The Bottom’s Ex Boyfriend [BL]

Chapter 1: 1. Bye bye Mr.Bottom , I won’t miss you .

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Kang WuXi stood infront of the mirror seeing his own reflection of a frowning look , for nth time. He couldn't believe that he had returned back to the starting point  for 6th time .

After 5 lives of same plot playing and him dieing , he was now dead sure that he had been stuck in the time loop as the side character who is supposed to be torture to death by the shou protagonist's lovers .

He cursed at the dog blood dramatic / cliche plot . The story plot was so annoying that he vomitted out mouth fool of blood . Even though it was irritating to nerves he can't curse the script writer of the story because the script writer of the story was his own brother , Mu YoHan in the real world . 

He felt sympathy for his own brother who had to write this illogical and brainless dog blood drama for those brain dead readers . 

Wuxi's brother had wrote a beautiful story for which he got  many reputed awards . Everything was well but then as if the readers had hit their head on somewhere , they demanded the side supporting character to abused to death in the new novel . But his brother didn't want this to happen because the supporting character was based on his little brother Mu YanXi ( Kang WuXi's real name in the real world ) who was kind and loving .

But the constant abuse of readers forced his brother to into the pool of dog blood drama resulting in this dog blood game.

Kang WuXi didn't want to be Kang WuXi anymore he wanted to go back to his own world aka the real world . He wanted to return back to his original body  as Mu YanXi . He wanted to be spoiled by his brother , cousins , parents , uncle & aunts , grandparents and friends . He wanted to fight back with his enemy . He wanted to be scolded by his teacher's for not completing his homework . He wanted to go back to his sister-in-law who tutored him and reprimanded him for doing wrong .

Kang WuXi was depressed , he was just 16 year old teenager , who was forced to play this role for 5 lives . It wouldn't have happened if he didn't accepted the Angel's proposal , to save his Crush's life who was run over by a truck . 

But he had nowhere to complain as he chose to do this on his own .

" There is no profit in crying over spilled milk . Let's clear this game in this last chance . No matter what I will go back to my world after this life ." Wuxi was determined to leave this game no matter what.

" XIXI COME DOWNSTAIRS FOR BREAKFAST !! " His thoughts were interrupted by Kang WuXi's aka this body's mother's call .

" COMING MOM " Wuxi replied before going downstairs .

" XiXi congratulations you will be graduating " Mr. Kang and Mrs.Kang wished to their son happily after they finished their breakfast .

" Thank You Mom and Dad " WuXi smiled and then asked " Mom where is FeiFei ? " 

" Well she left early saying she had some projects to do and asked us to tell you not to wait for her . She will come back late " Mrs.Kang said with a little worriedness .

" You son and mother don't worry about FeiFei , she won't get in any trouble . I can assure you after all she is a Taekwondo Bleck belt ." Mr.Kang said proudly boasting about his daughter .

But WuXi was still worried . No matter how strong Kang WeiFei was , she was still got beaten black and blue by one of the Male Lead's manion . As a brother he doesn't want his little sister to suffer .

" Okay Mom and Dad , I will be going " Wuxi said hiding his inner thoughts and got up and left .

Mr.Kang and Mrs.Kang saw their sons muscular back disappearing from their view and so did their smile too.

" Are you aware of your Daughter's location ? " Mrs. Kang asked with a raised eyebrows but didn't got the answer she wanted to .

" Who knows maybe or may not be " Mr.Kang had a sly smile on his face . His expression didn't reveal any of his hidden thoughts .

After his graduation ceremony , WuXi was in a cab , going to the location where Mr.Bottom / Shou/ Uke called him to .

As written in the plot he waited for his so called boyfriend in the graduation ceremony but he didn't arrive . And as expected from his character he shaded tears but it was fake .

He had little faint golden skin and top of it his teary eyes made him look beautiful . That was what he thought and thus he prepared to lick Mr.Uke's boots and end his scene .


???: Congratulations host on binding with me .

WuXi was so shocked that he almost got a heart attack . Before he could do anything the voice again spoke .

??? : Host don't get scared , I am your system from now on . I will help you for your smooth journey throughout the game . We can talk to each other through telekinesis .

Wuxi was startled he never expected to get a system . Cause he never got one in any of his past five lives . He wanted to check the legitimate of this system .

WuXi : Really , I don't believe in you . What if you are some bug of the game pretending to be a system . First of all give me the proof of your legitimatecy .

System ( sighed ) : Fine , Host first of all , I will begun with my introduction . My name is KENTA . I am specifically designed to guide the host throughout their journey . Since the headquarter saw you facing difficulties  , they asked me to guide . Hear is the batch identity .

A batch suddenly popped infront of WuXi which wasn't visible to the driver driving , infront of him , in the driver side .

WuXi was shocked to see the badge and hearing the name . Moreover this system delivered human like emotions . As long his knowledge serves him right , there is only one system throughout the game plot with this characteristics , that is , the Uke's system . And later period this system will turn YANDERE for the Uke , since the system is also a capture target . But the question is what is he doing with WuXi . WuXi was confused .

WuXi : Are you sure , I am your Host , not someone else ?

Kenta : No host , I am sure it is you . Kang WuXi , 23 years , college graduate from Imperial C University and Xiang Technology and Kang Entertainment CEO . You further intend to spread your business outside of Asia and you are currently planning on it.

WuXi was shocked , he was the CEO of both the companies but that is a secret known to no one except his employees , his parents even don't know .

Wuxi : Fine fine , I believe you . By the way can you tell me where is my sister ? 

