The Best Shinobi

Chapter 29: Exchanging with Flying Thunder God Jutsu

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Five Days Later,

They eventually reached the village. Kakashi, Guy, and Genma went to the Hokage's office to report the mission while everyone else returned to their home.

In Menma's home,

"Mom, I'm back." Menma entered the house as he spoke.

A few seconds later, Yuki rushed toward him and tightly hugged him.

"Do you know how worried I was for these days? I even had two bad dreams. Why did you have to do such extreme tasks?"

Menma was surprised for a moment but then, a trace of sweetness appeared on his face.

"Mom, I can't grow by living my life in the village. Besides, don't you know I always have the trump to escape from any dangerous situation?"

"I know but you won't leave your comrade to die. That's why I am worried." Yuki's fear wasn't false. Menma would never leave his comrade to die and run away.

But, he also had powerful trump cards that he could utilize to run away from any kind of situation. That's why she was worried. Even with those trump cards, Menma's life depends upon his comrade.

Hearing his mother's worries, Menma laughed and said.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about my comrades dragging me. My friends aren't just strong. They are also very loyal. Let me tell you what happened during our mission."

After that, Menma sat on the chair while his mother prepared the snacks and he started telling her about his mission. He didn't leave a single detail because he didn't need to.

Except for the fact that Menma wasn't their original Menma and some of his future plans, he hadn't hidden anything else from his mother.

Yuki was shocked to hear that her son faced Chunin. She was also deeply touched by Naruto's actions. She never expected the child who was hated by the village would give up his life for his friend.

She suddenly became glad that her son cleared her hatred for him and gave her a chance to get close to him.

After they talked for a long time, Yuki suddenly asked.

"Son, do you like Tenten?"

Hearing her words, Menma was startled. His expression turned shy as he shouted.

"Mom, what are you talking about? We're just friends."

Yuki chuckled and said.

"Then, do you want to make Tsukino your girlfriend? She seemed to have a good impression on you."

Menma blushed even more. Although he was a person with few relationships in the past, he never actually thought of having a girlfriend after coming to this world.

All of his focus was on getting stronger and striving to become the best shinobi.

So, when his mother talked about getting a girlfriend, he couldn't help but become flustered.

Although he never thought about getting a girlfriend, he did have a good impression of Tenten.

"Well, I won't force you but if you don't hurry, then someone will catch her heart and steal her away. You are not the only man for Tenten or Tsukino."

Yuki chuckled and walked away.

She didn't mind her son having a girlfriend at this age. After all, she was someone's girlfriend at this age. And, that someone was none other than Menma's father.

Otherwise, why would she marry some ordinary person?

Menma on the other hand didn't know what to say about it. He thought for a moment and decided not to think too much about it.

After all, it would take him at least a decade to get married. He isn't someone like Minato who could live alone with his lover.

If he wanted to live with his lover, he would need to marry her. And, marrying someone at an early age wasn't something he would even consider.

Menma decided to interrupt his thoughts and walked up to his room. He was quite tired of this mission. After all, they barely get any time to rest and they also spent a lot of energy during that battle.

Menma went to his bed and dozed off.

Next Morning,

Without even realizing it, he directly opened his eyes the next morning. He was still a bit tired but he understood that he slept for more than twelve hours. So, he went to the bathroom and took a proper bath.

After that, he greeted his father, had a heavy breakfast with his parents, and finally walked out of the house.

He directly went to the place where his team would meet.

"Menma" "Jena" "Okinawa"

"Good morning"

As they were walking toward the meeting point, they met each other. For a moment, there was a big silence. They didn't talk until their leader arrived.

"So, why is everyone so down?" Genma looked at their expressionless faces and asked.

"Captain, we are too tired." Menma replied. His body was still aching a bit. He truly wanted to take this day off.

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"Is that so? Then, you should take this day off. Here, your share for this mission."

Genma took out three envelopes and passed them to them. Menma took the envelope and turned around but just when he was turning around, Genma spoke.

"Menma, Hokage asked you to meet him in the Hokage's Office."

