The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 70: Do It Quick I'm Getting Bored.

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"Nancy um.." Baby whispers pulling me into his arms. 

"I heard my name" I rumble looking at Leo's face. 

"Nothing, Nancy we were just talking," Leo says avoiding eye contact. 

"I see" I roll my eyes. 

"Leo, leave we shall continue this talk later on" Baby rumbles as Leo nods and turn to leave. 

"Bye Leo see you soon" I pout. He turns to give me a gentle smile before leaving. 

Baby squeezes my shoulders.

"Hey, that hurts," I said jacking him off. 

"You do know I hate you talking to him right?" He mumbles.

"Like I care" I scoff. 

"Now I think I should start punishing you each time you disobey me" he mumbles holding his chin. 

"Punish me? I like the sound of that, and how does the alpha king plan on punishing his Luna? Lock her in a cage? Or have her beaten?" I shrug and mumble gazing at him.

"You won't want to know" he grins. 

"I will love to" I tease.

"Don't worry you will get to know how I plan on punishing you very soon" he pouts as he tried to catch me. I flee from him. 

He finally catches me and tickled me. My giggle echoed in my ears it was so quiet it felt just the two of us existed in the universe and it was magical. 

Every moment spent with him was magical. 

Just then a shadow quickly passed making Baby alert.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I think we have some company, let's go back to the headquarters" he muttered holding my hands with one hand and holding my bag with the other hand as he leads me out of there.

The shadow crosses us once again this time around with a loud laugh. Now I was getting scared I try reaching out to my powers but nothing. 

I closed my eyes and connect to my inner senses but nothing was happening. We are in danger and I feel like the old weak and pathetic Nancy again waiting on Baby to save the situation.

"Who are you? Show yourself? You dare come here?" He howls pulling me behind him. 

The flash keeps laughing. 

"Hahaha" he laughs and it's irritating me. 

"Nancy leaves from here," Baby said lowering his voice.

When he saw I wasn't moving an inch from where I was standing he pushes me from him. "I told you to leave," he said clenching his teeth.

"You know I don't take orders" I insisted stubbornly.

"Just this once Nancy, do as you are told" he face me with a cold look.

"I don't want to, how on earth do you expect me to go back on my own?" I shrug. 

It all happen suddenly, the shadow appeared in a form of a person and holds my neck.

"How remarkable, she wants to stay with you" he scoffs with a loud laugh.

Baby angrily growled.

"Let her go right this instant don't let me break my promise," he howls.

Wait for what? Do they know each other? Another enemy of his. Why do I always get in the middle? The last time I was in the middle of his fights I ended up with superpowers.

No matter how I look at it I doubt I will walk away from this one.

"Wait um..what are you? A vampire or a werewolf? I'm just asking so I know what I'm in for. Well, I wouldn't want to become a blood-sucking creature so just let me go and you two can settle your beef" I mumble.

"Are you scared now?" He mocked.

"Oh, me? no, I'm not scared for myself but you my dear. You are getting the Alpha king angry" I mumble pointing in his direction, Baby stares at him angry moving in a half-circle I wonder what he is planing but I just want to get out of there.

His grip was causing me pain.

"Listen, whatever it is let me go and we can talk like two... Um... You know... Two old buddies" I pout. The best word would have been two civilized people but unfortunately non of them is. My dumb ass was fast enough not to have said it.

"When you hung around the fire you are sure to get burnt. You will always be in the middle. Yes, back in the days he killed my mate, I will like to see him suffer from losing a mate as I did and destiny to remain alone forever" he howls.

"Great, you have a point, how about you do it quick I'm getting tired with the chit chat my neck is starting to hurt" I sniff trying to provoke him.

"Are you crazy?" Baby howls. A wrong move is what Baby needs to get hold of him. 

And I was right he was a little distracted, a perfect chance to escape from his grip. 

My bad,  I try to run away from him when he grabbed my wrist firmly, I started panicking.

He was losing control. What if I made him angrier. 

"You are too smart for your size" he teases squeezing my wrists. 

"Aw... Aww," I groan in pain. As if Baby was sensing my fear he got the chance to dig his hand right inside his chest pulling his heart out.

The hand that was holding me firmly was loosened. I cover my ears with my hands and scream out loud.

Seeing his heart in Baby's hand made me flinch. Blood was dripping from his hands as his eyes turned red. He stares at me and the horror on my face made him slowly come back to his senses as his eyes color began to turn normal. 

"Are you okay Nancy?" He said. 

I nod my head, I was lucky I came out with just a few bruises on my wrist and neck. 

Baby carried me to the riverside and cleans my wounds.

"This is horrible, Nancy this wounds might leave scars," he said regretting not being able to prevent me from getting hurt. 

"Well, I have gotten used to getting hurt, besides it doesn't hurt at all" I mumble trying to make him feel better. 