Kenta : She is in college with her two friends designing and drawing some fashion outfits .

Wuxi : Is any boys near her ?

Kenta : No host , no boys are near her .

Wuxi sighed in relief , he doesn't want his little sister to get affected by any means .

He then said nothing and maintained silence he didn't want to offend this yandere system and waited for the scene he was going to play .

Currently , Wuxi stood under the cloudy night sky , letting rain fall on him . A little far from him stood the Uke holding an umbrella covering his head .

" I am breaking up with you Kang WuXi " Li Rong yelled gaining the attention of passer-bys .

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" RongRong what did I do ? Why are you breaking up with me ? " Wuxi said with trembling voice as the rain washed away the tears from his eyes .

" Hah , really you still asking what did you do ? Did you ever loved me ? Except for buying some cheap gifts and taking few walks with me here and there and eating lunch with me , what else did you do ? Even you breath stinks so much that it disgusted me to even kiss you . You are poor and pathetic and useless . Why should it always be me to put all my work into this relationship when you on the other hand did nothing . I got a better boyfriend who is also richer than you so I am breaking with you " Li Rong yelled angrily as his face turned red in rage .

" So you were cheating on me.... !!!!!!" Before Wuxi could complete his words he got tight slap on left side of his cheek , strong enough to make his face turn to other side , while five fingers were printed on his face.

" Stop It Kang WuXi , stop it . For how long are you gonna play the victim card Kang WuXi . I was never wrong , it was always you . You are so pathetic that people can walk on you . I am breaking up with you and never show your face infront of me " Li Rong screamed on WuXi's half turned face before turning away and disappearing in the crowd .

WuXi stood still not reacting for a long time making his system Kenta , worried .

Kenta : Host are you okay ? Is your face hurting ? Should I call ambulance. 

" Bah!! What a shameless Green Tea he is . He was going around the school hooking up with people behind my back , even going to bar daily to get railed . Not to speak about the money he was cheating from other . Look at the amount hypocrisy " WuXi was annoyed to death he almost vomit out a mouthful of blood because of the righteous speech of Mr.Bottom .

He was so irritated that he didn't realised a small fluffy ball like figure appearing beside him .

Kenta : Green Tea ? What do you mean ?

WuXi : Yeah...... What the hell are you !!!!!

Wuxi turned around towards to source of voice and was shocked .

Kenta : Host host calm down don't panick . I can take any form I want but I am only visible to host . Anyways host what do you mean by him being Green Tea ?

Wuxi : Oh okay ..... Green Tea is referred to as someone who is two faced and fake , he will behave sweet , cute , kind , innocent , softhearted but in reality they are total opposite of it they will backstab you if they need to . They only need you for their own benefit . And Li Rong belong to that category . Anyway I am not gonna talk about that trash my face hurts due to that violent slap . I need to get treated , if you want you can follow me to home .

He turned around to walk away towards the car in waiting not seeing the Kenta eyes turning red .

Kenta : Hmm Green Tea....I see .

System mumbled before disappearing into the air .

Later that night , avoiding his parents and escaping his dinner , now WuXi was putting ointment on his cheek .

" Damn couldn't that Green Tea  slap me after taking off his ring . He dented my handsome face ." Wuxi grumbled while the system , Kenta burst out laughing .

Wuxi : Hey why are you laughing ? Do you think I am not handsome ?

Kenta : No no host is handsome , very handsome ( trying to control his laughter )

Wuxi : Yes yes you should praise me ....... Ah I remember I forgot to tell you because of my anger , earlier you look cute in that form .

Kenta blushed a little , this is the first time someone complemented him . He found his host is not only childish but also cute .

Kenta : Thank you Host , I can take any form you want ( smiling )

Wuxi : You are welcome ..... HEY WHY ARE YOU SUDDENLY FLICKERING ?

Kenta : Oh Host it seems my battery is running out . I will see you at morning after getting charged up . Goodnight host .

Kenta disappeared leaving WuXi in his room alone . WuXi was about to lay on the bed and sleep when his phone range . He picked up the call and answered .

Wuxi  : Hello GoodFriend 

GoodFriend : Hey how was your day today .

WuXi : Don't ask ....their is no happy stories .... Only grievances .

Wuxi explained everything to his GoodFriend .

GoodFriend : How was Mr.Bottom's tight slap ?

Wuxi : Face turning , it stung like hell . It was hella powerful one . If he had punched those capture targets I swear they would be on their knees begging him for mercy .

GoodFriend : Hahahah ( he burst out laughing ) Anyways welcome back to your sixth life . Do you think you can complete this mission in this life .

Wuxi : Sure I can , I am confident .

GoodFriend : Okay Mr.Confident , I am GoodFriend.

Wuxi : Hey I know you ....... ( He suddenly realised he was being teased )..... Hey don't tease me .

GoodFriend : Fine fine I won't tease . Anyways all the best for next three . Enjoy your happiness .

Wuxi : Hey hey are you going to leave me hanging or what ?

GoodFriend : No no it was just a advance wishing since later on you will be facing those Satans so you need more strength . I will still be in touch with you .

Wuxi : You scared me . Anyways thanks for giving me power .

GoodFriend : Okay okay stop with emotional drama and go to sleep after all you have to deal with such amount of hypocrisy . Good Night .

Wuxi : Yeah yeah I'm going to bed . Good Night .

Other party disconnected the call and WuXi was happy telling his GoodFriend about everything .

WuXi was happy and said ," Bye Bye MrBottom .I won't miss you . Beautiful Three years I am coming for you ".

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