The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 79: Descendent Of The Moon Goddess I

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What could have happened to Baby? "Baby.. are you alright come closer," I said wiping the tears wanting to fall, and hurriedly put on a smiley face.

"It's inappropriate to let an outsider into the princess private chamber but it seems you two have a lot to talk about so I will leave you two alone for some time" zenab pouts.

"Thank you Zenab," I Said forcing a smile.

"Don't overwhelm yourself" he added before finally taking his leave. He snaps his fingers and all the maids follow him.

He turns to look at Baby before walking out of the room.

"Baby are you okay?" I walk to him and hold his hand, my touch probably sends a signal to his core.

"You shouldn't be on your feet" he whispered. The cub in his arms jumps off lingering under my feet howling softly for me to carry him.

"Aww, what a cutie!" I awe as I bend down to pick it up. I run my hands smooth through its white furs. I don't know why the feeling looked familiar.

"Sit beside me, tell me what happened by the way where is Leo?" I ask going back to my bed. The cub howls continuously.

"He went back to Akin city, tell me how you are doing?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Really! When? without saying goodbye to me?" I mutter focusing my attention on the little cub that won't stop howling.

"Yes, it was urgent. Forget it. How are you, feeling?"

"I'm fine" I replied sharply.

"Stop... stop it right now or else I will have you taken to the forest" Baby ran his hand through his thick hair before pointing his finger at the cub.

"Oh come on, don't scare the poor thing, by the way, where did you find him?" I mumbled. Something is bothering him. What could get the alpha king so worked up it must be something big.

"Someone found him running around in the market" he answered.

"I see"


"Yes!" I turn to face him, his face suddenly turned pale.

"What...what if I become human? Will you be happy about it or sad" he asked while plastering a fake smile on his face.

Without waiting for me to answer, "Forget, I asked" he said.

"Judging by your look Baby you are in a dilemma, I won't be happy if you will have to sacrifice so much to be with me. I love you just the way you are. You don't have to change because of me. But if being human is what you want I will support you. Why bring it up, all of a sudden" I asked looking at him.

"Nothing," he said sharply standing up on his feet.

"What do you mean nothing just look at yourself?" I said putting the cub down and focusing on him.

"I said nothing" he hollers raising his hands.

"I'm not buying that Baby you are hiding something from me. What is it? Listen I will tell grandmother about it we can get married here if that will make you feel better" I offered.

"Listen, Nancy, we can't be together, we may be fated but I can't be with," he said placing both hands on my shoulders. I stood there and froze. This is not happening he can't break up with me. Like he said we are fated to be together. He can't live without me.

"You won't understand, I know I can't stay away from you but...but"

I jerk his hands off my shoulders, "You don't know what you are talking about. can't leave me" I said as l laugh out of nowhere taking a step back from him.

Seeing the look of anger and disbelief coming from me, he takes steps closer to me while I take steps back.

"I'm sorry....sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.... that came out wrong," he said as he tries to hold me.

He hugs me tightly kissing my forehead.

I stood there still, unable to fathom what had just happened. Why will he want to break up with me? Did someone say something to him?

"Nancy forget everything, I said earlier I was indeed in a dilemma believe me it won't happen again," he said. It was as if my soul had left me.

Is he pitying me because I took the news badly? All of a sudden the image of my mother being stabbed and my father lying dead at the morgue kept popping into my head simultaneously. My heart starts racing, everything seems blurred and mute.

"Nancy, Nancy can you hear me?" I heard Baby calling out to me as I step away from him. And crawl back to bed turning my face to the other side.

Baby's POV

I couldn't choose to become a human, not that I didn't love Nancy enough but I don't know what I will do as a human by her side.

With all the enemies I have made in my entire life we won't survive a day if they all come at us.

We can't stay here and I can't give her a life of constant running like fugitives.

The same life she had led for the past 18 years.

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It broke my heart to see tears in her eyes because of me. I had promised her I will never let her share a single drop of tears.

My heart shed when I thought I could break up with her. Even though I can't be with anyone but her I thought I could make her hate me and probably marry some prince or something.

Nancy crawls to her bed refusing to talk to me or even look at me.

"You are still here?" Zenab asked.


"Nancy, are you crying?" Zenab said when he walks over to Nancy.

"What did you do to her? She was fine when I left her to talk with you why is she like this?" Zenab hollers as his angry piercing eyes narrow down to mine.


"Just get out of here before I call the guards," he said angrily.

Nancy needs to rest it's probably best, I let him take care of her. Leo in a body of a cub looks at me.

I walk out of the room without uttering a word. Leo stayed behind. I saw him trying to climb the giant bed but he was too small.

Zenab carries him and places him on the bed.

"Stupid! I can easily erase her memory of you. I gave you an option to choose and you chose to break up with her?" A loud voice said I turn around and yet didn't see anyone.

The voice was loud but it was only in my head.

"Who is it?" I howl. There was no response. Only the guards line up in the hallway. I stride faster from there and enter the garden. I stood there till it was dark. It's the night of the full moon.

"You are here?" One of the guards asked.

"Yes, wanted some fresh air, wait, tell me I can hear noises coming from inside, what is happening? Is it a special occasion?" I asked curiously looking at the guard who was more than delighted to answer me.

"Here in Zamuniland, even though there is a free choice of worship, it is said there is a small tribe here that worship the moon. According to ancient stories. They are the descendants of the moon goddess." He explained as he goes about his work.

"Wait, man, this must be heavy let me help you with it," I said as I help him with the big trunk he was holding just to have him answer my questions.

"Tell me man, is a descendant of the moon goddess here in the palace?" I asked as my eyes widened.

He stops swiftly and pulls me to the corner, he only starts talking after making sure no one was around to hear us.

"There was a rumor the queen mother is from that tribe, but years later people believe it to be just a rumor because she was never seen worshipping the moon.

But tonight she suddenly decides to throw a feast in honor of her grandchildren. Prince Zenab and Princess Nancy. Isn't it suspicious? Could the rumors be true?" He said putting one hand on my shoulders.

The moon goddess? No wonder. I was right she was not an ordinary person. Werewolves are either blessed or cursed by the moon goddess they are said to be her children.

"Thanks, man carry on, I need to go," I said as I tap his shoulders and hurriedly left there in search of the queen's mother.

"But where are you going...?"

I heard him calling after me.

I took many turns before arriving at the queen's private chambers.

She wasn't there I figured if she is indeed the descendent of the moon goddess she must be in a place where the moon is visible enough. The terrace.

"Hey, please could you show me the way to the terrace?" I asked the next guard I met on my way.

"That way," he said pointing to my left.

"Thank you" I pout as I follow the path. Truly she was alone at the terrace.

As my eyes hit the full moon, I forcedly transform tearing the clothes I was wearing into pieces.

"I know you will come here, I guess you have made up your mind when you decide to break up with her" she smirks turning her gaze at me.

I howl as I walk closer to her. My human-size wolf stood an inch close to her.

"Kneel!" She hollers as my wolf stood still and legs curved to the ground.

What's with her she can control me. I ended up doing everything she said.

_Okay great you have power over me I get it now let me change back into my human form_ I holler.

"Pain!" She said walking majestically around as I groan in pain. As if my body was on fire and every bone in my body breaks and is reconstructed again and again. I groan in pain. 

while she remains calm. she didn't have to do much, she just says it, and it's done.


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