The Artist and The Wolfe

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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Lark and I had gone to the petting zoo outside of town today. It was a nice drive away from the city, and Lark and I both enjoyed seeing and interacting with the animals. While we were out there, Mr. Wolfe called me and informed me that tonight we were going to a fancy party dinner party hosted by some of his friends. He told me I couldn’t go in the dress we had bought for the opera, so I’d have to take Lark out to find another dress.


Thankfully Lark was easy enough to shop with, as he was glued to his iPad for most of the time and couldn’t care less. I luckily found a long dress with a high slit that seemed perfect for the dinner and like something I could wear again.


After Mr. Wolfe got home, he had me change into the dress so he could appraise it.


“What do you think?” I turned around and lifted my hair so he could see the low back. I’d be lying if I said part of the reason I bought it was to taunt him.


“It looks…” He trailed off. I looked back at him to see him watching me hungrily.


“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I smiled, turning around.


“We should leave soon. I’ll go inform Kendall.”


Mr. Wolfe left and returned with Kendall, who’d watch Lark for the night. Mr. Wolfe and I got into the Aston Martin and started off toward our destination. We drove out of town and towards nice mansions, likely where some of the politicians lived.


The house was massive, no doubt worth millions of dollars, and was nicely kept. We walked into the front room and were walked into the dining room, and sat down. Most of the conversations had to do with business, things I didn’t really care for. I could already tell when we sat down I was here just to be a pretty placeholder, not that I minded, though.


“You seem uncomfortable.” Mr. Wolfe leaned over to whisper in my ear.


“No. Just listening.” I smiled slightly, looking over at him.


“You look lovely tonight.”


“Thank you. So do you.”


“We can always leave for a bit and find a free bedroom.” He suggested, causing me to roll my eyes. 


“Always big talk, with no action.”


“You want action?” His cold fingers traced the slit of my skirt, before burrowing underneath it.


I swallowed roughly, shifting in my seat as his fingers continued up to my underwear, touching my inner thigh. “You shouldn’t be doing this here.” I attempted to stop him, but he didn’t listen, grazing over my underwear.


“Then let’s do it upstairs.”


“Are--are you serious?” I looked into his eyes, searching for an answer. I was tired of playing these games with him. I just wanted to fuck him, finally.


“Very.” He smiled once more, his finger gently rubbing my clit through my underwear. “I want you.


With that, he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving me to do the same. I honestly wasn’t sure if this was another one of his games, but I had no choice but to find out. I was literally throbbing thinking about him bending me over, so I had no choice but to follow.

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“Excuse me.” I spoke quietly, standing up and heading out of the room. 


I walked up the stairs after looking around, ensuring no one was watching. I pulled my phone out to text Mr. Wolfe to see where he was, but he found me first.He stopped in front of me. He put both of his hands on the wall, pushing his body against mine, causing my phone to fall from my hands. I looked up at him. Something in his eyes was different; animalistic. He kissed me hungrily, his hand moving to pull my skirt up.


I pulled back. “Don't make me do this in the hallway.”


He smiled. “Fine. Bedroom it is.” He picked me up, instinctively causing me to wrap my legs around him. He carried me to a bedroom before throwing me down onto the bed. He stood up, allowing me to watch him peel his suit jacket off. I sat up in the bed as he began unbuttoning his shirt. He gave me a wicked smile as he dropped it on the ground. His chest was well-toned and slightly covered in his dark hair. 


“Hurry the fuck up.” I warned.


He laughed, walking over to me. I liked hearing his laugh. He leaned forward, kissing me again. His hands grabbed each side of the slit on my dress, ripping it open. 




“Hush. He grabbed tightly onto my arms, pinning them above my head. He pulled me up, so I was chest to chest with him, unzipping the back of the dress, allowing him to tug the dress off my chest and off my body. His eyes roamed up my body hungrily. I held my breath as I waited for him to pounce. 


He placed a knee on the bed to lean over me and ran his hand up my side. “Your artwork doesn’t do you justice.” I smiled up at him, liking the look on his face as he watched me. One hand cupped my breast, gently playing with my nipple, while his other hand roamed down to my crotch, rubbing through my underwear. “You’re already so wet.” He smirked once again. He pressed himself against my crotch so I could feel he was hard under his pants. 


He moved back slightly to remove his pants, dropping them to the ground, leaving only his underwear on.


“No more teasing me, Mr. Wolfe.”


“I thought I told you to call me Marco.” He grabbed me by my throat, pushing me back down onto the bed. I smiled up at him, challenging him. He moved down to kiss me once more, his kiss sloppy and hungering.


He placed one hand on my crotch, opening my lips up, so he had a clear view, while his other hand held onto my ankle, pushing it into the air and eventually where my knee was beside my head. 


“Fuck.” He muttered, before removing his underwear, allowing his dick to pop out. I eyed him hungrily, anticipating his first thrust. It didn’t take long for him to line himself up and thrust inside me, causing me to lean back onto the bed. I held onto his arms tightly, trying to keep in place with each thrust, especially as they grew in ferocity. Marco’s fingers rubbed my clit, using the wetness as a lubricant. 


After a while, he pulled out and grabbed my hip, turning me around onto my stomach. He then grabbed my hips with both hands and hoisted me up, so my ass was in the air. Once again, he ran his fingers through my crotch before inserting himself.


“Are you on birth control?” He asked between thrusts, his voice strained.


“I am.” I looked back at him to see him smiling. “Why? Want another kid?”


“Wouldn’t mind having one with you.” He smacked my ass with a satisfied smile. He didn’t last much longer, finally cumming inside me after my validation. We both got redressed and headed back to the party, after grabbing my phone back up from the hallway and tidying ourselves.


The car ride home was silent, outside of the road noise. I wanted to say something, anything but didn’t know what to say. I had fucked up. I slept with my boss like I had told myself I would, but honestly…I didn’t care. I just wanted to do it again. To not be thrown to the side like another one-night stand. I wanted…more from him. 


We eventually got home and out of the car, where I attempted to say something, but he didn’t respond. I suppose he finally got what he wanted, and my fate is in his hands to see what he does. I walked up to my room and took a hot shower, uncertain of what my future looks like. All I could do was hope he wouldn’t fire me.

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