," he said with a smile.

I don't know why that made me feel a cold chill in my core.

"Your grandmother doesn't know I'm here and she can't tell, don't worry even if she sees me you can just tell her her I'm a friend besides I'm completely human now," he grins now sitting on the bed as he bounces up and down like a little boy.

"My grandma is still very powerful she can tell right away you are from the moon," I explain narrowing my eyes to his.

"That's true but don't worry I have my ways, she wouldn't notice me, now get some rest first thing tomorrow morning we are starting our training," he said in a firm voice now getting up on his feet.

"Excuse me, what training? Listen, you can't stay here in the palace."

"Nancy, you ask too many questions, you will find out everything tomorrow now get some good rest, tomorrow is going to be a tough day," he rumbles as he walks past me to the door then stops.

"How are the twin?" He asked out of the blue with a serious look on his face.

"My children, why do you ask of them? you can't get any close to them understand? if you want me to trust you stay the hell away from my children," I said trying to negotiate even though I still can't wrap my head around his true intentions.

"Alright fine I was just asking, of course you know no one approves of their existence. They will bring chaos to the world and they are something we call 'problematic' that needs to be getting rid of while they're still very little and possible to get rid of," he said grinning as his face becomes straight.

"Before a big calamity happens....." he said with a serious face as my eyes widen and glare at him. I interrupted him.

"You stay the hell away from my children else I promise you, I'll be the one to get rid of you and your entire species," I howl.

"Alright, alright take it easy that time will come, I'm here for one mission and that is to train you not for your children, trust me, you can trust me I'm not the enemy. I'm just here to prepare you, everyone on the moon is depending on you."

"See you tomorrow going now," He said as he walked out of the room.

He left his smell on the bed and in the room, it is not a bad scent but an unfamiliar one that gives me goosebumps. I angrily ripe off the sheets from the bed.

I couldn't sleep the whole night his words kept ringing in my ears. Each time I close my eyes I see him standing there. I kept turning and tossing on the bed like crazy.

I need the training but can I trust them? looking at the way he speaks about my children, they are in danger with him here can I trust him? was the question that kept ringing in my ears.

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