The Alpha's Human Luna

Chapter 94: Arrival Of The Twins

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After undergoing a magical surgery, let me put it that way. I woke up with unbearable pains all over.

Zenab was standing right beside me holding my hands while everyone else stands at the corner of the room watching as if they were mourning someone.

"My baby" I scream pulling myself up. I might have passed out due to the pains.

"Oh my god!" Zenab exhale deeply, so was everyone in the room especially Betty whose eyes were swollen because of excessive crying.

"Thank heavens you are awake" Roland whispered in relief.

"And the baby?"

"The baby and Nicole are doing okay" Roland assured me.

I fell back on the bed in relief. "How do you feel?"  Roland asked.

"Pains all over, goodness you didn't tell me it will hurt like shit" I pout rolling my eyes. 

"Where is Nicole right now?" I asked again, I don't trust her.

"Don't worry, she went hunting and before you get all paranoid she needs to feed the baby so just relax" Roland murmur.

"Well, great wizard you did it, I'm impressed, I thought both mother and child will die but you saved them both great. But Nancy aren't you even a bit curious how you survive a human about to have a werewolf baby" Meredith chuckles she always speaks in riddles.

What point is she trying to make did I just die and resurrect besides they said I was still in my early days of pregnancy.

"What do you mean Meredith? Speak clearly" I pout adjusting myself on the bed to look at her.

"She is just bubbling, don't pay attention to her you need to rest" Roland mumbles asking everyone to leave the room.

Zenab stays behind. "Everything is ready for us to go back to Zamuniland, I have successfully retrieved our parent's remains and I can't stay in Akin city any longer"  Zenab mumbles as he runs his hands in my hair.

"You should go back then" I whispered.

"No Nancy not without you, now more than ever I can't leave you here alone" he argues.

"Zenab please, let not do this, I really can't go back you must have heard I got married to Baby and we are having a child" I muttered.

"Yes, you married a man who is almost dying and about to have a monstrous child," he said angrily but refrained from raising his voice.

"Don't you dare, call my child a monster" I scowl.

"What is it then? You either agree to go back with me or I will call grandmother down here, it's your choice, you decide" he said without blinking as he walks out of the room.

There was no way I was going to leave my baby and husband behind. 

"He will come around Nancy, If I were to be him, I will react the same way," Roland said in a deep voice as he walks in with Betty.

"I don't know what to do?" I whimper.

"I wouldn't lie to you Nancy, this shit is messed up. Everything happening now is messed up, I barely manage to save you and it just got started. I suggest once the babies are born you leave from here, you will have protection over there" Roland said all in one breath.

"Babies?" I only heard that part. I'm only interested in that. That means we are going to have more than one baby.

"Is that all you heard Nancy? Every single werewolf out there is going to come after you and your babies. You are going to give birth to a different kind of race Nancy, people will feel threatened of them, worse off, that cursed Baby is in a coma" he pouts.

"I get it, I will leave once the babies are born but not after. Can I see Nicole?" I asked with excitement.

"She will come here once the babies are well fed, they almost died in your belly," Betty said as her voice held concern.

I needed as much rest as I can.

Days passed and I was strong as before. These past few days, all my attention has been on Nicole, her belly is already big enough according to Roland she will put to bed anything soon.

I can't wait to have my babies in my arms, Baby is still the same and shows no sign of improvement.

"You should go easy with that" I mumble to Nicole who was drinking blood from a blood bag. I wonder which hospital they stole it from.

"Since when do you care?" she chuckles rolling one eyebrow.

"Since you have my babies in your womb" I scoff.

"Listen, little human, I'm a vampire and I drink blood don't tell me your stupid mind is not aware of that little detail" she argues as she finished that one and grabs another one. She sticks a straw in it and started drinking.

I do but I don't want my babies to be blood-sucking creatures like her.

"Relax, Nancy she got this" Roland whispered as he refill the fridge with fresh blood bags only god knows where he got them from.

"She needs blood to be healthy and when she is healthy the babies will be healthy too" Roland explains having his hand on my shoulders.

"Or you will rather prefer she goes around killing people sucking their blood?" Roland asked of course not. 

Roland and Betty set up a blood donation center at school for people to come to donate blood to help supply the town hospital blood bank while they secretly supply it to Nicole.

