The Best Shinobi

Chapter 4: Taijutsu Battle Part 2

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'Sigh! That's the attitude of the Nara Clan. Obviously, they are born with higher intellect but they are too lazy. Well, Senior Shikaku did become Jonin so I don't think he will be anything below.'

Iruka sighed seeing Shikamaru's action. He declared Menma the winner and continued with the third round. He purposefully didn't let Sasuke and Menma fight. Instead, Sasuke's opponent was Shino and Menma's opponent was Hinata.

At this moment, Hinata was still a shy little girl. But, when it comes to battle, she didn't back down, especially in Taijutsu battle. Because if she loses her and if her father gets the word, she will get punishment.

That's why she didn't want to lose that easily. And, with her early training, she has acquired quite a strength in Taijutsu and even awakened Byakugan.

The first battle started with Sasuke and Shino. Both of them walked in front of each other and got into a fighting position. Shino wasn't allowed to use his insect. On other hand, Sasuke can't use his Ninjutsu.

That means it was a battle between fist to fist. Sasuke started the battle as he rushed toward Shino. His right fist thrust forward to hit Shino but it was a simple attack so Shino instantly dodges it.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a simple attack. When he dodged it to the right, Sasuke lifted his left leg and kicked him on the side of his stomach.

Shino was left defenseless there but he didn't fall. He quickly reacted by throwing his punch. Although Sasuke didn't use his Sharingan, he was still able to see Shino's movement.

He saw Shino's left arm ready in the position to move. So, instead of dodging the attack, he kicked Shino's hand up in the air. This made Shino back up but using this chance, Sasuke kicked Shino in the gut as Shino flew back and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the attack was quite heavy as Shino struggled to stand up. Sasuke rushed toward him and before he could stand up, Sasuke took out his kunai and put it under his throat from behind.

"Alright, Sasuke wins!" Seeing Shino's tough expression, Iruka declared Sasuke the winner. He knew kids were just too stubborn to give up that easily.

Sasuke stood up and leave. Iruka helped Shino get up and put them on the side. After that, he declared the battle between Hinata and Menma.

When both of them entered the stage, Hinata was still timid. She was still unwilling to battle but her father's anger kept coming to her mind as she slowly made up her mind to fight.

Menma stood in front of Hinata and thought 'You got to be kidding me. Why is she fighting? Shouldn't she be timider to battle? Did something change about her?'

'Fighting against the Byakugan without any Taijutsu training would be a hassle. Fortunately, I don't think she will use her Byakugan here. So, I have to defeat her fast then.'

As soon as Iruka started the battle, Menma dashed toward her. This surprised everyone because until now, Menma was simply trying to defend himself and use opponents' attacks to his advantage.

Even Hinata was startled by it but as a ninja, she reacted quickly. Menma started with a kick on her head but she ducked down and thrust her palm up.

Menma raised his hand and smashed on her hand while letting her smash his chest. That palm felt really powerful as he was pushed back but he managed to weaken her hand even though it was only temporarily.

He had taken martial art classes in his previous life but he knew he can't rely on just that to fight against Ninjas. But right now, these ninjas were simply kids.

So, as long as he uses that knowledge, he could win. But, it wouldn't be easy. That palm felt powerful. He was almost worried that it was her Trigram Palm.

But, then he remembered she shouldn't have started training it, so he quickly calmed down. Instead, he focused on his next move. Since her hand was weakened, he instantly went for her legs.

He took a step forward and punched. Hinata panicked and retreated but he instantly raised her leg and kicked when she was trying to jump. His kick forced her to fall to the ground.

He quickly took out his kunai and placed it above her head.

"Sorry, but I can't let you use Byakugan."

Hinata bit her lips and said, "I give up."

Menma smiled and put his kunai back and stretched out his arm. Hinata was startled. Suddenly, her timid self came back as she shyly stood up without using his help and left the training ground.

On other hand, Sasuke walked toward the training ground. He looked straight into Menma's eyes and asked "Do you need rest?"

His tone was quite cold. Menma knew this guy was up for a challenge. He sighed and shook his head.

"No! I am ready. It's not like I can win against you."

"Are you admitting defeat?" Sasuke asked. There was a tone of unwillingness. His expression showed frustration. None of the academy students was his opponent and even if they are, those students were one class higher than him.

Unless they come to bully him, it would be impossible to fight them.

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Menma shook his head and said "Of course not! I mean I am not going to win but I still like to fight."

"That's what I like." Sasuke clenched his fists. His eyes instantly scanned Menma's movements but Menma was calmly waiting for Sasuke. He knew he can't attack Sasuke instead Sasuke will be able to counter without any trouble.

So, he wanted Sasuke to take the bait. But, both of them didn't move. One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes passed, and five minutes passed but both of them weren't moving.

Iruka stared at the battle as his mind was comprehending what was going on.

'Both of them aren't giving each other the opening. Both know if they make a move, the opponent will be able to take the advantage of their move. So, they are waiting for a chance.'

'But, if they continue like this, other children will be dissatisfied. I bet they will start shouting soon enough.'

Unfortunately, two more minutes passed but no one made a sound. Normally whenever they fight, Sasuke would be a clear winner. But, this time, Menma was making a miracle.

He was forcing Sasuke not to move. Although those were children, they were still ninjas. And, they understood the strange atmosphere on the ground.

Of course, some are still knuckleheads but they don't dare to speak. Like Naruto! He only gets more courage later on.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, both of them moved at the exactly same time. Menma and Sasuke took out their kunai instantly and their kunai collided.


The collision of kunai shocked everyone, even Iruka was shocked. Although he didn't forbid the weapon, they were only used to make their opponent give up, not to fight with them.

Obviously, he couldn't stop them now. Menma was using all of his knowledge from the past life to move his hand to match Sasuke's speed.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Their collisions were constantly releasing sparks but slowly, Sasuke was pushing Menma back.

'Sigh! I really need to train my body. I must burst out my YOUTH.'

Menma sighed when he felt like his hands were finally giving up. Although his Chakra was supplementing him with energy, it wasn't going to help him continue fighting against Sasuke like this especially when Sasuke has greater stamina.

So, Menma made his last attempt. He suddenly threw his kunai up in the air to distract Sasuke's gaze and caught his hand before his kunai could reach his face.

Sasuke panicked when his hand was caught. In his mind, his Sharingan suddenly got activated. Sasuke also realized that and his eyes instantly captured Menma's next move.

His body acted on its own as he caught Menma's kick. He pushed Menma to the ground and pushed his knee to the face. There was a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"Stop Sasuke!"

Iruka Sensei shouted as he rushed next to them and separated Sasuke. When he saw Sasuke's Sharingan, he was shocked. He hadn't received the news about Sasuke's Sharingan till now.

Sasuke also realized his mistake and his Sharingan disappeared. He loosened his grip and looked at Menma with a fierce expression. But, he calmed down and said "I lost."

Without even waiting for their reply, he turned around and left the training ground. Menma didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand, he was feeling pain in his leg.

On another hand, he knew Sasuke did this because of the hatred that was controlling him. As for him surrendering, it was his pride. After all, he used Sharingan, the ultimate power of Uchiha against a normal student in a friendly spar.

"Sigh! Look like you won." Seeing Sasuke's behavior, Iruka didn't think too much and congratulated Menma.

"Can you get up?"


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