Menma was surprised. But, he still dragged his tired body to the Hokage's Office with Genma. When he got there, he was surprised to find Kakashi and Guy there.

And, some other people as well, including Danzo, two elders, and Nara Shikaku.

He was a bit nervous especially when he saw Danzo.

This guy was the cancer of this world. As soon as he saw that, his body involuntarily reacted as he took a few steps back.

Everyone was surprised especially Third Hokage who saw Menma's eyes falling into Danzo and taking a few steps back.

He didn't expect Menma to know things about Danzo and even be afraid of him.

But, Menma was also good at hiding his emotions. He quickly realized his mistake and calmed himself.

"Lord Hokage, did you call me for something?"

Third Hokage smiled and said.

"Don't be afraid, child. I just called you about something that Kakashi mentioned to me. I heard that you have created a Jutsu that can turn anything into Chakra and seal it away."

"Your Jutsu made him think of a sealing jar from Cloud Village. So, I was very curious how you developed such Jutsu. And, I also heard that you found and talked to Tsunade."

Hearing his words, Menma thought for a moment and decided to answer.

"Lord Hokage, as you already know I am from a civilian family. But, unlike Fourth Hokage, my Chakra reserve is extremely low. Not to mention, it can't be even compared with big clans."

"And, my dream is to become the Best Shinobi like the Fourth Hokage. So, I have been going to the library and learning more about Jutsu, experimenting with many Sealing Jutsu, and creating some."

"But, my knowledge is shallow. The things that I have developed are either partial or can't be used continuously. So, I have been thinking of meeting Lady Tsunade for a long time."

"It was pure luck that I met her during this mission and asked her to make me her student. I was lucky that she agreed."

Hearing his words Third Hokage frowned. On one hand, it seemed like Menme answered his question but on the other hand, he didn't answer how exactly he created this Jutsu.

But, he couldn't force Menma to submit that Jutsu to the village either. So, he thought for a moment and said.

"Menma, as you already know, we have the tradition of exchanging new Jutsu for money or the Jutsu of our village. And, I learned from Kakashi that you want to exchange your Jutsu with the Forbidden Jutsu of the village."

"I believe your Jutsu is already a Forbidden Jutsu because of its usage. So, I hope you can exchange it. You can choose any Jutsu you want from Book of Seals."

Saying so, he took out a scroll and threw it at Menma.

Although Menma caught it, he didn't even open it. He simply looked at Third Hokage and said.

"Lord Hokage, as I already told you before. My dream is to become a Shinobi-like Fourth Hokage. So, I already have a Jutsu in my mind."

"I hope to exchange my Jar Style- Chakra Absorption Jutsu with Flying Thunder God Jutsu."

Third Hokage was surprised for a moment but he twitched his lips upon hearing the name. Although the name of the jutsu wasn't that bad, he didn't understand Jar Style.

When did this kind of Style appear?

Why hasn't he heard about it before?

Suddenly, he remembered the naming sense of Minato and realized that Menma was learning everything from Minato.

He laughed.

His laughter made everyone turn their heads at him with surprise. Even Menma was caught off guard by his laughter.

"Hahaha! Menma Izuno, our village is blessed to have Shinobi like you. I would like to thank you for taking care of Naruto for so long. I assume you already know about his parents."

"Unfortunately, we can't tell others about it. You might not know but Minato had a lot of enemies on the battlefield. And, more importantly, we had already suffered twice from Cloud Shinobi trying to take our village' children."

"If they learned about Naruto's identity, they will definitely try to kill him. That's why we had to hide his identity. I hope you can understand."

"As for the Flying Thunder God Just, you can have it. I understand that you need two years to create another Jar. Since you are probably leaving the village  to study under Tsunade, I will give you this Jutsu in advance."

"You can only keep the scroll for five days and after that, you need to return it. You can't pass this Jutsu to others. And, you must create Chakra Absorption Jutsu in two years and return to the village."


When he said that, Menma's eyes widened. A trace of joy appeared on his face as he quickly nodded his head.

"Thank you, Lord Hokage. I will definitely finish Jar Style- Chakra Absorption Jutsu in two years and return to the village."

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