The Best Shinobi

Chapter 14: Dad’s Graduation Gift

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Suddenly, Naruto's consciousness returned to normal as he looked at Menma and hurriedly spoke.

"Menma,  you are right. That monster just talked to me inside a weird place. It was behind a prison. It said that someone took him out of my mom's body and put it under a Genjutsu to attack the Konoha Village."

Hearing Naruto's words, everyone was shocked.

"What is going on? We are just kids." Kiba shouted as he didn't understand a lot.

"Menma, don't you think we should tell the elders?" Sakura suggested.

"Yeah! It is not something we should talk about. This goes beyond our ability." I also supported her.


At this moment, Sasuke smashed the table and stood up. He looked at Naruto and Menma, asking.

"What do you mean by that fox was under Genjutsu?"

At this moment, he was under a huge suspicion and his heart was trembling. He got the feeling that it was related to their Sharingan.

Naruto hesitated to say but Menma rubbed his elbow against Naruto to encourage him.

"It said that someone with the Sharingan put it under the Genjutsu to attack the village."

"That's a lie. Why would our clan do it?" Sasuke roared but he didn't move. His whole body was trembling.

At this moment, Menma asked, "What if that person isn't from Konoha but rather someone who hates Konoha and happened to be an Uchiha or simply had the Sharingan translated into his eyes."

Hearing his words, Sasuke slowly calmed down and said "Explain"

At this moment, his eyes had changed. There was two tomie in his eyes that looked ferocious. But, he didn't notice it.

Of course, this didn't escape Menma's eyes. He was able to notice it easily. He sighed and spoke.

"Village or Clan? If you have to choose between one of them who would you choose?"

At this moment, nobody could answer it except one person.

"Village!" That person was none other than Naruto. He had no family. The entire village will be his family once he becomes Hokage. That's his thought.

"While some have the definite answer, there are some people who can't forgive clan or village for what they did. There could be a chance that an Uchiha had hatred against the village."

"That's why I said. Uchiha is the strongest. Even if it is one person, as long as they have Sharingan, their powers would rival clans. That being said, we don't know the whole story."

"So, we are not going to tell anything to anyone. I already told you. The higher-ups won't hesitate to put the life of a hero into misery just so that they won't get blamed."

"If you tell this to anyone."

Menma closed his eyes and said, "I am afraid they won't hesitate to assassinate me."

Hearing his words, everyone widened their eyes. Even Shikamaru wasn't calm at this moment. Menma turned his eyes at Kotaro and Jeme.

"We don't know about each other but since we are from the same generation, I will put my faith in you. I hope you won't reveal this to anyone."

Kotaro and Jeme looked at each other and they clenched their fists.

"We won't tell anyone about this."

Menma slowly smiled and looked at the others.

"I believe you guys. The reason why I decided to tell you is simple. We will be one to facing against these threats. We will be the ones who would need to protect our village."

"Although I detest and hate high-ups, I also understand their situation. Yes, they have gone overboard but it is only because the light hasn't been able to keep the darkness in control."

"Their generation will end soon. And, the next generation will start. In our generation, we will balance darkness and light. Only that way, the village will prosper. That's why we must get stronger."

At this moment, Sasuke clenched his fist. This was already his idea. He will do everything to get stronger. But suddenly, Menma's next words made him dumbfounded.

"Sasuke, although you are very hungry for strength and want to become stronger as soon as possible, don't forget you are the only Uchiha. If you die, you won't be able to continue the Uchiha bloodline."

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"And, if you don't find a girl to marry, you won't be able to pass on your bloodline. So, you should stop being like a lonesome jerk, or else, you will remain as the last Uchiha."

Hearing his words, Sasuke's face turned red. He snorted and looked away. On the side, Sakura and Ino also turned red as they kept stealing glances at him.

Others continued with their food and after a while, Beni finally woke up. After she woke, Menma asked her to not tell anyone anything they discussed and she agreed.

Well, it wouldn't matter even if she hadn't agreed. She didn't get to learn the main details so it was fine. After they finished eating, they left. Everyone went their own home while Menma stayed in that room for a while.

He made a few hand signs and stamped his palm on the ground.

"Seal- Release!"

After releasing the seal, a big smile appeared on his face.

'With this, I will get bigger support if I ever have to face Danzo. Sarutobi will die at the hands of Orochimaru. For everything he has done till now, it will be his blessing to die with honor.'

'I won't spoil it. After he dies, the only hurdles would be those two elders. So, as long as I have these guys on my sides, they won't be able to do anything to me.'

'I have learned Sealing Jutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu in the past three years. Now, I have three goals on my hands. First, train some powerful Ninjutsu. Second, learn Eight Gates Celestial Formation, and third, create 'Chakra Stealing Jutsu + Chakra Sealing Jutsu'.'

'I have already worked on basic configuration but now, I still need some important materials. I will use the missions to fulfill my needs and slowly create that Jutsu.'

'Alas! For someone without a ton load of Chakra, my future would be miserable just like Kakashi's. At least, that guy had Sharingan after losing his Chakra.'

'Hmm... Maybe I can use Chakra Sealing Jutsu as well to seal his Sharingan temporarily. There are too many things to be worried about. I can only wait and take it slow.'

In these three years, his strength has considerably increased. It wouldn't be hard to say that he was already Chunin Level Shinobi. But, compared to Naruto, he was still behind.

Thinking about Naruto, Menma couldn't help but sigh.

'That was the power of the main character. Just teach him to how to not be stupid and he will be a superpower. Come to think of it. Naruto does learn things quickly when he understands them.'

'He is very creative on his way as well. I guess helping him understand the basic stuff will make him even stronger. As for that Sasuke, well, I don't hate but I dislike that guy.'

'Man, if Naruto wasn't my favorite main character outside those two, I would smack his head for doing so much for that bastard.'

Menma sighed and walked out of the restaurant. Since this was his father's restaurant, he didn't have to pay. He returned to his home and saw his mother and surprisingly his father waiting for him.

"Congratulation!" Both of them jumped toward him and embraced him together. They were incredibly happy that their son has finally become a Genin. He was slowly moving towards his goal.

Menma got a bit emotional seeing their reaction. It was a bit too much for him because when he graduated from high school, nobody congratulated him. Now, he had only graduated from Academy, he received such a warm congratulation.

At this moment, he felt incredibly happy that he was reincarnated into this world. He doesn't know what happened to Menma nor does he cares.

It wasn't just a congratulation. It seemed like his father went somewhere to bring a special gift for him. By the way, his father hasn't been introduced yet right?

His name is Takeru Benchi.

Takeru passed a scroll to Menma with a big smile on his face. Menma was surprised. He took the scroll and looked at his mother. Her expression was telling him.

'Come on! What are you waiting for? Open the scroll.'

Menma sighed and slowly opened the scroll. On the top of the scroll, there were some words written in bold characters.

"Lightning Release Chakra Mode- First Stage"

When he saw those letters, his eyes widened to the point he instantly turned his head to his dad and asked "How?"

"It seems like you recognized it. Well, I got my hands on it through Black Market. You also have Lightning Affinity so you will be able to use it. Unfortunately, the person who copied this Jutsu was only able to copy the first stage."

"I heard there are second and the third stage to this but since this is the secret jutsu of Raikage, it is already amazing that someone got their hands on it. So, what do you think about this gift?"

Menma jumped into his father's embrace and said.

"Dad, it's the best gift ever."

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