The Art of Before Light – Art series

Chapter 5: In the meantime, here are some Before Light unrelated artworks, ha.

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(Author's note: all artworks and music videos mentioned can all be seen here on my Youtube channel here: , and my Pixiv page here: )

  Come on, they look decent. So bear with me while I document the makings behind these...imaginations. After all, this is where I deem a light hearted area where my thoughts and behind the scenes work could be left accorded.

  First of, let me introduce thee to the world of Virtual Youtubers, especially those of Hololive. I won't get too deep about them, and all you need to know are they are legitmate hardworking Youtubers and talented streamers with anime girls as avatars that are quite popular in the recent years. If you want more details, just put 'Hololive' onto your search bar and you are ready to go (into the rabbit hole, that is). But what is the meaning of this, you may ask, and why is it relevant here? Well, it is quite known that I make simple orchestra music for my own novels (which you should know if you've followed Before Light Remastered and Great Strike Exia, but perhaps you are new here, so why not check out my Youtube channel where all the music are: )

  Ahem, as I was saying, I make some novice music online for the past coupl of months, and it is so coincidentally evident that I too am an avid fan of the Hololive V-tubers. So, on a simple noon working out, the idea came to me through the call among the universe, that said

  " Make some music of the V-tubers, Jumbo."

  " But Universe, my music is not mature enough, and it my taint the idols' reputation!"

  " Less talk, more action."

  " But..."

  " Don't think. Just do. Like Tom Cruise, the Maverick virtue."

  And thus, it is set. To make orchestra music in the name of honoring them V-tubers, I began work--by making four music scores for four seperate Hololive members at once.

  I don't know why I did that, and I surely never do that again, but at that time, making four meticulous music pieces seemed like the sound idea to make a breakthrough on Youtube. It was grueling, to say the least. Anyhows, I began making, and at the first day, I orchestrated all four pieces and sent them into the laptop. On the second day, I edited the first piece and barely made it before bedtime. On the third day, the second finished editing, and on the fourth the third one was done. But on the fifth day, the last piece of music stumped me. It was made for the one V-tuber that I admired and looked up upon with most reverance, and the pressure sure did drained much courage and confidence. And for that one last piece of orchestra score, it took four days, four times than the others before it.

  But still, they were all done. Never would I try to make four thing. at once ever again. 

  Of the details of the music making we shall leave for another time to share, for our focus is on the artwork, which has its own character to play.

  " So, I have finished the four pieces of music. I shall send them out and spread honorable song to the community!" I thought then before I was yet again, stopped by the voice of the universe.

  " Wait, Jumbo," The universe conversed. " Youtube music videos without visuals is like a king with new clothes. Certainly you must have artworks of the V-tubers to support the music."

  " So...I'll just downlaod some on google?"

  " The hell, no, Jumbo! That is against copyright laws. Make your own art you shall, for you have also been making art for you novels, have you not?!"

  " Are you serious, universe?!" I asked, but the universe turned silent, and I could but comply. So lo, with four songs, for four Hololive V-tubers, I drawn four seperate artworks, inspired by their initial character design, and here they are.



Above: these first four are the thumbnails for the orchestra music released on early January (2023/01/08~09), for their details and how they performed, I will not eleborate any further, for it is the artwork that is of focus today. ( But sure do check them out if you like to, here: , , , )

  You may have noticed, if you have seen and listened the musics, the artworks are not entirely static. They are simple, though crude in performance, but animation nonetheless. Why would one go to such extent, I too do not remember. But it felt naturally the way it should be at the time. 



( These above were all movable in their own limited right, though janky, still took a lot of time and effort to produce, not sure if that's worth it or not.)

Weeks after, to make a long story short, the universe called upon a fifth release, and Jumbo, like Noah with his devout passion and steel belief upon his God, made the fifth piece of music and along with the artworks linked to said Hololive Virtual Youtuber.



( Video Link: ,  Above: released on 2023/01/17, the fifth music video in line with its artwork, mostly drawn by my own hand, following the official character designs of said Hololive member. If you still don't understand what I am saying, I am sorry, but  just put the names on the seach bar and you'll see. It's too big a franchise to explain and requires large amounts of time to look into. So just bear with me for now.)

  This time, I made sure to make just one piece of music at a time, along with its artworks, which thankfully, isn't too hard to draw due to the specificness of the design and easiness to reach. Overall, the making was not too turmountuous. 

  Along came the lunar new year holidays, and all projects of music making, novel writing and so on came to a rest, and Jumbo was at ease, for like a couple of days until the universe came by one night.

  " I have put into your head the music for the sixth music video, Jumbo."

  " The what now?"

  " I said, I have put into your head the music for the sixth music video, Jumbo."

  " As if you now hold the Gon Jabar upon my neck, universe."

  " Don't quote, but listen to it, and you'll know which Hololive member this music belongs." And the universe shutted up again and I listened in my head.

  Indeed, the music was obvious who it should belong.


You are reading story The Art of Before Light – Art series at

( For those that are intrested, the link is here: )

Above is the artworks for the sixth Hololive Orchestra music, along with the artworks, and by jove were they many. I shall elaborate.

  By the time making the first five music videos, I have been using a video editing software by the name of VSDC, which is not the most prefered software in editing (mark my words), due to its crashing everytime the keyboard shortcuts were used, but I didn't know better than. But during the making of the sixth video, the universe couldn't stand the sight of my struggling and intervened.

  " Search for a better software to edit videos, Jumbo, I beg of you."

  " Come on, Universe, VSDC is free. And you know our ecomonic state is not the most desirable."

  " For the love of god, Jumbo, have you heard of Davinci Resolve?!?!" 

( The conversation above is not sponsored by any party whatsoever.)

  And to my surprise, Davinci Resolve is the answer to all the problems, and the key to open new possibilities. I assure you, I am not sponsored, but if you are seeking to edit visual stuff online, skip VSDC and use Davinci Resolve, it is free, blessed by god, and many thanks to the developers and all the kind benevelont Youtubers that made clear, inspiring tutorial videos on this rather complicated software that helped this project come to be. It is truly as they said, that for a beginner in this video editing field strongly realized, that "You can nearly learn everything online." Please don't underestimate the power of internet of spreading knowledge and insight without borders and paywalls, we should all be thankful that we live in such an advanced time that we can try whatever there is in this world, with the access to the wisdom granted by the awesome pioneers that inspire, and guide generations. 

  And here I am, spreading what I have learned to you, being someone with no art background, never learning how to draw, edit, make music, nothing,  but still able to put out something out there to the world that looks kinda decent. Now is  the age when we can actually try things. All the teachings are there, forged miraculously by the universe.

  We just have to listen.

  Enough talk, here are the artworks done these past three days (2023/02/06~2023/02/08, right now typing).





 ( For those who are curious on who they are, and what they are, look them up. I guarantee it's an intresting ride. )

  Artworks above can all be seen on 

my Youtube channel :

and Pixiv page:


  And just an hour before typing this, here's the latest artwork fresh out of the drawing board.


I use Krita to draw, by the way. It's also free. I mean...aside from my laptop, my midi keyboard, and my table, chair, and electricity, all the software I use are all free. If even I, an idiot with no idea in the field of art and music and inspiration can slightly make something up, you definitely can too. Like what Tom Cruise said to everyone in cinemas, 


  " Don't think. Just do."


  Thanks for coming to my TED talk and and bearing with my ranting and lunatic speech, hope you enjoyed somehow. Peace.



  Damn, Top Gun Maverick is such a banger movie.



[ be continued......]




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