The Beasts located adjacent to your Bed

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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It seemed Queenie was serious with her exclamation, and Kiko took the first blow to her jaw, stumbling and feeling the suit fight her every movement. Not enough to hamper her in any way, but enough for it to be evident, and mentally distracting. Maybe that was the reason she had this dam thing rather than just some shorts. Queenie seemed to have pulled her punch as well, so while it made Kiko stumble, it didn’t really hurt all that much. But still, there was that stare. The stare of disappointment, like Queenie was expecting something Kiko didn’t deliver. Irritated, and annoyed by this stare, Kiko batted away the second punch, ducked under the third, and thrust out a punch to Queenie’s gut.

It was like punching a brick wall. Immediately regretting her decision with a sharp yelp of pain, Kiko backed off, scowling as she panted. The panting was confusing, she hadn’t been doing that much to warrant such exhaustion, and it didn’t really feel like exhaustion. It was more the feeling of intense warmth around her waist. Every movement gave her a new flush of the feeling, and for want of a better word, it felt good. Queenie took advantage of this distraction, and laid down the strikes harder, faster, more aggressively pursuing Kiko across the mat, making her move to Queenie’s will rather than Kiko’s. Keeping her off balance and on the defensive, while the suit still made her feel warm and heavier with every movement. Maybe Queenie was making her move around so much because the Demon girl knew that the suit was making her feel like this, so hot and fatigued. As the minutes passed, Kiko’s guard dipped, Queenie got in more and more blows, until her entire body sagged, and Queenie delivered a strong kick that knocked Kiko over, crashing into the mat with a groan, and just failing to get back up. Queenie was on her in moments, in a literal sense. The cheeks that were already flushed red blazed even hotter, with Kiko unsure what was happening, or what she should do.
“Well, looks like you have had enough of that fun for one day. What do you say we have some of the other fun?” Queenie suggested, bending down to kiss Kiko on the lips, soft and quick. But to Kiko, it felt neither. Her eyes fluttered and her brain just left her for the sunny shores of somewhere saner, catching a ride of the earliest flight out of Kiko’s head when Queenie planted a longer, deeper kiss on her lips.

There was no resisting this woman. She was just too powerful, and her lips were so nice. Kiko had never felt anything like Queenie’s lips. And then a sensual whisper came into Kiko’s ear.
“So, you look ready to pop. Do you want to just, give in and be my pet for the rest of your life? I’ll make sure to look after you. It might be an embarrassing time for the first month or so, but I’ll make sure to take you on walks and feed you properly, dress you up all nice, and take care of any urges you might have. Just have to surrender your will to me. You’ll get used to it, and then you’ll question how you had ever lived without me” She finished, nibbling softly on Kiko’s ear before staring into the girl’s eyes. It sounded so good, Kiko was right on the doorstep of speaking when it flashed in her mind that this was not what she wanted. While she didn’t really have any goals of such, she was not here to get turned into a pet by some dominatrix Demon on her first day here. So taking a steadying breath, she opened her mouth.
“I…” she started, and then head-butted Queenie violently. It seemed whatever made her gut so strong was an active power rather than a natural one, and Kiko felt the crunch of nose as Queenie recoiled, cursing violently and clutching the point of impact.
“God-dam it! Ow! Furry bitch!” She exclaimed, getting off Kiko and making sure that she wasn’t bleeding or anything before turning to Kiko with a broad grin. “Well, congratulations doll. You passed” Queenie quipped. The sudden exclamation that the whole thing was a test caused a surge of anger in Kiko, but it did not help that she was still in this dam suit, and that the feeling of great weights attached to her entire body had yet to go away. As had the feeling of unnatural, pleasant heat that permeated her whole being.

“What the hell….is even going on?” She demanded, slowly moving to get up before Queenie spoke.
“Don’t try to move. You’ll only exacerbate it. As for the question, well…See, we face a lot of creatures, of many, many different varieties. And amongst them, there are Succubi. Lesser Succubi aren’t really anything to worry about, but your average Succubi can really wrap a person around her finger with the powers she’s got. And if you meet a Greater Succubus, well…you are basically a sex slave until she grows bored of you. Unless- “Queenie was, however, cut off by Kiko at that moment, with a sharp shriek.
“What, the actual fuck, has this got to do with anything?!” Kiko demanded, her panting becoming more obvious as the seconds ticked on. Queenie took the interruption with an amused smirk, and sauntered over, straddling Kiko again.
“I was getting to that part. But it seems you are too distracted to listen. I should take care of that problem for you” Queenie stated. And take care of it she did, with expert precision. Kiko didn’t even resist, the first touch had her melting into a pile of happy goo.

Kiko lost her perception of time in that moment, but she knew when it had ended. Panting heavily from actual exhaustion this time rather than just the strange warm weight, she had somehow lost the suit in the time between that moment and now, but it seemed such an insignificant worry, with Queenie lying next to her, basking in the afterglow.

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“So… do that to a lot of people?” Kiko finally managed to asked, in a breathless tone. The smouldering hellfire in Queenie’s eyes had changed to be something of a more nurturing nature, like a warm fire on a cold day, rather than the raging inferno that could consume a city.
“Only to the people I like. And no, I don’t have a lot of people I like. So you can feel smug that you are on quite the exclusive list” Queenie replied, taunting Kiko and stroking her naked body with a teasing finger until realizing that Kiko was to blazed to really appreciate it, or even notice. So she stopped.
“Well, I feel special now” She muttered, and then smiled softly. “So, I feel this subject is even more valid now, but what were you saying about Succubi?” Kiko prompted, hoping to get back on topic after the accidental derailment.
“Are you sure you want a lecture, and not round two?” Queenie offered. Something of an exhausted glare from Kiko made her grin, and she took that as her answer. “OK then. If you don’t have the willpower to resist a Succubus, your mind will no longer be your own, and you’ll be a danger to your whole team. Which is the nature of this testing. The suit you were wearing was designed to stimulate erogenous zones subtly with each movement, so as time passed, you got increasingly aroused, but couldn’t pinpoint the source. Exactly how a Succubus would act” Queenie finished, watching the embarrassed lights go on in Kiko’s eyes.

“So, this is anti-succubus training, and you couldn’t tell me before because that would ruin the whole surprise?” She offered, to which Queenie nodded.
“It’s to gauge your willpower and see how to tailor the situation to you personally. Usually you’d just have a trainer, but I knew your father well, and I wanted to see his daughter for myself. And I have to say, for a girl who has never been anywhere near this kind of life style, you can colour me impressed” Queenie exclaimed, moving to give Kiko a tight hug.
“I…well…awkward question but….” Kiko started, but Queenie was already way ahead of her.
“If you want it to be. I promise to be gentle, outside of training”

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