The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 272: 272 Heavenly Maidens, Part 4 - Retaliation Squad Executes Its Role

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"I see... I finally found you, Ella"

"What, a lady's sister or something? Don't worry, your uncles will take care of you when you grow up."

"Uncle Sugu is home now ~"

That's your hobby.

"Idiot, that's how much I eat."

Rosetta watched the girl carefully as the men made a noise. Rosetta watched the girl's fingers rattle with cockroaches.

"I see. Let's get them to do it"

"Oh? I didn't know you'd say that because you were over there."

The moment a man tried to turn around the girl he'd been ignoring, the girl eagled the man's shoulder and head and snapped his neck just like that. The unpleasant sound of a broken bone echoes the quiet liquor store.

And when she takes the hand of one man who stands up without knowing what happened, the girl shakes the man up in the air as if he were a toy, slamming him to the ground with force. A man bleeds heavily out of his head with the sound of a wooden floor smashing, but the girl slammed him on the floor many times with relentless, scattered blood. Eventually, confirming that the convulsive man had also lost his temper to resist, the girl took the man on her shoulder and snapped her spine at the mercy of her strength. And a man with a crushed bone all over his body collapses to the floor without force and breathes.

"Oh, my God!


Did that sound return the last man to me, too, pulling out his hips sword and slashing the girl from behind? Miranda spoke unexpectedly, but the girl with round hips stopped the sword with two fingers without turning around.


"Are we done?

The girl is grabbing that sword with a cool face, but the man was desperate. The sword didn't even move pickly, even with so much force that his face turned bright red.

"Ko, you kid!

"... die"

When the girl pulls the sword at her fingertips, the man breaks down and falls towards the girl. And the man was supported in that body by the arms of a girl penetrating his body.

"... Huh?

The man seemed to understand what had happened. Also beside me that was a difficult sight to understand. Sometimes, a girl poking out of a man's body had a man's heart in her hand. And when the girl gripped the hand full of power, some of the taverns were easily stained with Zhu.



"Whoa, whoa, whoa"

In that tragic sight, the men of the tavern, who would be the rough ones, were throwing up. Even though the girl bathed the man's blood at close range, she did not make it slight and was sitting on the spot. And only one of the men around me who dizzily throws up at will moves differently.

"Then it's a monster!

The man who escaped was one of these men. He had gained nothing by going to the garden alone. The girl didn't try to chase the escaping man, but the door to the escape opened.

When a man crosses with a person coming in through that door, the man's movement stops perfectly. Shortly after, the man's neck and torso were separated and blood was gushing anew. A mercenary-like figure of the woman who came in utters a light word out of place with a tragic sight.

"Verfra - hey. Sorry, I'm late!

"It's late, Marguerite"

When the girl, called Captain Verfra, pulled her hand from the man, she threw the man's corpse at him as if it looked like one. The body of the man, who should have been thrown easily, dangled the universe in stiffness and slammed against the walls of the tavern as it shed blood. Doing all that no longer screamed at the liquor store, and everyone kept quiet and watched what was going on. Miranda and Rosetta whisper in it.

"(What are those guys?

"(If Atai's predictions are met... they are the Tenma Knights of Friedelinde, captain and deputy captain of Troop Athena)"

"(er, commonly known as' Retaliation Squad '?)"

"(Yes, I've never seen Atai either)"

When Rosetta talked that far, Fufu Verfra saw Rosetta and Miranda. To that cold and straight gaze, two creepy people.

"(Shh, what a shitty vibe?

"(I didn't do anything wrong... I'm sure)"

"(I can't tell you I didn't do it there. I'm sad about the Atai guys.)"

Hissing and whispering two on his ass, Verfra returns his gaze to Marguerite.

"Marguerite, do you have any excuses for being late?

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"Soray ~, Troop Raswati is also here in this town. So as I ran into the captain and asked him what was going on, no."

"I see. But you were willing to let me fight with my bare hands?

"Do you have a problem if you want to?

