The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 67: He Can't Be Trusted

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Baby picked me up from home as the pack Luna, I need to be present during the final rite of his brothers.

I stood by his side the entire time. He was in excruciated pain. His brother's way both lay separately on a mat decorated with flowers as the pack members pay their final respect.

Baby carries a pot of water on his shoulders and breaks a small portion of it, since both Simon and John didn't have any children his brothers performed this rite.

They went around their bodies with the pot on their shoulders as the rest of the pack members howls continuously. 

After some time. They stop all of a sudden, carry the dead body into a boat, and let it float on the river.

They all began to howl again. Baby shoots a fire arrow at the boat. They bow their heads as the bodies burn in flames. It was a long night but finally, it was over.

All the rites have been performed. I hold Baby's hand as we head back to his house. He was quiet and didn't utter a word.

"Ding.....Ding...Ding" my phone rings. I reach out to my phone and check the caller. It was my mother.

"I need to take this" I whispered as I step aside to answer the call.

"Hello mum" I whimper.

"Nancy, how have you been? The reception is bad at this place that's why I have not called to check up on you. How are you doing? Are you okay? Should I come back?" My mum pouts throwing all these questions at me at once.

"I'm fine mum, no need to worry about me I can take of myself" I rumble looking at Baby's directions who was still whispering something to his brothers I wonder what top secret it is now.

"I know you can take care of Yourself, I was wondering if you called and didn't get me. I hope you are eating well? And you sleep early, you don't eat too much junk food right?" My mum grumbles. I could picture her right now demanding I follow all her strict rules even when she is not around.

"I'm fine mum, you really don't have to worry about me I'm eating well, I'm studying hard and I sleep early too now I have to go. Bye take care mum" I mumbled.

"Alright Nancy see you soon, try and text me each night when you are about to sleep so I know you are doing well"

"Yes, mum I will by now," I said as I hung up the phone, Baby was still talking to Justin and Brenson. I walk over to where they were.

"Who was it?" Baby asked when I approach them.

"My mother, she wanted to know how I was doing" I responded as I put the phone away.

"What were you two talking about?" I sniffed.

"Nothing for you to worry about. Branson and Justin take the lead we will continue this later" he said as Brenson and Justin nodded their head and left us.

"Are you sure, you are not hiding anything from me?" I asked locking my hands in his.

"No, you don't have to worry," he said with a weak smile.

"I trust you, by the way, I didn't see Leo and his brothers during the ritual?" I scoff.


"Yes, what?"

"Nancy, I told him to stay away from you for a while as we figure things out" he howls.

"I don't understand" I pout.

"You don't have to" he shrugs.

"What did you do Baby?" I growl giving him a deadly glance.

"If you are not going to tell me I will find out myself, Let me not find out something happened to them?" I threaten as I walk away.

"Nancy.., Nancy" he howls behind me, I didn't even look back and left. He continues to call out my name. He runs fast and stood in front of me. 

He was pissed I turn my back on him. 

"Don't you dare turn you back at me while  I'm still talking to you" he howls as his eyes glowed.

"Don't you ever yell at me again, and I can turn my back at you whenever I feel like" I yell back. 

"Listen, Nancy, Leo can't be trusted, I have very good reasons for what I'm doing believe me" he mumbles.

"What, Leo will never hurt me and I know for a fact that you are wrong. Where is he and what did you do to him?" I questioned.

"I had him imprisoned awaiting trails" he grunts.

"You what? How could you" I rumble pushing him off me? I still can't believe his jealousy took him that far.

"Nancy, believe me, I know what I'm doing" he whispers trying to hold me.

"Don't touch me" I warn.

"Leave me alone, I want to be alone and if something happens to Leo I will never forgive you" I growl as I walk away and this time around he dare not follow me.

I went home and fall back on my bed. It was quiet as always and on nights like this, I missed my dad.

I took off my dress and went under the cold shower. I came out to turn my dad's favorite music on before going back into the shower.

I came out after a while. "Oh my God, you startled me. What are you doing here?" I stammer. I only had a towel around my chest, I came out of the shower just to see Baby sitting in the chair as his gaze was fixed on me.

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"Someone is here to see you" he rumbles without any trace of emotion on his face.

"What! Like this? Why didn't you knock on the door?" I grumble.

"I will wait downstairs put on some cloth and come down" he ordered.

He stood up from the chair, walk close to me, and sniffed my hair before going out of my room. What is happening? What is this new development all about?

My heart starts to beat fast.

"Listen, let me come out I can handle the situation" my demon growls.

"Don't you dare Nancy, it's just a trick" my angel said.

"I hate you two, you being weak and stupid makes me sick" my demon howls.

"We have good friends that take care and love you, don't let her out," my angel said.

"Hey, you listen to me, Leo is a much better suit than Baby, he only wants to control you.

Listen to me and let me handle it" my demon rumbles.

Stop it you two. I'm never letting you out again so stop trying so hard. I love Baby and even though he is hard to please sometimes I still want him.

Suddenly everything was quiet. I was lost in deep thoughts still holding the towel around my chest biting my other fingernails.

"Seriously Nancy, you still haven't changed yet?" Baby whimpers startling me again.

"Geez, can you knock, don't just should up like that" I mutter hold my chest that seems is about to explode.

"I'm sorry, I know I scared you, but don't think too much and don't worry everything is fine, I'm here with you. I'm going to turn my back now change quickly" he whispers.

"Are you now embarrassed to see me change?" I let out a chuckle.

"Well, I don't have a problem watching, I just don't want to make you shy" he grins.

"Fine I'm done, let go" I mumble as he holds my hand and leads me downstairs.

He won't tell me what is going on and yes I'm nervous. Each step I took was like stepping on broken glasses that pierce through my heart. I could feel my legs trembling. Yet I couldn't stop.

I clenched on Baby's arm tightly. I let go of Baby's hand when I saw Leo, Roland, and Betty sitting on my sofa.

Betty had made herself comfortable. She had her legs displayed on the center table chewing mum's favorite popcorn.

"Hey Nancy, I made myself feel at home" she mumbles with a mouth full of popcorn.

Roland waves at me. I ignore both of them and walk to Leo. I was more concerned about him.

"How are you doing Leo, I was worried about you" I grin as I pull him for a hug he was reluctant to hug me back because Baby was standing close by but I didn't care.

"I'm fine it's just a misunderstanding" he grins. "I know how upset you were so I invited them over to hang out, perhaps watch a movie. I'm sorry Nancy, I was being a little protective" he grins.

"Overprotective you mean" I smile pressing myself against him.

"Yes just a little protective," he said as he wrapped his hands around me.

"Okay, lovebirds are we watching the movie or what?" Roland scoffs.

"Yes movies" I grin as I take a seat next to Betty pulling the popcorn box from her, which she fought back and took it back, Baby was sitting next to me.

We watch a movie and we all fell asleep without knowing.

The next morning while everywhere was in a mess, I was awakened by the doorbell. 

I remember Betty and Roland leaving but I thought I was dreaming now I need to prepare for class.




The bell rang continuously.

"Who is it I'm coming," I said as I walk to the door with my eyes still shut. I was half asleep. "Who could it be this early morning" I mutter. I open the door to see a gentleman standing in front of the door with his back facing me.

"How may I help you, sir?" I pout trying hard to open my eyes fully. 

He turns to face me, the sunlight hits my face making me shut my eyes again.

I finally open them slowly to see a familiar face.

"You? Here?" I said in shock.

Oh my God, what is he doing in my house? And more so this early. I look like a mess.. All of a sudden I cared about my looks and I wish I could vanish into each.

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