The ArchSpirit

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – The first of many

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[Skill Light Shape(C2) level: 20(MAX).]

[Skill evolution possible, view possibilities?]

Why would I not?

[Displaying current possible evolutions:
Light Shaper (U1) - A direct evolution of Light Shape.]

"So only one... I expected it, but it still hurts a bit". Picking the only option I had, I felt a bit of discomfort... deep in my soul, that's the only way I could explain it. But finally I had proper magic.

[Skill evolved Light Shape (C2) -> Light Shaper (U1).]

Let's see what changed in the description.

[Skill Light Shaper (U2) Level: 1.

Skill description: The idea of a shape, brought forth by ones will, and spirit. movable, but non-permanent, the more mana is added the longer it lasts, easily disrupted by physical objects, it is anchored to the location it is, unless moved by the creators mana.

Level 25: ???

Shape complexity, duration, and ease of movement per mana is increased every level.]

"Not much changed, just like the name." I summoned another ball, this time I could feel the way I could move this. Simple actually now that I had the skill helping me, without it, the mental power I would have to use would be impossibly high. the level 25 function is still far for me.

I looked at my current skills, I would come back to the light when necessary.

Inquiry (C2) Level: 4.
Fatigue Reduction (C1) Level: 2.
Sense Mana (C2) Level: 5.
Light Shaper (U1) Level: 1.
Concentrate (C1) Level: 4.
Open Slot.
Open Slot.
Open Slot.
Open Slot.
Open Slot.]

So halfway full, need to learn if it is possible to lose some of them. Didn't notice Fatigue Reduction leveling up, or sense mana, or concentrate, possibly because of the latter. "Which of these can I grind more easily?" I knew of a possibility, just needed to ask if it was possible. "Inquiry can I automate some of your uses?"

[Yes, it is a possibility, however, the task has to be simple.]

Good, good. don't have anything you can do now, but good to know. "What ways can be used to level you up?"

[The current possibilities are, inputting more data and asking questions that have a chance of accessing the world archive.]

Simple then. what are the-- "GUH!!" something tackled me to the side. Fuck this hurts, I rolled on the ground until I hit with crack on a boulder, I had but a moment of clarity, which I used to jump away to my left. I at the moment was happy for my decision, because I could see that the huge boulder had a new crack on it, courtesy of the weird bull with huge goat horns instead of the normal kind.

I didn't have enough time to admire the big creature, mostly because I saw it shake it's completely unharmed head, then turning it left then right, which locked onto me, charging once again, the horn aligned with my body. I did what any one should do. the bull-thing was looking down, So I ran left this time. The air rumbling behind me just as I left my current position, I didn't look back, a mistake on my part, the thing was much faster then me.

This time it was sense mana that saved me, the bull was a mage, or something like that, because I could feel the disturbance in the air. The fight or flee instinct flared like a lighthouse at night. So I dived to my right, the bull didn't hit me once again, though this time they were in front of me, and quite far, "Maybe it overcompensated to catch me." I asked myself what could I do, it was faster then me, stronger then me.

"But not more intelligent." I grinned as the idea lighted up on my head, conjuring a light, I felt that I could somewhat have it away from me, the distance didn't matter this time. What mattered is that I could easily change the wavelength, so red it was. The bull was finally looking at me, I didn't have much time to do this so I conjured a second light, this time blue. I knew it was going to charge at me, but it was somewhat apprehensive after it missed so many times. So I had enough time to estimate the distance between it's eyes, yes, I'm going to give the thing a visit to the optometrist, and with enough luck, an epilepsy.

The orbs where moving in a circle parallel to the ground. the air was disturbed once again, having the orbs stay in place I dived to the left. I was a little late, because the bull hammered its head to me, hurtling me far further then I wanted, the pain was surprisingly bearable, though it did took me some time to get on my feet. I was hopeful because of that, the bull could've easily attacked me again in that time, but didn't.

The Sun Wort-Bull was confused, it could not see, not after the weird lights invaded its eyes. It could smell though, the thing was still around, it wanted to eat it, it knew, not how, that it would make it more powerful. Its nose was not that reliable to track difficult prey, the smell was everywhere, the delicious smell... it recoiled and screamed as it felt something hit its rear leg, multiple times, it was the prey, it knew by the smell, how dare it try to hunt me. It asked not how to reached so close without being smelled, it decided. " I will eat you."

