The Beasts located adjacent to your Bed

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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Unfortunately, food was not on the menu, it seemed. As they were ambushed by Asha before getting ten foot out of the room that Kiko had been in. The head Kitsune didn’t seem very impressed with Queenie’s attempts to run off with Kiko, and gave her The Glare. And a bit for Kiko for going along with it. A silent argument played out between the two, with Kiko in the middle, which eventually ended in the defeat of Queenie.
“Guess you are needed by Asha for a bit. I can wait outside if you want...” Queenie offered, and Kiko nodded quickly. With permission to linger outside, Queenie followed Kiko until they reached Asha’s office, and did just that as the girl was ushered inside and all but dropped into a plush seat that seemed to hug her as she fell into it.
“Now, you are probably very distraught over what has happened to you and the Tengu, it was quite the mess. So I looked into it and I finally found record of what, exactly, it is you are going through” Asha started. Such definitive words made Kiko sit up, as much as she could in a chair that was all cushion, and pay emphatic attention. The incredibly intense staring would probably be off-putting for others, but Asha had seen enough in her life to be steeled against that sort of thing. Most sorts of things, if she was honest.

“It stems back to the Great War. That fight was not our own, it seems. Ancient legends suggest that the sky was filled with chariots of fire as the denizens of the stars descended upon our planet to aid us. It’s mostly gibber, but ‘denizens of the stars’ does seem to imply that there were people from other planets here at the time of the Great War. Extraterrestrial life has always been an interesting discussion, and while I wouldn’t say some ancient writing that seems to be using thermatics in lieu of actual words is to be trusted entirely, it’s food for thought” Asha seemed to be enjoying the monologue, so Kiko just let her carry on.

“There is a mention of a woman who ruled over the Life of all who stood on the field. Cross-reference that with a later treatise on The Great War, with some professional translators, I might add. I can really appreciate the effort a man puts into something like this. An- “Asha seemed fit to go on for a while yet but Kiko was interested in something else entirely.
“How long, was I in that room? And hey, wasn’t that room your office? How do you have two offices?” She seemed more interesting in that right now than anything else.
“Ohh, you were there about a week. Time can distort under immense grief or stress, like you were under. And I have two offices because one was my day-to-day office, and one was my proper office. Kitsunes can be rather vigorous at times. And so I have a scapegoat office that is filled with naught but brick-a-brack and general office supplies. This is my real office, in which the stuff that is actually important, is kept. I rarely bring people here because that would invalidate the need for a scapegoat office in the first place” Asha seemed slightly amused, as if she had given the explanation before, to an equally confused person. “And now, if you will allow me to continue?” Asha asked. Kiko was a bit thrown by the fact that she had been in that room an entire week and it had only felt like a few hours.

“A week…why am I not hungry? I know I can store more food than I need but I couldn’t have had that much, could I?” She asked, looking down at herself. Sure, she had eaten more than she usually would, but a week? That was pushing it.
“Not quite, no. But Kitsunes have a lot of things done to them to make them the perfect warriors. We needed it for the Great War, and so underwent such changes that we can hardly be called Kitsunes anymore. If you get down to your last day’s supply and you know – even subconsciously – that you aren’t going to be getting any more in a hurry, then your metabolism slows dramatically to allow yourself to subsidize on that tiny amount that is left. It’s partially the reason for the time dilution that you feel. You won’t be doing anything straining, but you will survive” Asha sighed as Kiko had so many questions that weren’t related to right now.

“Anyway. To continue. Finally. This woman who ‘ruled over the Life of all who stood on the field’ was recorded as the Queen of Blood. Name not put down, unfortunately. But, she had a small cadre of Kitsunes known as Blood Moon Kitsunes. They were entrusted with powerful runic enhancements that fed off blood and gave them physical abilities far beyond their kin. Today, there are a few hereditary inheritors of the Blood Moon Kitsunes. However, they are not able to control the power properly and have it suppressed through alchemical concoctions. Unfortunately, your body is too developed for those concoctions as you were not brought into the Kitsune fold until you were in your late teens. So we didn’t catch it and as a result we didn’t manage to get you with what you needed. So, for the first time in a few hundred years, we have a chance to observe the full power of the Blood Moon Kitsunes. And I can tell you from what I have seen so far, it is terrifying” Asha talked endlessly, and Kiko just, stared and listened. This had confirmed it; she was a monster. A horrible, blood-drinking monster. But Kiko’s horrific revelation did not stop Asha in the slightest.

“Your runic enchantments seem to have gone into overdrive and so their ‘vigorous appetite for battle’ seems to have spilled out. Apparently after a fight these Kitsunes would vent excess emotion with their partners” that part, made Kiko look up, with a frown.
“So, you are saying every time it starts going mad I should find Queenie? I doubt she’ll appreciate that” Kiko replied, shaking her head at the idea of Queenie getting jumped by a maniacal Kitsune girl.

“We don’t have anything specific for a cure. Trans-planetary theorems are not exactly prolific. We could try repurpose the All-Range Communications Installation to broadcast into the stars in hopes of picking someone up, but we don’t have any idea who this Queen of Blood is or where she is or even who – if anyone – will pick up the transmission. We could be inviting horrific creatures to our world. We could be the last bastion in the entire universe after everything was destroyed by these Beasts From Beyond, and we are just talking to empty space. We could get into contact with this Queen of Blood and she neglects to help us. She is a Queen, after all. There are a lot of variables we have to consider” Asha watched Kiko, and seeing the girl’s face fall slightly, decided to speak again. “That, is not to say we aren’t going to do it. Just that you are aware of what might happen in the future. As for now, we can’t do anything about it. So just, take what you now know and try to hold off the feeling if it comes again, and we will get to you when we have something to get to you about. As for now, I suggest breakfast” Asha gave a soft grin, and then nodded, standing up from the chair and taking Kiko’s hand. “Just know that we are doing everything we can to help you. And one way or another, we will fix this” she finished, before guiding Kiko to the door and letting her out to the still waiting Queenie.

After Asha closed the door, Kiko buried her face into Queenie’s chest – and ample bosom – and sighed in a highly vexed manner.

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“Mffmfm mmfmf mmfffmfh” Kiko said, her voice too muffled by Queenie to be coherent. For her part, the Demon Queen gave Kiko a soft pat on the head, and stroked her hair.
“Indeed. Most insightful, my dear little fox” Queenie teased. That elected a giggle from said little fox. And after a few seconds, she withdrew her face.
“Breakfast” Kiko exclaimed, nodding to herself.
“What about, Fish Tacos?” Queenie asked, with a strange grin. Kiko stared for a few seconds, and then shook her head.
“No, I don’t really like fish. Battered maybe, but I don’t think fish would suit tacos. I was thinking a big breakfast, like sausage and beans and eggs and hashbrowns and more hashbrowns and ohh my god why do you have so many hashbrowns and please stop your plate can’t handle anymore hashbrowns and well done you have officially split the plate in half from the sheer weight of hashbrowns, you mad woman” clearly deserving of the final title from the description of her ideal breakfast.

Queenie put on a pout that Kiko hadn’t gotten her reference, but didn’t pursue it. It was made in jest, after all, not from real desire.
“Then we will simply get you a stronger plate” Queenie replied, taking Kiko’s hand – loving the fact that somewhere in the week she seemed to have overcome her fear of contact – and led her to the cantina for the breakfast of her dreams.

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