The Big One: Multi-Dimensional Showdown!

Chapter 1: My brother-…no, my sister is trying to Kill me!?

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I woke up this morning feeling like I do most other mornings, which would be the overwhelming urge to not get up, though this morning I also felt the remains of a killer headache. It was dying down fast but I could tell right away how bad it must have been, and how glad I am to not have woken up sooner. Still, the headache did help me with one thing. With it, I can use it as an excuse to sleep in longer. 

With that in mind, I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, knowing full well the alarm is gonna wake me up within the next twenty minutes or so, and knowing full well I can just shut it right off. Just as I was drifting off, about to get some nice z's, I heard a voice. It was oddly familiar so I figured it to be my younger brother, March. His voice did sound a bit different but, then again, the door is closed, he is just weird, and I have a receding headache. Also, March is just weird. His voice is high-pitched and annoying to begin with and he has a tendency to change the pitch of his voice a lot for no reason.

Needless to say, he is very childish despite his age of sixteen.

Unfortunately, before I could fully drift off, someone knocked on my door. I felt surprise run through me and tried to remember if I had work today. I think...I think I do, which sucks but ehh, that's just my life. Is my dad coming to wake me up early this morning? If he is, then this is just my luck. 

Despite knowing full well that I'll probably anger him again for no reason, or really just because I am tired and have a 'Headache', I closed my eyes again and tried to drift off to sleep once more. Of course, since life is unfair, my dad knocked on my door once more, this time much louder than before. In fact, it may have been my imagination but I thought I saw the door bulge like the knocking nearly forced it off its hinges. 

"Whaaaat!?" I called out, thoroughly annoyed. However, I got no response.

I thought about trying to go back to sleep, and probably would have too, if it wasn't for the feeling I got that if I did, the knocking would only get worse. So, with a huff, I got myself out of bed and stomped over towards the door, still thoroughly annoyed. I opened it and got ready to tell my dad that I have a headache but, to my surprise, my dad wasn't at the door. In fact, no one was. 

Confused, I peaked out into the hallway and did see someone. They are smaller than me, had the same lightish dark skin tone as me, and are wearing a black or dark grey and red dress as well as a red gem-like ornament on top of their long straight black hair. The best words I could think of to describe them was out of place. Their dress decorated and looking more than a little expensive. Their dress wasn't the only thing out of place. The black boots they are wearing looks like they have spikes on the bottom, and maybe a bit military in design. They have one black studded wristguards. They also had black armor covering the lower part of their legs past their knees. I can see their left hand, mainly because they are holding it out in front of them, and their fingernails are black in color and shone, like jewelry...very familiar jewelry.

Then, they spoke.


I took a step back, feeling creeped out. The voice was familiar, yet definitely the voice of a young girl. I had no idea what this...this psycho was doing here, nor how dad let a stranger...wait, what if he didn't let her in? I don't hear him and, going off my alarm clock, he shouldn't have went down to work yet. 

Anger swelled up in me and I took a step forward now, clenching my fists. I opened my mouth, ready to start demanding answers when the stranger turned her head towards me, a cocky grin on her face. I hope it is my tired mind but her teeth all look really sharp, like she had not a single incisor or molar. Her face is cute, femminent, yet so, so familiar...

....and then I met her familiar brown eyes.

"M-march?" I asked, calling out the name of my brother, "I-is t-that you?"

Their smile went away as they turned around to face me completely, allowing me to see the red and light purple eye badge on their chest and visible grey scaled armor underneath their dress by the collar. 

A silence set in, unnerving as we stared at each other. I thought I would be the one to break the silence, about to question why he was cosplaying, but he spoke up first.

"Enough of the chit-chat, oh dear brother," March spoke up, smiling once more. This time I could clearly see the sharp teeth, "To think I would find you here, sleeping oh so peacefully."

She spat on the ground, a thin line of hate in her voice and the disdain in her eyes the only hint of how angry my brother is. "Still as cocky as ever. Oh, how arrogant."

He held up a finger and took a couple of steps forward, closing the gap between us. As he got closer, I realized that I actually took a couple of steps back, and felt the bathroom door frame behind my back. I shot a look at my room so close, but any thoughts I had of running in were dashed when he stepped closer. 

"S-shut it, Stop being so damn creepy and tell me where Dad is!"

I didn't mean to snarl at him, wait...what am I saying? Of course I meant too. Just who does March think he is? 

"Sorry, Onii-chan, but I do know what you are doing here. I too am after the Big One," March piped up, a pleasant smile on his face. Despite him sounding so sure, I truly have no idea what he is talking about.

I opened my mouth to ask him when I suddenly realized he was much closer than before, and I feel a pressure on my throat.

The next thing I know I was thrown single-handedly into the wall behind March, nearly going right into the basement door. My whole body was racked with pain, and I was too dazed to even realize what had happened at first. It wasn't till I looked up and saw March approaching, his black katana somehow in his hand and swung over his shoulder, did I finally come to terms with the danger I am in.

I struggled to get up but I could tell I wasn't going to make it. However, just when his katana was inches from my body, he halted, giving me enough time to get up. I scrambled to my feet, using the wall to push myself forward to escape my psychotic brother. I was turning my head around to look back when he started speaking again.

