The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 233: 233 Swordsman Encounter, Part 4 - Advanced Sword Emperor

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"Speaking of which,"


Silence suddenly opens his mouth. Titania, who had already begun walking, became the feather of stopping her legs halfway through the air, as she had been emptied.

Surprised Titania looks back.

"Anything yet?

"Titania, why are you in contact with Blackhawk?


Titania replies slightly troublesome, just wondering what happened to it.

"Aren't you curious? How powerful are those who are called the strongest in this day and age"

"Is that because you are the swordsman who bears the strongest name?


Titania smiles lightly and speaks to Silence.

"Is it a little different?"


"It is the duty of my clan that I went to see him"

Titania softly pulls out the great sword and stands in front of the Connerito tree.

"Duty... what?

"I don't think I have the right to tell you?

"This can't be connected"

I look extremely sorry for Silence. Titania was offended by the look on her face.

"So, how were they?


To Silence's question, Titania remembers the face of the Blackhawk one by one. And what words did she end up saying that looked boring?

"It was no big deal"


The words also seemed intriguing to Silence.

"The strongest mercenary regiment on the continent says it's no big deal?

"No, do you have a few words?"

Titania hits the tree with her palms. Its tree, which spans 1,000 years, stretches its back far above Titania's head.

Titania speaks softly closing her eyes and increasing her concentration.

"Of course they are strong. For a species with a short life span, such as humans, though. But they're already done. You won't be any stronger. Whatever it takes to lift it up, it's best to take one of my arms."

"Isn't that strong enough?

"The total annihilation of the regiment and a single arm of mine won't fit the bill. I'm not immortal, but I know as much as I can how to put it back on my fallen arm"

"I see."

"Will not a swordsman show up enough to cross me..."

At the same time that Silence was convinced, Titania spoke of her grief. As if to distract that grief, Titania pushes the tree with the palm bottom. The shock of transmitting a mandarin tree is transmitted from trunk to branch, causing many young leaves still green to dance in the universe.

Titania stands in the leaves dancing, with her sword in front of her eyes. And shortly after Titania's sword swayed for a moment, Titania put her sword away and walked out again, wondering if the leaf rumbling that danced through the universe had stopped for a moment. Silence, who doesn't understand what happened, rushes after her.

"What's that?

"It's part of the sword workout. Once upon a time, my brother told me, 'Try cutting the leaves that dance through the universe,' and I've been doing that workout for a long time... but my mind seems dull."

When Silence looked back at the leaves without knowing what they were doing, the leaves of more than 100 trees went straight together. Silence looks out for incredible sights.

"You don't think... you slashed all this?

"No, I've slashed about three sheets three times. I have to make it all in two. That's coarse, the moves."

"... terrible things."

"It's not, there's a TANE in this method for once. It's also a routine that lasted nearly 900 years more than when I was a child. Of course you can do this."

Silence also fears Titania, who will try to slash 100 leaves separately. It was then that the two proceeded to their destination, with each other's indifferent and complex emotions.

"Well, here we are."

"Is this it?"

Fort Richton is visible in front of Titania and Silence who have completed the metastasis. Although this is a periphery, it is always a fortress supposedly firmly guarded by the defensemen. More than 500 soldiers are stationed. It is no exaggeration to say that the moat is deep and the walls are high and a fairly robust fort.

Above the fence, you can see soldiers patrolling with weapons.

"What are you going to do?

Silence shows difficulty in its robust protection. Whatever it is, he imagines it would be quite a bone break to break through this front. But...

"Naturally, we'll break through from the front"

Big imaginary answers came back from Titania. Silence sighing toward that girlfriend.

"As you can imagine. Don't you have any more measures or something?

"There isn't. The instruction from the Orange Bull was' rob '. Isn't that synonymous with' do it flashy '?

Titania pulls out the golden sword on her back.

"If you want to sneak up on that, Hidun is fine. That's what I was called to mean, right?

"If so, how do you get inside that fortress?

"By the walls, I will slash the gates."

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Not much of an answer, neither does a servant silence block an open mouth.

"No, it's... but"

"What are you talking about?

"How much magic do you think you need to use to break through that gate?

The walls are mostly treated against magic. Even if Silence uses all his power as a sorcery, he won't be able to break through the castle gate.

But such questions were useless to Titania. Because.

"No need for sorcery, etc. With this sword, everything is enough"


"Curse, Liberation"

Titania's right arm shines. The letters emerge from her heart towards her right arm, running to draw a helix to her right arm, with the tip matching at her wrist. The clothes she is wearing are seemingly ordinary, but with special processing. Physical defense is the same as coarse clothing, but it is made with particular regard to its superior anti-demon handling ability and to prevent her from burning out if she unleashes the curse.

A glowing curse on its right arm can be seen from under the clothes. Seeing how it goes, Silence marvels.


"It's a curse, as you can see. Most importantly, in my case, not only does it have the effect of sealing the curse, as in the case of Alphilis, but also of strengthening it. I was wondering if you would accept it as something more developed than her curse mark."

