The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 189: 189 Each choice, Part 11 - Intertwined Thoughts

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"That girl... Alphilis was born, she's a person on our side"

"... what?

"What's abominable is that kid named Aldrius. Because of that kid, there was madness in my plan, albeit slightly. I was careful not to. In that sense, maybe that Aldrius was the true hero. Historically, I don't think they'll ever appreciate it. Well, it may turn out to be the most desirable form."

"... the meaning you're saying is good..."

"Give me your ear, lifeless"

Oranzeble ears lifelessly. Every time I hear that word, my lifeless eyes open to surprise.

"You... what are you thinking? Even a little anomaly or doom won't think that far."

"You didn't want to go this far with me. But for a purpose, I was there.

"... what a cruel man. I don't do that either. But it's certainly the most efficient. That's it. What do you think you're gonna do eventually? Nobody seemed to mind earlier."

But Oranzeble didn't say the answer.

"I can't tell you yet. But when the time comes, it will be known, and you will understand it naturally."

"... okay. I'll listen to you for a while. Which means I have to keep an eye on Alpha Reese, right?

"That's right. And if I have to, I can help her."

"Fine. If that's punishment for me, let's accept it."

So Lifeless turned back his heel, and left the spot behind. Only the orange zeble will remain after. And when he makes sure no one is there, he whines to himself instead of telling anyone.

"Phew... my liver got cold once, but this will work. I can't let you kill Alphilis yet. Nevertheless, what spiritual strength can you resist my bondage? That's just something like a hero king. Well, we have to get to the other guy."

That's how the Orange Bull disappears, too. But it was certain that there was no one there, but he does not know that there was someone who was listening to the solitary.

Change of place, this is the boy's workshop where he didn't show up till the end. Even when it comes to workshops, there is absolutely no indication that they are experimenting like anomalies, as much as there is a sorcery ceremony like beating and writing on books and walls. Rather, it's cancer, and I even get the impression that it's empty. It is a workshop that presents the facade of the scholar's private room. And none of the connections were such as to hinder the intruders.

One boy meditates in such a workshop. There the lid and orange zebul appeared.

"Why didn't you come earlier?

"... I was there. The errand was to see Alpha Reese, so I just made sure she was safe and went straight home."

"Why would you do that on your own? Tell me what we're working for."

"Come on, Oranzeble. It doesn't work on me."

To that one word of the boy, the Orange Bull annoyed and then stared at the boy in an awesome shape. But the boy's gaze drifts.

"It's what I thought. The slogan" For the Liberation of the Truth in the World "is used as a keyword to make them listen unconsciously to their orders by having the words recited regularly. It would be even more efficient if you could say that word yourself or make them say it when something is about to revolt or when you have something you want to order. In fact, they only follow that slogan, and you don't even know what the goal is, and you're doing exactly what you're ordering. Even the hero king is. That's the wizard who lives in the modern age. Otherwise, they wouldn't have obeyed you. Still, there was a rampage like this one, so you must have had a cold liver."

"Who are you?

Coming there. For the first time, Oranzeble showed vigilance to the boy. Oranzeble remembers the first time a boy appeared before himself. At first he showed interest in the boy's vision of history, and the strange sorcery he handles, and decided to draw him into his own company. And I was thinking that I was putting language chains on the boy and following his will...

But the fact is that the language bondage chain has not worked at all for the boy since the beginning. Then why are you here? Unexpectedly lagging behind in the ignorance of its specialty. A boy who sees how it is and doesn't change his expression in particular, but speaks pale.

"It's none of your business who I am. I'm not even going to name it. But let me just say that I'm not hostile to you at the moment. Rather, depending on the circumstances, cooperation is spared. Your reading and true purpose are desirable for me."

"! You!

At that moment, Oranzeble creates fireballs and thunderballs in both hands at the same time. Ultra-high magic, using different elements of witchcraft at the same time. It is also known as the opening of sorcery, an artistic service because it is aurangeable. However,

"Come on, it's no use"

Just as the boy gripped his palm against the orangeable, the two balls bounced off and disappeared. To that fact, an orange zeble with a stunned face.


"Oranzebul, you have a tendency to look down on creatures other than yourself. Even the true dragons are looking down, aren't they? You are certainly one of the founding fathers of witchcraft, but when it comes to you, you are nothing but a creature with great power. Thanks to your tireless efforts and thoughts, you've gained so much power. If you forget about it, one day you'll get your feet shrunk by the unexpected?