I hate the idea but it's for the babies we could only fulfill her stupid whim.

It was a beautiful quiet evening, I was laying beside Baby as I usually do when I come to the house. Norinika and Deminika offer to keep an eye on Nicole.

There was a scream all of a sudden. It was Nicole whining in pain, she is about to deliver my babies.

"Can you hear that Baby? Our children are ready to come into the world, if only you will open your eyes?" I sob.

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"Nancy hurry, it is time!" Betty rumbles. I quickly left downstairs as Roland and his cousins Norinika and Deminika try to deliver the babies successfully.

It was a long hard night but thankfully the cry of my babies awakened something in me that I couldn't explain, I guess that's my motherly instinct.

Finally, they are here. Nicole was in pretty bad shape, blood everywhere.

She delivered two beautiful baby girls. Just like every newborn baby, they looked adorable.

Nika after preparing them handed them to me. They wouldn't stop crying while they were being bathed and changed into baby clothes.

As soon as I held both of them in my arms they stopped crying and started smiling.

I couldn't control the immense joy I felt.

"Welcome my lovely babies" I grin. It was a mixed feeling having them in my arms, I had tears of joy in my eyes

"What will you call them?" Betty asks with a smile standing above me.

"Barbara and Barbie" I mumbled, I have been thinking about the names for a while now.

"Nice names" Betty grins all this while Meredith is nowhere to be found. I wonder where she is.

"How is Nicole?" I asked suddenly as we fed Barbara and Barbie.

"She is fine, she probably left to hunt or something" Norinika whispers.

Everyone was surprised how well Barbara and Barbie were taking their milk. 

"I thought my babies will be crying for blood instead of milk" I joked.

No one seems to laugh because it wasn't funny to them.

"Nancy it's possible that the babies might inherit some of Nicole's DNA" Roland whispered.

"What!" I exclaimed turning to face him angrily.

"It's just a possibility, the thing is during the birth Nicole's blood might have got mixed up with theirs" Roland explained almost whispering.

"You are telling me my babies could have vampire blood running through their veins?" I holler.

"Calm down Nancy, it is very rare for it to happen" Norinika tries to calm the situation.

"This is bad," Roland said as he suddenly went quiet and sniffed in the air.

"What now huh?" I holler.

"Nancy I can hear the paws of wolves coming here" Roland whispered as he tries to close all the curtains. 

"That was early, how did they know about the birth of the twins and our whereabouts?" Betty asked.

"Someone might have told them"

"You mean Nicole or Meredith huh" I whispered currying the twins in my hands.

"I can only hold them for a few hours" Roland mumbles he had a hint of worry in his voice.

"That's fine Roland, Betty please don't leave the twins alone, I will be right back. I need to get Zenab and the princes out of town they might be in danger" I grunt.

"We will come with you," Norinika said.

"Roland you guys should be safe" Nika said as she holds my hands and teleport to the house.

Lucky Zenab and the princes were at my place. 

"Zenab you need to leave right now, You too Pana, go get everything ready" I pant.

"what is going on Nancy, there is something I need to tell you" Zenab muttered.

"Not now Zenab, all of you need to leave town right this minute we don't have time" I call as prince Assin and prince Asher order the guards to pack their things.

I spotted two pots carefully place on the table.

It was the remains of our parents.

"Mum, dad how I wish you two were here I miss you so much" I sob as I carefully pick the pots and hand them over to Zenab.

Norinika teleports the two princes to the airport where a chopper awaits them.

"Listen you need to know this Nancy, I fell into Rose's trap again" Zenab pouts.

"What did she do this time again?"

"She planned with her father to explore Zamuniland for their own benefit, prince Assin overheard a conversation between her and her father pressuring her to marry me. She only wants to use me to get hold of our resources" Zenab groans.

"I will deal with that bitch, Norinika will teleport you to the airport, tighten the security in Zamuniland and I will deal with Roses and her father, take care of grandmother and our parents" I mumble as I motion Norinika to take him looking away not to cry.

"Wait! Nancy, please take care of yourself and come back home safe" he sobs holding mum and dad's remains carefully.

I nodded as Nika takes him away.. She returns in the next minute and confirms their chopper has taken off.

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