"Did I over-" he began, not stopping as he swung his katana, catching me in the chin and sending me tumbling to the ground, "-estimate him?"

"Wh-what are you going to Do!?" I shouted at him, ignoring the tears in my eyes and how hoarse my voice sounded, "Are you insane!? Are you trying to ki-"

"Kill you?" March interrupted, looking at his katana before swinging it at the basement door handle. Much to my horror, it cut through the handle perfectly, no sign of resistance. I know for sure his katana is just a toy. I've been hit by it and hit him with it plenty of times before. Hell, it even looks the same!

"...I might," March continued, taking a step towards me. I let out some kind of wheezing sound and crawled backwards till I hit the kitchen gate, the one people use to keep pets out or in, "Even now, as you're racked with fear, you are gonna get back that stupid-Yep! There it is!"

"...Go to Hell, you fucking psycho-" I began only to get kicked in the chin. My vision went red and I instinctively spat out a mouthful of blood as well as a tooth. The worse thing about it, however, wasn't the pain, but the fact that I saw him lazily kick me. He didn't even give put in any effort, by the looks of it.

"Up ya go!" He exclaimed, pulling me up to my feet with her-his free hand and shoving me into the living room. I took my hand off my mouth and got ready to swing just in time to get jabbed in the foot with her katana. It hurt, but the blade was dull, like the toy that it is.

"And out ya go!" She exclaimed again before, in a swift move, kicked me high into the air. I hit the window frame but, much to my shock, kept on going, tumbling out into the yard. For some reason, the kick didn't hurt as much as the other things she-he has done to me.

I managed to shakily get up to my feet just in time to see March step out from the broken window sh-he kicked me from. I jumped back, trying to gain distance between us. She cast me an amusing look before walking the other direction, stopping by the mailbox before turning around to face me...Why do I keep calling him a she? He's my brother...and a complete and total psycho!

Before I could come to a decision between running away or fighting, I felt some warm energy pump through my body. The pain in me went away, and I instinctively knew I was well. However, the energy was still there, pumping through me and filling me with energy. At the same time, I felt like some kind of beat or music was playing, yet no matter how hard I concentrated, I could never hear it. 

March was...was striking a lax pose, her katana resting on her shoulders and her stance relaxed. For some reason, I felt inclined to say something, yet I refrained, thinking it wasn't the time. So it was to my surprise when March made a finger gun and pointed it at me, a cheeky smile on her face.

"At least try and make this interesting, Onii-chan."

I felt taken back by the words and opened my mouth to say something too, as stupid as that sounds. However, before I could utter a sound, a loud male announcer-like voice filled the air, saying only one single, yet dreadful word:




March stared at me for a bit, waiting for me to do something. I didn't, still trying to understand fully what is happening. So, March made the first move and crouched low, as if waiting for something. This continued for a couple of seconds, with March frowning at the end. Standing up, she slowly walked towards me with a lax pace in her steps. By this point I had gathered up my thoughts and readied myself. I may have no clue of what is going on, but I will not go down so easily. I'll show my brother what's what, and knock some sense into him while I'm at it!

I waited until he was just a bit closer before I lunged forward, swinging at him with all my might. I knew I wasn't a boxer or really much of a fighter, but I still knew I could take him in a fair fight. So, it took me by complete and utter surprise when they easily dodged my punch by simply leaning back. I swung again, taking a big step forward so she-he won't be able to dodge like that again. 

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And he dodged it still in the same exact way, though this time he did take a step back. I let out a growl out of anger and got ready to strike again when he attacked. He lunged forward and punched me hard in the chin...

....but it didn't end there. Instead, his black gladius formed in his hand like it was made of black liquid and he bashed me in my stomach with the hilt of the weapon. That was followed in quick, rapid and yet powerful succession of multiple blows, sometimes using the katana or the gladius, or just his plain-old fists. Finally, my vision swimming and red, I looked down in time to see the model glaive he got right below me. Once again having no time to act I was sliced across my mid-section with the glaive then kicked up high into the air. 

And yet it still didn't end. I suddenly felt an intense pain in my leg as he stabbed me with something and pulled it out. Even through the agony I recognized the fact that the stab came from above me. My body was then quickly assaulted by a flurry of blows from a thin yet sharp sword, probably his katana, slicing me countless times, causing me to spin in the air. The flurry ended with a sharp kick to my jaw, which filled my ears with a loud crack and a tearing sound, before I felt the familiar blade of his glaive smack me down to the ground. Even as my back hit the ground, no doubt leaving an indent, I came to realize that my brother just 'Juggled' me.

I didn't get any more time to think about it as he landed next to me, her katana hitting me before I felt the familiar glaive slide under my body, sending me back on the ground once more...even though I never left. And, judging by how I suddenly felt the gladius plunge into my chest, she still wasn't done. She quickly pulled the gladius out and grabbed my head. I had my eyes closed, and had them closed for most of the beating, but I could tell she has a smug smile on her face. 

