The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 1517: 1517 War and Peace, Part 55 - Preliminary Meeting

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"I'll check, but the other black magicians aren't here, are they?

"You don't know. I'm not here as a black magician, I'm here on personal business. You don't know if orders have been given to others, and it's possible that I'm not already recognized as one of them in the first place. If they come, I could be attacked."

"Then why don't you take our side?

To Miranda's solicitation, Titania showed disgust.

"Does it mean the enemy of the enemy is an ally? I hate the lack of moderation."

"It's mutually beneficial talk. If it is, can I show you Levantine?

"Fine. I know a few women like you, but I honestly haven't tried keeping my word. But there's one thing I know for sure."

"Huh? Can I ask you something?

"I'm going to be using my surroundings, and you'll end up betrayed and miserable"

Titania left the spot when she left all that behind with a cold eye. And Miranda stared behind it for a while and spoke to the audience around her.

"You heard that, didn't you?

"Yes, and"

At the same time as the words, many spectators turned around. Miranda's surroundings are mostly Arnelian officials dressed as ordinary people. They pretended to be audiences from the beginning and listened to the conversation between Titania and Miranda.

"As the conversation goes, keep an eye on Titania. And call a pilgrimage. If you make sure there is no other black magician, you will earn the Sword Emperor's neck."


"You got me into a trap fast. At least I want to take the Sword Emperor's neck."

Miranda's men, who began to move with the words. Miranda was already thinking about how to get that neck, including one party of the earlier boys who were gone. And as Titania pointed out, he was thinking about how to use the mercenaries gathered here to take that neck.

That Titania, but the qualifying round was already over and lightly beaten. Naturally, though, it was more troublesome to spend a few more days face-to-face with Levantine than not being able to afford them.

"You named one of that boy's parties, The Fist Serving Clan. I thought you'd show up someday, but I didn't expect you here."

"Not the 'sword', but the 'fist' clan? What's that?"

Titania was a little surprised to hear a voice from her feet. No, I thought you might be there, but once again, the way Doom appeared appeared out of the shadows was abrupt. Even though he was thinking a little, Titania regained her mind by allowing him to get so close. Doom seemed to be more obsessed than he was when we met.

But Doom's back length seems a little smaller than usual. He just looks exactly like a child, and his expression is getting younger. To the point that if you don't remember the signs, you don't realize this is a doom.

"What's that look like?

"You know, splitting up. If you think about it and you can shape your body, think about whether you can do something about your appearance. I can't make you look like you've grown up, but it seems possible if you're going to be young. I keep the main unit somewhere else, but it's possible to send the split body in this way. However, there is little combat capability, so it is obvious."

"Clever guy. But what's the matter, like you said you weren't coming this way"

"I was going to, but I figured I couldn't leave you alone, or how about leaving the beauty alone as a man?"

Tap lightly into the doom and return the Titania lightly.

"Is it cheating? You can tell Osiria, right?

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"That's a real break! Well, kidding aside, there's a kid in my new crew who really wants to come here. I wonder what you're looking for. Titania, are you in a good mood?

Doom pointed it out to me and I realized that Titania did feel expensive. This is always the case in an environment where there are so many strong people. Realizing that he still expected his sword-wielding opponent to emerge, Titania was like disillusioned inside, and yet he did feel joy too.

But Doom will never know Titania's emotions like that.

"So, tell me. What kind of a fist clan is that?

"... long ago, our clan chose as many people as they could defeat the Demon King, and it was their role to give them weapons, but some actually helped and followed their opponents. I was referring to them and calling them fist-serving clans."

"So you mean the offering of the brave. You've been struggling for nearly a thousand years, and you have enough to persevere."

In Doom's irony, Titania grinned bitterly. Because I've never spoken of it, but I thought you were right on the inside.

"I think so too. But their purpose is now my annihilation. Whenever I woke up, there were such moves before. I thought I had it all worked out last time, but apparently there were still remnants. They're really persistent."

"It's a causal thing between humans. You're pretty strong at targeting Titania's annihilation?

"The last time we fought, we were taking the brave men of the time, but the other head was definitely stronger than that. It's getting stronger every time we fight, and from what I've seen, this time the opponent might be stronger than that"

Doom was surprised by Titania's assessment. I've never heard Titania appreciate human warriors that far.

"Are you kidding me? If there's such a person, why don't you just come out and stay out of our way?

"I guess that's because it's not their role. Because I'm the only reason they're here. Probably got Levantine's intel and predicted I'd be here."

"If they're that bad, why don't you run?

"That's the joke, isn't it? I won't do my part to anyone who ever retreats. And we don't have much time."


When Doom tilted his neck, Titania suddenly held his chest and gave him a distressed look. And when I thought the flutter had gone wrong, I suddenly turned to the dark side. Doom follows after it again.

"What's the matter, Titania?

"Oh, no... here."

Titania fell to her knees. I could tell it was an anomaly if I just got down on my knees, but Titania just stuck around. Doom unexpectedly rushes over to the exact situation.

"Hey, are you serious!?

"Doom... I'll ask where it's not popular... because it seems to be followed. It's... bad to be seen like this."

"So I'm barely capable of combat right now! If I suck, even one temple knight... Oh, already! Wait a minute, you're too heavy for me!

"Is that... the word to women"

"I knew you were a little different than usual. I'll be right back!

And it came to pass, that Doom brought Titania to the wall, and melted herself in the shadows. Titania felt her consciousness fade slowly in the simple junction tensed by Doom, as if she were floating in warm water.


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