The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 288: 288 The War of Fools, Part 15 - Between Fights

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And Blossom Garden again. Though the rebels were upset by the unexpected advent of the enemy, the soldiers regained calm with Calamity's departure, and the restructuring of the troops had already been completed, led by Rusty. Rather, the rebel morale was boosted by Rhine's ousting of Calamity, and the army that was protecting the Royal Castle was greatly discouraged from fighting. Even though it was not manipulated by Calamity, what a spontaneous surrender by most soldiers. Originally they also had low morale, so they might have been right to say they had to have been there.

As a result, the rebels were able to minimize their damage. The lay fans came close to their ideals. Of course, the faster restructuring is not to forget Rusty's hands-on. The line was taking a frequent break as he drank water and washed his face in a garden fountain that was not yet broken. It was a very tiring battle even with him. Chilling his head into cold water returns a lukewarm calm in him. The line is by no means a person capable of academia, but it is very brainy just to put it in battle. He was comparing the planned stream to the facts that actually happened and reassembling his plans for the future in his head.

Rusty walks over to him like that.

"Line, give me a second."

"Oh, that's good. Have you got your troops ready yet?

"Straight. We'll be able to start the advance again in a little while."

"It's brilliant. You're really good at command, you. I don't wanna see you on the battlefield."

"Neither do I. With you, this operation is going to ruin our tactics. But I need to ask you something more than that."

"Oh, shit."

Answer in the usual light condition as the line wipes the blood paste of his sword.

"Line, I've seen how you use your sword"

At that moment, the hand servicing the sword of the line stops perfectly.

"The shape of your sword's defense, that one I've seen at the Unified Martial Arts Games. At the time, no, even now, it is the shape of a knight's sword that is said to be the best on the continent. And that sword extraction technique..."


With Rhine turning her back on Rusty, she blocks Rusty's remarks with an angry pregnant voice.

"Don't say any more."

"Why? Your sword was wonderful. Your sword is better than any knight's sword in Alexandria, that country I saw then. I was moved by Alexandria's sword moves and went to beg them to teach. I used to be proud of them at that time. They were about the same age as me, but they told me they had amazing guys in their generation. civilian ascent, but that any one of them would be entrusted with one legion. When I heard that story, I always wanted to see you. That's when they said the name for sure..."

"Stop it!"

The line blocked Rusty's words with a strong tone this time. And the words that went on to come out were too weak.

"I'm not a knight anymore. Please don't..."

"... I'm sorry, I seemed somewhat excited. Forgive me."

Rusty honestly apologized when he realized that his carefree words had made a gap in the line's mind. But Rusty has something to think about.

"Rhine, be disrespectful. Can I have one?

"... what?

"You certainly aren't a knight now, maybe you're a mercenary. But it cannot be abandoned until the past, when it was a knight. Most importantly, you have an untrained knight."

"Where are you!?

"The very fact that you are waving your sword is proof of that. If you want to abandon what was truly a knight, you should also abandon your sword."

Rusty said clearly. In that strong tone, now the line eats a little face.


"But I don't think I have as many hands as you to bury a sword's skill in the field. So... if you'd like, would you seriously consider the power that will continue to help you for Lady Ray Fan?


"Suppose the reply waits temperamentally. I asked for it."

That's all Rusty said, is it lit up or just went back to his job. Later, the line was left with the face eaten.

"What the hell..."

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"Okay, that's how much you're appreciated."

"I don't always have eyes for this guy. What's so good about me?"

"(Maybe you're the only one who thinks so...)"

The dance slave, which fits on the back of the line, softly held the word in his chest. Because I thought if I mouthed it, I would be able to throw it in the fountain. And after a while, the line rose again, and returned to the battlefield.

"You're barely resistant."

"Oh, the main place is now held back."

Rhine and Rusty split up to hold onto what was likely to be a stronghold in the castle. However, there is not much resistance, and it may be said that it has progressed fairly quickly. What surprised me was that even some of the soldiers posting offered to help here. It also meant that so many people couldn't stand the fact that Mustard was the ruler.

"I don't know... I didn't expect the enemy's morale to be so low"

"But a lot faster than planned. This could give you a complete grasp of the castle before nightfall."

"I hope so."

The line looked up at the sky, but the yang was already leaning. It has been fought through the early morning. It's about time the soldiers got tired and began to blunt their judgment.

"(If there's an ambush, I wouldn't use it at this time... but isn't there a place where I can lay down my soldiers already)"

"What are you thinking, Rhine?

"No, I feel too good"

"That's right..."

Rusty looked hard on Rhine's words for a moment, but soon he seemed to shake off that anxiety.

"Especially what the line says, but still, we..."

"I know. I'm scared because I have to move on."

Even though Rusty will again have a difficult face in Rhine's words, he was now interrupted by a decree.

"I say! Occupation in the castle, it's over!

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Where's the rest of it?

"Yes, just the compartment that is the royal residence. But we haven't even caught the enemy commander yet!

"But there's less resistance to that, but... okay. Let's go, capture the commander and this battle is over!

With the knight of the decree on his ass telling him how excited he is, Rusty only calmly regains his mind and takes the elite to the back. And they march to protect Ray fans, but the line can't wipe away a glimmer of anxiety.

"(Damn, why do I have such a bad feeling?

The further we go, the more unpleasant the feeling doesn't stop at the line. I also thought that was because Rayfan was going to face his own father's death, but Rayfan was a much sharper figure than Rhine thought.

"Can you stop for a second?"

Rayfan stops the line marching. In her eyes was a garden in which only royalty was allowed to enter. Ray fans who keep looking at the garden as if they miss it. Rusty speaks softly from behind it.

"Dear Rayfan, how have you been?

"... no, I missed the old days a little. We need to talk more than that. Rusty, Rhine. Here."

"Are you sure you don't mind if I come in?

The line inquired just reluctantly, but Ray fans went inside the garden without worrying about his words. Later the line and Rusty continue to be a little confused. That's how the three go in and divide the garden a little. The garden was tall, covered with pruned grass flowers, even seemingly maze. Long after no one had already taken care of him, the branches that should have been pruned were stretched all they could, and Ray fans walked avoiding the branches that were in the way of walking.


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