The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 290: 290 War of the Fools, Part 17 - The Invasive Raid

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"Don't say anything more, even if it was true. That's what a mentor is."

"No... what about you?

"Stupid, why are you here?


It was no other Muster himself who appeared in front of them in amazement. The tenacity of this war. At least that's what Rayfan and Rusty think. He remained in battle attire, exactly as he had just returned from the battlefield now, and his armor was wet in blood.

But he didn't have a drunken look at the joy of the battle, but rather the look was even somewhere lonely. Rayfan and Rusty can't hide their confusion in a look they've never seen before. Muster talks as if to serve them like that and ignore them.

"There is such a thing as magic of metastasis in the world. You know what?

"Well, of course, but there's a good distance between here and the client, then, eh? Besides, how did you get here? If we move right around here, we'll have some kind of report from this sorcerer. It uses a lot of magic. I hear it's easy for a magician to catch those signs?

"You know things. But there is no particular problem. I can assure you of the amount of magic that flies this distance, and enough for the royal family to escape in a hidden passage, can't you imagine? This garden was originally built for it. They moved close and followed the escape route the other way. Nothing. No seeds, no tricks."

Mustard even naturally spoke pale to show. But more than what he talked about, Rhine was more concerned about his agreement with Mustard. The distance between him and Muster now is 9 steps. The line is slightly far from jumping, and if you step in any further, it becomes subtle whether you will be able to take out the sword of the Mustard if they take the lead. Mustard is stopped at the place.

"(Shit, that's hard...)"

The line was already in a combat position. He has nothing to do with Mustard himself. Instead, it's a surprise. But if you die here, it's a wish. Mustard stopped in a very remarkable position, wondering what was in his mind. in such a position that the line is just having trouble with the next action.

But Ray fans don't know that. She walked over to Mustard defenselessly, like a flirtatious sleepwalker.

"How could my brother..."

"You still call me brother, Ray Fan."

Ray fans were nodded by the reality in front of them. For her, Muster was not the brother she could have been, but she was also the one who adored herself without any intention. The other two brothers made the gift a ray fan like a mountain, but the loneliness of the ray fans was not lost. Ray fans would have appreciated a warm cup of tea more than a pile of cold gems.

But I don't even know what's in Ray's mind, and Mustard pulls out his sword. Both Rhine and Rusty had to consolidate their readiness for that action. Not very, but not the situation I expected. But the battle was no longer avoidable.

"Chi, I wanted to take the lead!


At the same time as Rusty's words, the two ran. And a little wind runs through the side of Ray Fan. In front of Ray fans, there was a sharp metal sound and the two swords were crossed.

"Pull quickly!

"I didn't know you'd still call me brother. Are you ready for that, Ray fan!

Gradually the killing from the muster to the unusual begins to leak. Rusty was forced to hold up Ray fans and left the spot at a glance. Sometimes Rayfan's life was a top priority, but more than that, the mustard in front of him just looked like a monster.

"(That killing, unusual. Is that a person?

Honestly, Rusty got away from the spot. Not very much, but I didn't even feel dusty enough to work with Mustard.

Look at that Rusty, what's the word Muster leaked?

"A good knight. You did what you had to do."

"Hey, what are you doing? There's a fool prince with eyes from above!

"What have you done? I'm the king of this country."

Muster, with the words, kicked the line. The line flies behind itself to deflect the shock and land in position in the universe.

Looking at the line, Muster laid his sword loosely.

"And now he's also the most powerful knight in this country"

"Bullshit! I'm not a knight like you, I'm just going to kill people!

"Do mercenaries talk about knights? That's the wrong thing to do!

At the same time, they kicked, roared, and rushed to their opponents to cross swords.

"I wonder if we're settled by now..."

"I don't know, I don't know the bottom line like us."

At the same time that Rhine and Mustard can cross swords. Outside, the knights were in the aftermath of battle. Normally, the war dead would be polite to bury any enemy ally, but this time they didn't either.

Although the soldiers manipulated by Calamity were dull in their movements, they did not stop until their function was completely stopped. For this reason, it was necessary to strike in more blades than necessary, and the bodies of those who were once allies and this time enemies were so few that the word "collapse" was appropriate that they kept their original form.

