The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 292: 292 War of the Fools, Part 19 - Unreachable Thoughts

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"... brilliant"

"I talk a lot. Did you cut me some slack?

The line asks in confusion and surprise. Rhine was trying to get someone named Mustard again.

"I don't know... why did you intentionally lose? You started this war? No, you're good with the guy who woke you up? And."

"One question at a time."

Mustard laughs bitterly. The line was in a bit of a hurry, too, and I closed my mouth with a little difficulty. And while Muster was fine, he began to walk towards Rusty's escape with a ray fan in his pale face.

"Why don't we talk about it on foot first... or if it decays here, it'll be worth it to go all the way out here"

"Are you still here to die"

"Did you notice that?


Rhine answered without incident. That's what I knew from the edge (ha) on the line.

"Why did you think that?

"I told you myself, 'Slash it for nothing'. And the sword against Ray's fans didn't kill him."

"I see. Well, I can't do that either. My real sister, and I can't possibly slaughter anyone who gives me a pure favor."


Rhine keeps responding to Muster. I still don't remember forgiving him.

"Can you give me a hand more than that? Deeper than I thought."

"You don't know, walk yourself. If you're gonna screw up on the way, you're gonna be the man by then. I'll just carry you around your neck then."

"Tough guy."

Mustard stood up with a curl, and all the swords and other martial arts began to take off and walk ahead of the line. Encouraging the line to follow me from behind. The line walks with caution but after the mustard.

"Let me answer your question."

Eventually Muster opened his mouth slightly to his liking. It must be a pretty onerous task for him to talk to right now.

Still, Rhine replied coldly to Muster, who manages to talk.

"Shall I talk to you then? Who is this guy who set this war up?

"It's a man named Anomaly. He seemed to be moving at someone's behest."

"Do you know what that is?

"Well. There seemed to be other collaborators, but I can't remember clearly"

"It is. years?"

"Don't joke."

Mustard glanced back a little and lowered his mouth. Apparently, that's quite a joke. As long as it's decent, I'm a little sorry about the line trying to be a discerning lord.

Mustard also liked the line again, and the tone was only getting worse.

"It's only recently that I've started to get back to sanity. When I was a young boy, my brothers poisoned me and then cut off a single line of my head, but it was weird that I messed with my head and body, and vice versa. Not always, but my self returns to clear the fog. Even now, he hastily turned back from the battlefield to us because of my return. The battlefield that lost its commander by now would be a mayhem. Anyway, there are no commanders other than me."

"It's a causal story. That's why you're not allowed to do what you did, is it?

"I came here because I know. I want to do something for Krums, no, my sister."

Mustard's eyes were shining a sincere light. The line also gained certainty in that part that there would be no lies in this statement.

Ask such a mustard a question from the line this time.

"Does the name Zerbados sound familiar to you?

"Yes. You're definitely a man approaching me. He was a creepy man."


Rhine necks unexpected words.

"What is creepy?

"You're right. He was too good. That's why I didn't have to sesame on the eagle. I can't trust him even though he's crazy. I beat him up so many times."


"Still, he came to me with sesame seeds. And he smiled. I got scared and stayed out of his way. But still, he came close to me. In the meantime, all my closest samurai started listening to him. Even on an expedition to the Seeker Forest, the process was his own."

"All around you, then, is that a good one?

"Well that's the thing. All of them, but those who don't follow him, they're a little tedious. Most of all, it was creepy that those who turned against him began to listen to him faithfully the next day. Like a puppet."

"The puppet..."

Rhine caught something on the words. You must have had that impression yourself somewhere. I don't have time for Rhine to remember, and Muster keeps talking.

"I especially didn't like Zerbados' eyes. There were times when you were usually calm, you didn't forgive anyone, you had hate-burning eyes. I have eyes that curse everything but myself. Or even myself."

"Well, I can't say anything because I haven't seen it. More than that, is it true what that letter said?

"Which content?

"Your second brother's plot to rebel and your men's warlords' betrayal."

Rhine told a story that lay at its core all the time. The look on Muster's face clouds instantly.

"... I guess it's true. My two brothers were powerful men. The oldest brother knew that the client was threatening Tiger Sight and our borders. I guess he made Ray Fan daughter-in-law for it and tried to hold him back east. My second brother, on the other hand, had some suspicious negotiations with Furgundo in the north in order to wage a rebellion. Tragaslon in the south had sent a large number of intermediaries to Krums and was also active in acquiring the warlords. You know what? Twenty percent of the warlords promised to turn back to Tragaslon. It would be hard to say that this is a country."