Such a wish would not come to be, its back leg bone was broken, it could not charge anymore, but it did not give up it would eat the prey. it turned around with surprising speed, the world was helping it once again.

[Skill Acquired - Fast Turning (C2).]

The world always helped it if it was clever, it simply used the same idea as its charge, it was facing the prey it knew that, it simply chomped on the direction of the smell, it tasted some part of it, it was happy, it had finally hunted down the prey.

In its last moments it heard the panting mumbling of its surely dying prey. "The brain is always a weak point of blood creatures." Something was thrusted in its eye, it did not feel pain, it was to fast for it to register.

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"FUCK, SHIT, This hurts away to much." The Sun Wort-Bull had bitten of part of my leg, why i knew the name I would curse for at least a few months, the system told me.

[Sun Wort-Bull level 37 Defeated, EXP earned]

[Leveled up]
[Leveled up]
[Leveled up]
[Leveled up]
[Leveled up]

I reached level 16 just with that, I knew there was more notifications, I had bigger problems at the moment, like will my leg grow back? Please grow back.

[With the aid of energy the missing parts will grow back in 26 hours and 21 minutes. Recommended finding shelter for the moment.]

So fast, just not at the moment, can I even move like this? better, can I make this faster?

[Yes, the expenditure of energy will be higher due to missing parts.]

[Guided energy meditation can make the process faster. unknown by how much.]

Reading the prompt I sighed, well tried to, it still hurt like a bitch. Still I took some time but I stood-up, and went back to walking east again, after some time the pain was to hard to deal with, It was night, I had already made a light that stayed above my head at all times, sitting against a silver tree, I started asking some questions I forgot to ask.

[The closest nation is The F.A.E. not much more has been retrieved from the archive.]

[No, it is not possible for the skill Inquiry to use other skills.]

[The uploaded information to the skill Inquiry is only the ones that have relevance to the inquiries made.]

[The evolving algorithm is currently very primitive, the possibility of it evolving when the grade becomes uncommon is very high.]

it was like this for a few hours, the skill went up to level 7, I think mostly because of the first question. That's when I remembered I still had some notifications.

[Level 10 reached, suitable cognitive capacity detected, class has been unlocked.]

There it was, I admit I am curious, but right now is not the best moment, getting up, the pain spiked for a moment. "Fuck!! Can't I turn the pain off!" I almost screamed, didn't want to attract more of the Wort-Bulls. Surprisingly the answer came.

[Activating Concentrate is a possibility.]

I immediately tried to, i focused on a simple task to do it, finding the multiples of 2. that way I walked for a while, when I noticed it was night, again, a day had passed.

[Skill Concentrate (C1) has reached level 7.]

There it was, a small cliff, with a cave, using sense mana I felt nothing inside, well nothing magical. as I tried walking inside I paused. "Why is my leg not healed?" The answer quickly came.

[The conscious expenditure of energy to the affected area is necessary to start the healing.]

Well that answers it, this time, without pausing, I walked inside the cave, finding it empty, heaving a sigh of relief I sat. I could finally deal with my leg.

having my right feet on the ground, I could see missing part of my leg, better, what was supposed to be below it, there was no blood, there was veins, arteries, muscle, bone, but no blood, I truly was not human. shaking these thoughts out, I started to funnel my mana from the abdomen to my leg, it just felt to be right way. It was going to take a long time, it used a lot of my mana, so I used concentrate. finding it more easy to manage meditating and moving my energy to my leg. Even then my mana continued to drop at a slower rate, but I knew it was going to empty before it was fully healed, when I felt it to be almost empty I looked at my status page.

Name: N/A.
Race: Arch Spirit.
Penalties & Advantages: Not enough observation.
Level: 16.

That answered it, my second pool was my stamina, I was not human after all, it also explained why I could use mana as a substitute. Continuing my meditation I waited until full, when then I went back to healing my leg, it took me a few more hours it was day when it was finally fully healed. getting out of the cave I looked to my right, east. Not knowing what I could find.

I was a few days, the yellow lands where behind me, mostly because all I could see in front of me was white, not snow-white, but white enough to be weird, because the white came from plants higher then me, it felt like a fence, much more then the fence I could see before it, mostly because it was incredibly small. "Well, at last civilization." suddenly stepping inside the fence was the stupidest and most wonderful decision I ever made.

"Who are ye', and wha' do ye' wan' from my farm!" though it did not felt like it at the moment, mostly because there was a spear touching my throat, held by the hands of a halfling.

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