The Boys: A-Train SI

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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To be ported over to another world, you would have to either be hit by an interdimensional force of transportation. A plane, a truck, even a scooter. Sometimes you would have to have unbelievably bad luck or good luck when it comes to being transmigrated. I did not have any of that. When I became A-Train, Speedster of The Seven and resident glory hound of The Seven, I was not some special guy.

My parents did not abuse me, and I was not a murder victim. My parents had gotten divorced a little bit into my sophomore year of college. I was 22 and was working at a McWonald's To save money for college. I was overall, a normal guy that was not living his life, going through the motions.

One moment, I laid down in bed to sleep and when I woke up, I was not in my bed anymore. I didn’t have my Star Wars comforter over me. There was not a chair near my nightstand, with a covered plate of nighttime snacks. No, I was in a comfortable bed with a pretty, brown dash haired, white woman next to me, her arms wrapped around my waist.

When I analyzed the woman, I realized that this was the actress from that TV show, The Boys! I carefully removed her hands from around my waist. I was confused when my fingers went inside of a hole on her arm. As my finger fingered the hole, the woman lying next to me moaned. “Baby, stop it~. You know I need to sleep.” I gasped in shock when I saw what the hole was, where it was.

The light from the sun glinted into the window, onto her arm. The hole that I was fingering was just below her wrist. On the side of the hole were two skin flaps. This wasn’t the actress that played Popclaw, this is Popclaw! I carefully dropped her hand to the mattress; I didn't want her claw popping out and stabbing me.

I got up from the bed as slow and light as I could. I walked into the bathroom, wearing black boxers only with A-Train’s costumed face on it. I opened the door and saw the face A-Train’s actor in the mirror. My face! A confused, dark, melanin filled face. This--this was impossible. It was all fiction. A thing into which we could fall. A way for fanfic writers to translate themselves into other worlds and have some unique way to do it. So, this should be impossible but now this has become my world.

A place that had a homicidal Superman, an uncaring Wonder Woman, a glory hound Flash, and a corrupted, assassin Batman. In this place, this body, I was nothing more than... a fleck, a mosquito against the powerful beings that populated this world. I was a speedster of no renown, having to take drugs just to be fast enough to run fast enough to keep my spot in The Seven. I was a cockroach, an insect to the incredibly powerful of the world. This is my body now.

I gripped my head, dropping to my knees in agony as the influx of memories came in. The first time that I used my powers to run away from bullets, saving my brother from gang members trying to rob him, watching as my mother slowly died of cancer.

The floor became wet and slippery with my sweat as the memories broke into my mind. As I struggled with the memories hammering themselves into my brain, Popclaw woke up from the bed, my grunts and moans of pain waking her up. “Babe! What is wrong?” I shuddered, the pain becoming so overwhelming to withstand. I heard footsteps racing over to me as I began to black out. I tilted down to the floor, my head banging on the tiles as I lost consciousness.

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