The Boys Group Chat

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Fake friends will judge…

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With the ice breaker game done. Everyone is just chilling in the kitchen while Yoko is fast asleep on Ren.

“I’m surprised Genkei, I thought you’d keep your hand up,” Ren said.

“Don’t be silly. Nothing less than a million for me.” Genkei said while crossing his arms.

Ren giggles.

“Then you’re just like me.” Ren pats Genkei’s head which suddenly he turned into stone.


“Huh?! All I just did was touch him!” Ren was frightened as she let go of Genkei.

Genkei returns back to normal but he’s shaken up in nervousness as he’s drenched in sweat while breathing hard like he’s run a marathon.

“Told you, look he’s already back to himself,” Ren said.

“Now that I’ve noticed, anytime you return to normal from being a stone, you look pretty scared and fatigued.” Nerdy asks.

“Who-who me-me?Nah I-I’m good.” Genkei stutters as his teeth shiver.

“Are you sure? You don’t look so good?” Dai seems concerned.

Kaito butts into the conversation.

“If he says he’s good, then he’s good. You guys are forgetting, he’s Master Genkei, the guy who dated a hundred girls and dated a mother with a child, and also legend says, his words are too smooth that even guys fall-|”

“THE LAST PART IS NOT FROM ME!” Genkei rebuked in anger.

“Oh yeah, I’ve been hearing about ‘that’ master Genkei, so it was you that everyone was talking about,” Dai said.

“Yeah, that’s me, haha.” Genkei nervously chuckles.

Lucky walks to Genkei and places his hand on his shoulder, but nothing happens.

“Hmm? Nothing happened,” Lucky said while experimenting.

“Why-why are you-you touching me!?” Genkei startled.

“Alright, except for Yoko and Ren, everyone put your hands on Genkei.” Lucky called out.

Genkei responded with some sort of confidence.

“That’s a weird request, there not just gonna do-“

Nerdy’s left hand is on Genkei’s right arm.

Kaito hand right hand is on Genkei’s left arm.

Lucky’s left hand is on Genkei’s left shoulder.

Dai’s right hand is on Genkei’s thighs.

“DAI WHY THE HELL IS YOUR HAND AROUND MY THIGHS!!!!?” Genkei feels extremely creeped out.

“Sorry, it was a reflex.” Dai weirdly replied.

“Huh? Genkei is perfectly fine?” “ Ren was surprised.

“Now Ren would you do the honors to touch Genkei.” Lucky insisted.

Genkei began to break into huge sweats as his body vibrates in fear.

“Erm… I think I’m getting a bit tired guys so-“

In a flash, Genkei turns to stone as Ren has her hand on his head.

“What the hell Ren!? Do you have some agenda towards Genkei!?” Dai seems surprised once again.

“Argh! Grr! Shut up Dai! You think I’m doing this on purpose!?” Ren stresses out as she lets go of Genkei.

Genkei returned to normal. Which he looks even more exhausted and alarmed than before.

“Ren, maybe you’re awakening your powers but you don’t know how to control them yet,” Kaito said with deep interest.

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Ren spoke on an intellectual level suitable for Kaito.

“No… Kaito… Super… powers… ain’t real.”

“Same with your wig,” Kaito said unprovoked.

Ren uppercuts Kaito and he flew to the other side of the kitchen.

“You idiot! This is my real hair, not a wig!” Ren was super pissed off.

“Hmm? Let me try something” Lucky said out loud to himself.

“What you talking about?” Dai said confusedly.

Lucky grabbed Yoko’s hand as she was asleep and brought it close to Genkei.

“No stop Lucky! That’s not funny!” Genkei was terrified for his life as he tried to crawl away.

Yoko’s hand ends up touching Genkei which he turned into stone.

Lucky removed Yoko’s hand and Genkei returned to normal as now he looks like life has been sucked out of him.

“Yoko got powers too!? That’s not fair!!!!” Kaito began to be frustrated like an idiot.

“Wait don’t tell me?” Dai became stunned.

“According to Lucky’s experiment, it may seem that Genkei is-“

“Gay.” Lucky blurted.

“I’M NOT GAY!” Genkei outraged.

“Genkei, are you afraid of being near or touched by girls?” Dai asks in concern.

“That will be a big problem, especially in a university where going which girls are always around us,” Nerdy added on.

“Wait? Doesn’t that mean the rumors of you being the Master of talking to girls were all lies?” Ren brought it up.

“Genkei… is… gay?” Yoko sleep talks in her dreams.

“STOP SAYING THAT!!!!” Genkei rages again.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward as no one had any words to say. Genkei became frustrated as there was a frown on his face while he grits his teeth and clenched his fist in frustration.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! They’re all giving me those looks! They think I’m weird! They’re gonna talk shit behind my back! They’re gonna tell everyone! I’m gonna get bullied again! Shit! You're telling me I left home to be bullied again!? No, maybe I can play this off as a joke.” As Genkei’s anxiety shoots through the roof as he constantly conflicts with his thoughts.

“Um… hey guys… did you see the trick of how I turn to stone. Cool, right?” Genkei desperately tries to earn to be in their good books.

“Do you think we're stupid?” Ren rudely said.

“Yep, it’s too late.” Genkei sounds defeated.

“I thought I was weird but you're telling me that you struggle to be around girls at your big age!? You're worse than weird, you’re a fucking wimp!” Dai ridicules him.

“I really thought for a second, I could have a fresh start with these guys.” Genkei losing hope.

“According to my calculations, Genkei you shouldn’t be allowed to be recognized as a man, because no man can be this scared to talk to girls. That’s extremely pathetic and beyond my calculations.” Nerdy belittles him.

“It’s not like I want to be this way, I tried, I tried but no one will ever understand that.” Genkei losing even more hope.

“Now we know who to avoid at university now, right guys? Kaito said.

“And just like that, I’ve been isolated.” Genkei feels dead inside.

“Let’s look for a new spot to chill, this one here has already been contaminated,” Dai said while leaving the room.

Everyone else follows Dai leaving Genkei on his knees. Is this what people are really like? They judge you in a split second and do a complete 360 just because they know your one weakness? Welcome to University.

Lucky completely burst out into sniggering which he couldn’t contain.



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