The ArchSpirit

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – [Soul detected]

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[Soul detected.]

[Starting system.]

[-ERROR-Soul fragmentation detected, searching current possible solutions.]

[Solution found, starting sequence S436"03.]

[Please stand by during the procedure.]

[Soul fragmentation halted, possible loss of cognitive function, proceeding with cognitive function assessment -ERROR- continuing with a simpler version of the test.]

Where? How?

[Please answer the following question. How much is 2+3?]

What? Wait, where am I? I can't feel anything. I don't even have a mouth. How do you want me to answer your question?

[Answer invalid, please answer the question.]

Wait, you can hear my thoughts? Can't hurt to answer, the answer is 5.

[Answer valid, simple cognitive functions appear normal, possible chances of loss of memories, searching the database for the current individual.]

So it can hear my thoughts, WAIT "loss of memories" let me see, a name, a family, address, nothing, maybe I should wait for this to end first.

[-ERROR- Wide-Database wipe detected, proceeding without recovery.]

Wait, no data? proceeding with what???

[Inquiry detected, the recovery, and customization of your new body. Please describe the physical characteristics you want your new body to have.]

Wait, A body? Huh, let's go with 180 cm, somewhat sharp features, white hair, and muscular.

[Measurement unknown, defaulting to average height of 5ft9in, sharp face features set. White hair set. searching available pods, pod 7 selected, welcome again to the world of the living, service by ████]

Wait, back? What do you mean by back? What did you do to my height? Why imperial and not metri… That's when a light momentarily blinded me. "Fuck, that hurts, wait?. " I can talk? I momentarily paused on that revelation, if I can talk I have a body, if I have a body... I started to squirm outside whatever I was laid at, looking at my surroundings. It was some kind of laboratory, just, empty and abandoned, cool, prime location for a horror story. I tried to make some sense of this.

Wait, sense? let’s see, I have vague memories, nothing very specific, let’s see… Family, had a mother, no name I can attach, I think, no siblings for certain, what else… Earth, certainly lived there, where exactly, I don't know, it should be weird that I’m not panicking, less problems to deal with at least.

Okay I can live with that, don’t want to die, did I die once? the machine certainly said so. Should I trust it? I think I should at least take it into consideration, now what else? looking to where I emerged from, it looks like a pill pod, looking from side to side, I saw the other pods where in various levels of disrepair, each looking vastly different from the rest. "Should I look around?. " I made a rhetorical question to myself, of course I would look around, I need to know more where I am.

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As I gave the room another look. "Why are there so many clothes on the floor? Wait, clothes. " Looking down on my body I exclaimed. "I’m naked!!. " I started to look through the clothes on the ground, which were in the same state as the pods, to get some which would fit on me, it’s not like the owners would care, would they? I settled for a new looking, plain black shirt, some leather like shoes, and some sort of denim pants, though they did not feel like it.

Giving another look around the room I could also see a lot of broken objects on the floor. "Did these people just poof out of existence?. " I could only explain the situation of this room like that, either that or the entire room went on a crazy sex orgy, Though that’s unlikely. Looking on the floor and desks I saw some papers. "Let’s see. " Picking up the paper, I could only be confused, as there was nothing resembling letters on it, only smudges as if it was censored beyond recognition.

"Again, nothing but smudges or blank papers, what happened here?. " I had shifted throughout many “documents” on this room, trying to make sense of anything, but I could not read any of it, nor could anyone else, I think. "Okay good, nothing else to do on this room. " I turned to the one thing I ignored the whole time I was here. "Hello door, I did not want to open you just yet, but it appears I have to. " Heading to the door I felt some level of unease, maybe there were people on the other side, maybe the owners of the clothes he was wearing were on--SLAP.

"Stop. If they were here they would’ve already entered this room. " I breathed in and out as I turned the handle on the door, opening it, getting greeted with what could only be described as an abandoned sci-fi hospital, with even more clothes on the floor. "So whatever happened in this room wasn’t limited to it. " Making sure I did not step on any clothes, I walked on the wide corridor stopping in front of the stairs, the question being. "Should I go up, or down... " Tossing the imaginary coin in the air, it landed on up.

The next floor was a library. "Super useful this place, if I could find anything legible. " I sighed. I walked throughout the library, not expecting anything, just looking for a place to sit, as I heard it behind me, looking back expecting to see someone else, I saw something yellow lunging at me, to fast for me to identify it, tossing myself to the side, I bumped on the bookshelf, the yellow critter was still in the air, the bookshelf falling, I tried to prevent it, however I was not able to stop it due to its weight, and only had made some books fall open on the ground.

looking back at the yellow thing, I could only ask myself what it was. surprisingly receiving an answer, but not in any way I expected.

[Skill acquired: Inquiry.]

Race: Yellow bugger



"Wait, What... " I tried to wave way of the screen that suddenly appeared in front of me, somehow that worked, only to be rewarded with the bugger on my stomach.. "Fuck. " I screamed, realizing I could now take the fucker with my hands, I barely missed the thing, it was in my hands, it continued to strugle as I was observing it. It certainly deserved its name if that box was correct in its name, it looked a lot like a pillbug just big, yellow and with huge back legs.

"Well, you had to charge at me, now what to do with you?. " As soon as I muttered that it kicked me in order to free itself, It hurt like hell, making me drop it on the ground. "FUCK! if you are going to act like that, EAT THIS!. " I screamed as I kicked it like a football all the way across the library, and surprisingly splashed on the wall letting out a squealing noise as it apparently died.

[Yellow Bugger defeated, XP Earn... -ERROR- System not Installed, starting installation, please stand by.]

Yeah scratch that definitely died.. "Okay dead bugger, floating screens, I’m certainly not on Earth.. " I focused on the screen trying to see where it came-- "FUCK!!!. " I screamed as everything hurt, I felt like I jumped on flowing lava, not able to move my body I fell, surprisingly not on the fallen bookshelf but on an open book, not hitting my head too hard, though I would not have felt it in my current state, just suddenly realizing that it did not hurt anymore, almost like a distant memory.

Lifting my body, I looked back on the ground, asking myself what happened. My eyes landed on the book that was under my head, my eyes popped open seeing the words written on it. Yes actual words, not blurred or non existent, but actual words, that for some reason I could read.

as I was going to pick the book to read it it appeared.

[Welcome to the WORLD SYSTEM. Please think status in order to see your personal page.]

Note that English is not my first language, So if you see anything wrong be welcomed to correct it in the comments

1395 Words.

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