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"What are you..."

"I told you it had nothing to do with you. I'm not even willing to talk."

The boy stands up slowly. And with a short-range metastasis, he appeared in front of the Orange Bull. Put your hand on the shoulder of the amazing Orange Bull and slowly release the words.

"We just need to be purposeful. Don't worry, I won't kill you because you did something different than what I was trying to do. So leave me alone and move on with the plan. If you need my help, come back and talk to me then. Don't think you can give me orders, though, okay? Then leave... this is my realm."

At the end of the day, when Oranzeble noticed, the boy turned his back on him and sat down again and meditated as if nothing had happened.

What did the Orange Bull think when he saw that appearance? Even with his bitter face, he follows the scene. And when I saw him gone, the boy shrugged.

"Well, I wonder what I should do. Alphilis survived safely for now, and is it still my turn? Maybe I'll go see her once."

And again, the boy sinks into meditation. There was no sound around him, only silence wrapped the boy.

Oranzeble, who had left the boy's former place, was returning to his workshop. Nobody knows, it's his only workshop. After breaking up with Gwendorf and the others, he was based here for 2000 years. It is, of course, about the boy earlier who occupies his thoughts.

"Who is he? He's... he's got to find out."

But do you have a clue? Using astrology, I learned my magic about events far ahead and events far back. There were no more signs of being like a boy there. Still, there's not much I can do to make it orangeable.

"It'll take a while, but I don't know what else to do. Do you decide to look into it in astrology?"

Astrology that Orangeables specializes in most. When he sits on the ground, he sprinkles around him the likes of balls and rings of various crystals, large and small, and starts astrology. The sphere or wheel then floats and starts to rotate slowly around the Orange Bull. His body glowed pale, yet the sight was like a small universe, centered around the Orange Bull. Eventually, the Orange Bull also floats back into space, connecting its senses with every single crystal that goes around it. And when his senses sank completely into astrology to make up the universe, a glimmer emerged from his shadow. But Oranzebul, who was concentrating on astrology, never noticed that.

It was at Doom's place that the fog scattered through the air and eventually returned. He was also in a meditative state with his eyes closed again. When he returns, Doom takes another deep breath.



Osiria peeks at Doom. Lately, Doom and Osiria have been able to communicate quite well with each other. Osiria was smart and was about to be elevated to something that was no longer difficult to say evil spirits in order to have a clear will as well. Darkness, would be too brutal to call it. Is something like the top spirit of death appropriate?

"Your master said something that bothered you. Language chains or something. You know what?"


"I can't believe we're being brainwashed. I don't know about being brainwashed as far as I'm concerned, but I don't mind because I'm letting you do whatever you want. Well, it's unpleasant to be used as a good idea, and let's do a little research and see?

"If that's what you say"

Osiria shakes her head vertically. Seeing the reaction, Doom begins Osiria's head, but his hand was bent by Osiria in an unexpected direction. Doom undoes his arm with a slightly sad face.

"I wonder if this is the guy who tells the world about Yandere... but is it because I feel like there's no part of Dele at all...?

"Huh... that's a tough future, me too."

Doom walked out sighing. A little after that Osiria continues away. Doom had no spare time in developing his various abilities, including his recent special training. He had earlier planted a part of himself in the shadow of the Orange Bull and deformed it into his ear to listen. There are no signs of life or anything like that, and no one thinks Doom has that ability. That's why I was able to steal and listen. Doom is not as long out as everyone else thinks. No, maybe you're right to say it's growing rapidly.

Such a doom chuckles.

"I see those funny people now, and I don't care if they tell me not to play... can't you stand that? Especially with Lisa. But I want to play, and so do Osiria and the other kids, right?

Soon behind the doom are maneaters, insomnias and Libby Doo walking.

"Well, I've learned that it's a lot more fun to keep the fun later, and I don't know what I'm going to do... for now, I need to know a lot about the world. Information-gathering is fundamental no matter what you put it on. But if we don't do the darkening, they'll be suspicious around Hidun, and let's just scatter them all over the place?

Everyone nods silently. And when he saw them disappear, Doom smiled satisfactorily.

"Hehe, it's going to be fun... the human world is not funny. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. hehehe, hahahahaha!

That's how Doom disappeared with the evil spirits laughing high.

End of Act One

Continue to Act II

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