Sigh to Marguerite, who laughs at the shards. Verfra growls his fingers. Then a further female mercenary appeared from behind Marguerite, with a large hammer-like weapon in her hands. The woman had such a body that Rosetta could not beat her, but the hammer was at the end of the day, even with the woman, whether she was of considerable weight, but Verfra bears it lightly when she holds it up with one hand and without difficulty. And behind it, Marguerite was pulling out her sword.

"Marguerite, is Fermina on schedule?

"Aye, I'm hunting the rest of the snakes right outside. It's just this way."

"Well, I hope so."

Verfra looks straight at the second floor of the tavern and walks slightly down the stairs. Marguerite continued after that, but threw a bag of nostalgia at the master of the tavern as he passed by.

When my husband opened the bag half-reflexively, it contained a large quantity of 100 pent coins. I don't even know what that means. My husband sees Marguerite.

"It's a nuisance fee ~. Save it?

"Huh? What..."

"From now on, upstairs is a place of tragedy. Perhaps it would be faster to replace the building?

Marguerite laughed with pleasure and the two disappeared upstairs as they were. Tons of screams I hear some time after that. The sound of the walls being broken, the sound of the doors being smashed down, and the sound of some sword trident. And once I thought it was quiet, I broke through the floor upstairs and the man's body gave me its head, and the screams of the people downstairs stopped all the noise at the end. Then came the bloody Verfra and Marguerite from upstairs.

"Ahhh, did you get your fun back now?

"What do you think? There was no captain-like man. Maybe there's something else dispersed."

"Yeah? It's a pain in the ass, but the snake has to slap him in the head."

As the two bloody men tried to leave the tavern gently, Verfra saw Rosetta and Miranda again and now spoke quietly. It is such a calm voice that it does not seem after a very tragic battle.

"Two there"

"... what the hell"

Rosetta said, "No way. Are you motivated?," but Verfra stood calmly on the other hand.

"Should I have a mercenary of the woman I was drinking with there earlier?

"... I was there. What is it?"

"If you're close, tell him, that your sister is Cancún. If you're going to apologize, I'd better go inside now. If I piss you off any more, you're out of control, okay? And."

And when Verfra laughed a little mean, she left the tavern accompanied by Marguerite who somehow wielded her affection with her bloody face. Later, traces of the battle appeared in the liquor store with red blood.

Around that time, the Alphilis were also willing to engage with the female mercenaries they met in town and had dinner with them. Unlike Miranda and the others, this is a little classy. Even so, though it was a place dominated by hustle and bustle, like a mass cafeteria.

"So, Emerge, look for her sister?

"It is. He left the team on his own, so everyone got annoyed... and when he came back, he couldn't show that he wasn't going to be tough."

It is the captain of a female mercenary whom Alphilis knew who swells her cheeks and gets cute and angry. Was she older than Alpha Reese, a woman who tied some of her hair and wrapped it around her like a crown, and had a calm impression apart from her lovely appearance? It's horrible because the liquor goes in as if it weren't.

In contrast, the four women who solidified beside them were all stern women. I guess a particularly tough, tough-eyed woman was the deputy captain, a woman who looked good with a back length that was as good as Alphilis and felt exactly like a man dressed courtier. She stops something at the edge of her eyes and calls out to Emerge as she looks around without alarm, keeping only one person's liquor modest, even as everyone thrives.


"Oh, you were there? I knew you'd be here, Nesnem."

"Yes, that's the captain"

Emerge was pattin 'his fingers while Nestnem nodded like a deputy captain. Then, the surrounding women, who enjoyed drinking until just now, surround the woman who quickly came into the dining room.

"Oh man, it was dangerous earlier..." Yes!?

"Fly and be in the fire. How dare you."

"You thought you could get away from the captain?

The women, verbally speaking, caught the woman who came in. Emerge gently advances to the place.

"I finally got you, Tasha."

"Oh, sister"

It was the female mercenaries who had thrived with Miranda and the others until earlier who blued as they seized on the three women.


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