The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 51: My Slave

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"Don't you dare yell at me, it's your fault she went missing in the first place, it's your fault that she's in danger" Roland retaliate.

"We are wasting time, Nancy needs us right now," Betty said. They all went into the hut as Roland Deminika and Norinika sit in circles and chants.

Leo folds his fist, he was so pissed and he wishes he could hit someone and the right person will be Baby.

"If they find anything, Leo, find me. I need to go back to the pack members and ask for help" Baby said. "If it's true she was kidnapped by some wolf, I'm sure it's going to be a bloody war," Baby said as he runs off swinging on the tree branches as fast as possible.


Nancy POV

I need some air, I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. Who are they and where are they taking me? My mind was bombarded with so many questions at the same time

I couldn't see their faces, it happened so fast, we are running in the woods. My eyes are blindfolded but I know for sure we're not traveling by car with their speed they might be werewolves. What are they going to do to me?

"Let me go? Where are you taking me?" I managed to say.

"Don't worry, we are already here" a hoarse voice said as they dump me on the floor and took the blindfold off. Now I can see their faces the same guys from school and back on the road. I didn't hallucinate after all. They were real and watched my every move.

"It's you! What do you want from me?" I yelled.

"My slave," one of them said he looks tall with a broad chest, has a handsome face, and amazing features.

"What? your slave?" I chuckle.

"Why do you think I want to be a slave?" I said angrily.

"Because I said so," he said in a hoarse voice and turn around to leave.

"Hey, you can't leave me here? Come back here? I'm still talking to you" I said angrily walking towards his direction. I managed to get his attention.

He stopped at the door and turn swiftly to face me. The intensity in his face made me tremble and fell

"Listen to me little princess, you are just a slave. Don't you speak to me like that" he howls he got his message out loud and clear?

I was terrified. I was trembling in fear and my thought, I was praying for Baby to come and save fast.

"I'm not your slave and I will never be" I spit.

"Wait till Baby gets here, you'll be in deep trouble and I'm going to enjoy him tear you up bit by bit," I said boldly.

"Baby, of course, the alpha's human Luna but unfortunately he has to try harder to find you and before he does I might be the one to tear him bit by bit in front of you, now get some rest. Tomorrow you will start to serve me as your master" He growls.

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"Did you kill my father?" I asked standing up on my feet looking straight into his eyes. I couldn't see much of his face but I'm sure the anger in my eyes was piercing enough for him to see.

"You have some gut, no wonder everybody talks about you. Nancy, the alphas human Luna" he smirks and takes a step closer to me. He paused as he holds my jaw.

"I like your confidence and if I said yes, what you will do about it?" he scoffs pushing me against the wall.

I spring back as though I know I was no match for him, I only wish I could wipe that smile off his face. I folded my fist. I was so angry that I could kill someone. Well, probably a fly looking at where I am now.

"Say you did kill my father and I'll show you what I would do," I said confidently looking right in his eyes.

He stares at me with no remorse with a goofy smile.

"Your father and I had some scores to settle, you play with fire you get burnt by it. It's just the way it works" he smirks.

"you killed my father?" I repeated coolly as if I was capable of attacking him.

"Yes I killed your father, I was the one that brought him back into the car right in time before the explosion," he said proudly as tears started rolling down my cheek. I couldn't control it. I wanted to know what happen to my dad now I do but it seems I can't do anything about it. I couldn't even find my voice.

"W-who are you?" I managed to say. "If I'm going to die I should at least know the name of my killer" I sniffed.

"Beta Macgregor" he announced with a loud laugh and walks away. My heart pant as he shut the door behind me leaving me in the cold dark room.

"Beta Macgregor"

"Beta Macgregor"

"Beta Macgregor"

"My mind keeps repeating his name, I can't forget this night he will have to pay I swear he has to pay" I cried.

Squatting at one corner wrapping my hands around myself for comfort.


"Smart move Nancy," Betty whispered.

"Listen, everyone, I got the name of the person who kidnapped Nancy, It's beta Macgregor. I think Baby will know him" Betty muttered.

Baby returns with his brothers and trusted right-hand men John, Simon, Justin, and Benson

"Who is beta Macgregor?" Leo asked Baby who was approaching the hut.


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