The battlefield trail, which could be described as tragic - even if there was nothing but tragic on the battlefield - made the soldiers unwilling to bury those who were enemies to the sight that was so terrible. Whatever, they didn't have the strength to gather each organ and assemble it like a human being after the battle.

"It was a terrible fight"

"Oh, don't be like this anymore."

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"I thought it was crazy, but hey, don't freak out lately."

"Example, since you got your hands on the Dark Elf Forest"

"I guess it's not a dark elf curse"

"Let it be."

Within Krums' army, it had become a well-known fact that Muster had his hands inside Fenna. That is true: as many as 50 soldiers did not return. It's weirder that rumors don't spread within the same Knights. And even though it was a covert mission, there was originally no expectation of Mustard, and some people who only thought about the covert mission to the extent Mustard came up with it had slipped their mouths.

"But will this make Krums a little better?"

"If you weren't a mustard, whoever ruled you would be."

"That's a mouthful like you don't have to be a Ray fan, like"

"Actually, you would. I don't think a king would work for such a child."

"Hey, it's gonna be disrespectful, huh?

One of the knights draws attention, but the words were in the ears of a mercenary sitting nearby.

"Heh, you got a lot going on. And to the great knight."

"... unlike easy people like you, this one's in a lot of trouble."

"If you're in trouble, quit being a knight. You're welcome, we are."

Mercenaries laugh raggedly. The way he laughed was uncomfortable for the knights themselves, but the mercenaries wholeheartedly thought so. It is no offense to him.

Even worse, mercenaries keep talking.

"But it does seem easier to handle that kid. Why don't you guys just force yourselves into a cage? So maybe a few years from now, there 'll be kings, neighbors, things like that?

"Rude! You, cut me off!

Seeing the knights turn colorful, the mercenaries also think the joke has just passed, rushing up and trying to leave the scene.

"Hey, this is why you shouldn't be a tough knight. Well, it was an easy job for the wages the line offered, but we don't have a stepdad to poke at each other until we clean it up, you know?

A mercenary on the verge of leaving the scene stands up to see if he finds something. That was the same thing with the knight who tried to slay him, so mercenaries stood defenseless that he stood on the spot again, drained of poison. And anyway, I talked to the guy who tried to kill me earlier.

"What's up?

"No, that... what is it?

The mercenary pointed to a man walking fluffy. You'd be young there if you just looked at your face, but your head was shaved or you didn't have any hair completely. The man wraps a blurry piece around him and walks all the way over here. And when the wind was brimstone, his stubborn body was exposed. A body that has no blood, yet feels strangely luminous and powerful. I can't see the expression because I walk in with the sunset on my back, but apparently it doesn't look like a decent being.

The soldiers, who have not yet lost their minds, put their hands on the weapon in turn from those who noticed the man. Whoever noticed the condition stopped the hand of the work, and the tension spread again like a wave. If you look closely, wouldn't a fat man and a tall, slightly long woman also walk from behind it?


Before one of the knights could finish the word, the mercenary man was throwing his own short-knife at the head of the man's brain.

The knife hits the brain of a brilliant man, and the man falls from his head on the ground as he glances at it in its recoil. A knight blamed such a mercenary.

"Oh, my God! What would you do if you were non-combatant?

"There's no way! Do you think it makes sense to show up in a combat zone like this and say, 'I'm a civilian, please don't kill me'!? If you're not on my side, you're the enemy!

"Not necessarily!

The mercenary and the knight grabbed the chest barn and tried to start a fight, but one of the knights pointed toward the man, so his hand stops just where it grabbed him.

"Hey, that..."


"What the fuck!"

The two men who tried to start a fight respond in a friendly and similar manner. And what they saw was a man who was supposed to have fallen behind. He had not fallen off and had stopped with his body completely glaring. It is a posture that is not possible with approximately human muscle strength. And the man came out of that posture.

"... what the hell?

The first person to utter the word was a mercenary. When the man pulled the short knife on his forehead, the wound overflowed with blood. Yes, there's green blood.

And the pulled short knife was shaken and crushed in the man's hand.

The mercenary who saw the sight moved fast. When I pulled out my lower back sword, I was slashed by a man in a straight line. But neither his eyes nor his movements were in vain to the man. The mercenary's sword was struck by a man full of power, but for some reason the sword had stopped in a shallow part.

And it begins, man change.


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