Titania lays her sword on her hips and her tips on the ground. It's called a set-up for companionship.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've used a curse. I don't know what to add or subtract, but one shot... no, two shots?

Titania tingles and reacts. Then place the sword on your hips like you are living together, but not the sheath, open your legs slightly to the side, drop your hips and use your thighs as support for the sword. Naturally the cutting-edge sinks into the earth, but this is the structure of the Titanian stream.

Living together with a great sword. First of all, the idea itself is not in a normal human being. No one taught her, and she completed this technique in her distracting years of training.

"One Special Strike... Ha!

From the quiet temper of Titania, the slaughter emitted with the killing becomes a shock wave and runs on the ground. At the same time, he put his sword back on the large upper stage without pulling it out, and now he waved his sword down.


An earlier shockwave running on the ground is followed by a slash flying through the universe. Slashing in the air was slightly faster for irresistible minutes, or just at the walls, the slaughter caught up and at the same time hit the walls directly. Titania, of course, let it go, aiming to do so.

And along with the tremendous impact sound, the walls, which would be a few meters thick, were stunningly pierced. Titania waves her sword in a far-sighted view of its achievements and walks away with it in her sheath.

"Shall we go, Silence?"

"... Ha"

Silence that goes on for the most part afterwards. By name, he had lost his word in too many Titanian slaughters.

"(What a woman. I didn't know you would pierce the walls with a sword)"

"Mm, you're unconscious."

Titania stops her feet perfectly.

"What's up?

"No, because it wasn't one blow, it was two. You should have said" Special Two Shots "."

It is once again a surprising silence to its somewhat off-target Titania concerns.

By the time Titania stepped inside the walls, the inside of the castle was panicked. All of a sudden, the walls were crushed and there were numerous casualties. The superiors pursued the cause of what had happened, there was no way they could tell that a woman had pierced her with a sword, etc., and they were just mundane to the enemy shadows they didn't see around them even from the watchtower.

You can't let a sensor in the army look around you, or naturally see an enemy soldier. The sensors are closing in on Titania and Silence, but they said to their superiors, "Find the enemy shadow! There must be a demon or an army lurking somewhere! I couldn't tell you that there were two people walking here, screaming with their bloody eyes," etc. Nor did the sensors expect the two of us to attack this fort.

The soldiers turned right and left to the sudden events in the soldiers, and some became desperate to help their companions caught up in the fall of the walls, some fled, some solidified themselves in armor helmets without meaning, while others simply stood flat on the spot.

In such a confused fortification situation, I heard screams from soldiers who headed to rescue their companions in it as soil smoke was already rising because of the collapsed walls. When the soldiers who thought something was going to stop moving and pay attention to the earthly smoke, the smoke then disappears so that it is pushed by the wind. It was, naturally, Titania who appeared loosely from it.

Even though everyone breathes into the sudden emergence of a female swordsman, the reasons may have varied. Those who marvel at the emergence itself, those who are blinded by the beauty of Titania, those who have noticed the blood paste on the sword. But for whatever reason, there is no doubt that everyone was blinded by her. And she spoke slowly, but surely so that everyone could hear her. It's a strange thing, even though I didn't say it out loud.

"I say to all of you on this occasion!

Rin's voice echoes.

"I'm Titania. Because of that, I came to get the glam locks stored in this fort. It should be noted that, with great regret to all of you, you will die now. Let us wait 10 seconds and complete our wills and prayers."

Titania then stabs her sword in the ground and closes her eyes. A captain-like, magnificent soldier returns to me as soon as possible and disagrees with the words.

"You're kidding me, sir! What right do you have and want that!?

"7... 6..."

"Say something!

But Titania doesn't make it faint. A hazy man walks over to Titania with a big crotch and grabs her shoulder.

"2... 1..."

"Say something, woman!

Titania re-grips the pattern of the sword.


At the same time as the words, the shock ran through the soldiers. And what was in her radius of 20m would cause her upper and lower body to cry apart without uttering a word.

In the square in front of the gate, temporarily transformed into a sea of blood, the screams of the surviving soldiers persist. Those who take weapons, those who escape, those who do not understand the situation. With them on his ass, Titania calmly called Silence.


"What is it?

Silence appears fluttering black robes. Titania doesn't look at him at all. That wasn't just because I neglected him, it already showed that she was in a combat position.

When Titania stabs the ground with her sword, she uses the shock wave like a sensor to get an approximate idea of the Fort's people. At about 1 km, she won't miss a sign, but it's possible in case of battle. It's been a long time since she's been standing around here, too, so she wanted to make sure everything was okay. It is also a silence for that.

"I will destroy all humans in this fort from now on. Is it about 500 people? I'm not even going to give you time to escape, but if anyone escapes my hand, please"



That's all the interaction, Titania walked towards the fort on her big crotch. And Silence watched from behind as she kicked people in the face as if she were going into a deserted field.


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