Much to my surprise, the beating ended with March slamming my head on the ground before jumping off me. I could hear he-him land and, as he did so, the announcer-like voice came back.


"An Overwhelming Flawless Slaughter!"


"I severely overestimated you, onii-chan," March piped up, followed by a sweet smell in the air. I...I couldn't even open an eyelid.

I was so Sure, and yet, I was defeated. No, not just defeated, but destroyed. How can I be so weak? I...W-why did I even want to fight March in the first place? D-didn't she start it? No, that isn't important. I just...I just want to be left alone. None of this is Fair! None Of It Is! And it's all His Fault!

I felt the same energy as before come back. The music paused, then went back to the start, and March quickly threw away whatever it was that was in his hands and struck another pose.

"Didn't, you are exactly as arrogant as I know you are," March remarked, her voice remarkably calm, even a bit sultry, though I knew that was just March being March. Didn't even mean anything by it, and wasn't even aware either.

I didn't bother to try and say something despite the strange and sudden urge. Instead, I waited until the voice shouted 'Fight' before I slowly walked towards March. March was still for a few seconds before she too started walking towards me at the same lax pace as before. While we slowly approached each other I was concentrating on the energy I felt. It was still within me, though different than before. Like it was a part of me.

I concentrated harder, thinking of a way to hurt my psychotic brother in front of me, and that's when I felt a shift. I was confused, but I didn't dare break my focus, feeling the energy and trying to will it to do something. Then, my foam barb-wired bat I got for a halloween costume a while back appeared in my right hand, only I could tell right away that it wasn't made of foam anymore. The weight of it was awkward and sudden, but I kept my composure. 

The fact that I now have a weapon gave me a boost in confidence, as did the fact that a glimmer of surprise flashed through March's eyes. Still, it wasn't much, especially considering the fact that the other emotion that flashed through his eyes was amusement. 

"Time to end this!" I tell him, feeling my confidence grow even more at the line. Even if he didn't react at all, only kept walking, I felt the chances of my success go higher and higher. So, with a mighty roar, I rushed forward. 

March, in response, somehow pulled out his massively long sword from seemingly nowhere, and swung it in a low yet quick sideways-arc. It connected, hitting me in the stomach and causing me to stop my attack. Unfortunately, and of course, he wasn't done there. He quickly withdrew his sword and did a front flip, bringing it back down in an overhead arc. I nearly lost my footing and hit the ground from the blow.

I looked up just in time to get uppercutted by March's glaive, causing me to stumble back a bit and allowing for him to hit me on the head with the side of his glaive, causing my vision to go blurry. I knew I was at a disadvantage, but I Won't let this play out like the first round!

With a roar, I charged forward, my bat at the ready. My vision cleared just in time to see March's right fist clenched and slowly winding up. It might be from being hit on the head earlier, but I swore her arm was outlined orange.

The uppercut she gave me was so strong that it sent me flying in the air. I tried to land on my feet but my body wouldn't move no matter how much I tried. I ended up falling flat on my back. I opened my eyes, closing them out of fear when I fell down, and instantly regretted it. March was in the air, her gladius in both hands. She landed on top of me, impaling me with the gladius. I couldn't even describe the pain I was feeling, and I have a feeling I never would.

"Incompetencey!" March spat out, pulling out their sword and getting off of me.


"A Flawless Slaughter!"


I...I lost again, and in a just as humiliating way. At least this time I still had my eyes open. Because of this, I saw her take a couple of back before letting go of her sword, said sword turning to black liquid and disappearing without ever touching the ground. With one hand on her hip, she used her now free hand to form a cigar with a big gold rim, using the same liquid. She tapped the end...or front of in and took a big puff, filling the air with a sweet scent.

"And they say to rely on your older sibling," March said, taking the cigar out of her mouth and throwing it behind her. The cigar never hit the ground, turning to that weird black liquid before disappearing while still in the air just like the gladius. 

At once, the weird energy from before disappeared, leaving me defenseless and in this sorry, battered state. I tried my best to muster up the strength to continue, or to do anything, but nothing happened. I was...

....truly defeated.

"...Give it up, Ryan."

I felt myself blacking out, my body getting weaker. Is this it? Is this where I die? And, is this also how I die? Stabbed through the chest, probably around the heart, by my own brother dressed in some weird outfit?

I blinked, trying desperately to not give in to the darkness creeping up in my eyes, and saw March standing over me, a complex look on her face.

"Give up on trying to win. The Big One won't ever be yours. You're not smart enough, not strong enough, and Heavens and Hells know you aren't determined enough," March spat out, each word digging in deep despite not knowing what sh-he is truly talking about, "You're pathetic and a true weakling. You should have never even joined in the first place..."

His expression suddenly darkened and, even in my current state, I felt my breath stop.

"....Or can you really not accept my current state? Can you really not get over that truly high ego?"

She leaned forward, her face dark except for her frown, which showed off her sharp teeth.

"...I really do...Hate You, Brother."

With those words, March spun around and started walking away. As my vision finally failed, I remembered something March told me a long time ago.


...Didn't he say.....that he was trans? So, I guess I got killed by my sister, not my brother.



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