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"I'm sorry Nancy," he said with a slight smile.

"It's okay, but tell me who is he? And yeah how many more enemies do you have so we could get rid of all of them at once" I joke.

"Seriously, I'm tired of the surprises already" I added making a frown face.

"A million" he jokes but it wasn't funny to me I was joking but I meant it. 

"I see," I said walking around a sudden rage filled me. 

"Don't worry I will always be there to protect you. I promise you this Nancy, this will be the last time ever you will get hurt" he pouts pulling me for a hug.

For some reason, I believe him. I was assured he will always be there to protect me but I hate having to depend on everyone else but myself for safety. 

He drops me home and left for the headquarters. I'm sure he has a lot of pressing issues to attend to.

"Well I will see you later in the evening for dinner" he muttered.

"Okay, that will depend on where you want to have dinner cause I have had enough drama for a day" I let out a chuckle as he smirk.

"How about I bring dinner? We will just stay in and watch some movies. It's really great your mum is out of town" he smirks.

"Yeah, speaking of which I need to study to keep up with my grades else my mum is going to kill me. Our final exams are coming up" I mumble as I hold my head. I use to love learning because it is all I have to do now I find it exhausting and boring.

My grades have dropped drastically since dad passed away. I moved from being an excellent student to an average student. Thank God mum hasn't paid much attention to it yet.

"Okay I will stay by yourself while you study" he proposed. I love the sound of that. As if he will let me study.

"Then I will cook" I smirk. 

"It's a date then," he said facing me as he takes a step backward. 

"Bye," I said blowing him a kiss. He catches it in the air and shoves his empty hand on his chest making me blush. He blinks one eye as he runs off. 

We spend half the day together, we even made out yet I didn't want him to leave me alone. I smile at the thought of how he touches me and giggle. I went inside the house.

I fell on the sofa.

I picked my textbook to read and all of a sudden everything looks like foreign characters, I couldn't read a thing and my head starts to spin. I yarn, slight myself a bit and fall asleep on the sofa.


Baby's POV

"My lord, the guy committed suicide, but before that he admitted he was one of Fidel's men. He bit his tongue before he could tell us what they want from Nancy" Justin informed.

"Alright" I mumble raising my hand for him to leave. Leo was standing beside Justin.

"What did you find out?"

"Nothing my Lord, the guard was my only lead but he died" Leo pouts.

"Useless! Useless!!" I howl. 

"How had is it to find out a simple information?" I howl looking at Leo.

"I'm sorry, I'm doing my best" he mumbles.

"Nancy is in danger and the longer you take the harder it will be for me to handle the situation.

" I understand, I'm doing my possible best" he whisper.

"Send some guards to secretly watch her house, she is not safe in her house" I mumble.

"I will do that but did something happen?" 

"Yes, Nexto tried to hurt her, she is fine now. You know how stubborn she is, she will never allow a bodyguard" I mutter running my hand on my face. What I hate the most is being helpless and unable to protect those I love and I'm feeling both of them right now.

"Is she really okay or pretending to be okay so you don't get worried" Leo poke as I give him a deadly glare. What is he trying to say that I don't know when my Luna is okay or pretending to be okay?

"Mind your tongue, it seems you forgot where you are standing" I howl.

"I'm sorry but when it comes to Nancy's safety I won't tolerate any loopholes, I'm personally going to keep a watch on her" Leo said lowering his voice but I could see the anger in his blaming me for failing to protect her.

"I forbid you from going close to her so don't be stupid and break the promise you made to me, that you will protect her from afar and be my third eye watching her. If you break that promise you will lose your head and I wouldn't care you are Nancy's favorite pet" I howl.

He was angry but he know very well what I can do when I'm angry.

He immediately falls on his knees and begged for mercy. I was forced to let it go.

I was tired down with a lot of work to take care of at the headquarters. 

Pack land, maintaining peace among pack members and the humans. Rose's father is the head representative for the humans. We made a path no pack member will kill a human. 

I had a meeting with him and he complained of humans getting missing or being found dead with wounds that seem like that of an animal attack.

Now I need to find out who is responsible for it. On top of that pack, members are divided among themselves.

My head is spinning right now. I pause for a moment from the many files in front of me.

I tried to leave but Justin and Brenson won't  let me. They insisted I need to give my solutions before. 

I forgot I told Nancy we will be having dinner together. I check the time and it's past 8 pm.

I jump on my feet. I'm in trouble.

Nancy is going to be so pissed.

"Baby, get your head in here, you need to give solutions to all this" Justin pouts.

"Nancy is waiting for me, could you at least get her here" I resort.

"Fine, I'm on it," Justin said as he runs off from the hall.


I woke up later and made dinner around 6:30 pm. I fell asleep waiting for Baby. A noise outside woke me.

I walk outside to check but didn't see anyone while going back in someone hit my head hard making me blackout.

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