"... well, yeah"

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"Besides, Zamwed and I had repeated diplomatic failures, and our friends were getting worse and worse. My Krums was in no strange condition to perish at all times. The days when no one realizes the matter and lives there. I wish I had been destroyed."

"How pitiful is Ray Fan?"

The eyes of the line glow brightly. Muster looked a little surprised, but quickly returned calmly.

"Right... right. Honestly, I don't have much attachment to this country. I used to try to make this country better, but this country didn't do anything to me. Except for my sister. But a guy like that would be worthy of being a mentor. Take care of your sister more than your country, etc."

"Really? I wish I was more human. I can't trust a guy who says," The country is more important than his own family "or something. Guys like that don't even know what country it is. The country is a gathering of people."

"Do you have that idea... that I wanted to take a moment to talk to you?"

"Hate and I didn't."

That's all Rhine talked about, and the two of them were just about to leave the garden and get out of where they could see the lay fans waiting. So Rhine silently pulled out his sword and stuck it on Muster's back.

"That's fine."

"You're smart, what about me?

"Hmm... can I ask you one thing? If I had done it in a head-on battle, which one of us would have won?

"Six to four, that's me."

Rhine said it off with an instant answer. To the unhesitant words, Muster stops with his eyes unwittingly round.

"You're a really reluctant guy. Aren't you willing to let the dying have flowers?

"Hey. If you'd been sane and trained properly since you were a little girl, I'd have been a pain in the ass."

"I see... is this a fantasy event?"

"That's the thing. I've already got a fight."

When we had that much conversation, we started walking again as if there was nothing to tell Mustard already. The line also continues later. The soldiers bothered when they came out, but a calming lay fan calmed them down. When Rhine said, he just nodded at Ray fans. But then Ray fans knew the approximate circumstances. The time has come to slay my brother.

And she made up her mind.

"Muster-Krums-Lancaster. As the mastermind of this rebellion, do you have anything to say and open up to me?

The voice was slightly trembling, even as Ray fans asked questions. Seems like someone noticed a few sensitive soldiers as well as Rhine and Rusty.

Muster seemed to notice again, but he remained leaning over pretending not to notice. I thought it would be cruel for Ray fans to raise their faces here.

"No. I broke my plan. Let's just slash it."

"... then so. Someone..."

"That role, I do"

Rusty raised his name when he saw Ray fans hesitate to connect words. Rayfan said he would slash his brother himself, but he can't drop an adult's neck with the slender arms of a girl who has never even had a sword.

The line holds the sword and pulls back, and Rusty stands behind Muster instead.

"Murderer, Muster. Are you ready for this?

"I do. Hurry up."

The line was probably the only one to know what 'soon' meant. The line decided to leave the matter to its own chest alone. Because Ray fans won't need any more brutal realities.

And it was precisely at that moment that the sword that Rusty erected was waved down that Muster felt the modulation of his body.

"(... meh)"

"(What? What did you say?

"(No, die that easily, bye)"

The couscous and laughing voice echo on Muster's head.

"(Is this... anomaly?

"(No, die that easily. Bye. A man who sold his soul to me doesn't die that easily. You're my toy till you die)"

"(Hmm! Who's good enough for you)"

"(I will, even if I don't want to)"

It was supposed to be just my voice, but I felt a little ugly old man's laugh in front of me on Muster. And Muster's hand grabs Rusty's sword to be waved down.


"Come on, you guys, run..."

"(Wake up, Berserker)"

With that voice, an unpleasant high laugh echoes in Muster's head. And it also quickly disappeared with the misty consciousness. And modulation I visited Muster. Nausea enough to likely puke out your guts, headaches like a smacked in the head and exhilaration to the point of abnormality.

"Hey, Kan... Somebody, take me..."

"Brother? Brother!?

The line grabbed a ray fan from behind who felt Muster's anomaly and tried to run over reflexively.


"Let go, my brother!


At that moment, Muster began to deform with screaming. Ray fans looked like the end of the world when he saw his brother deforming with a blood splash and screaming, but he never saw the sight until the end. Ray fans were stunned by the line as soon as possible.

And look at the mustard the line transformed into and say something.

"Though you deserve it... hey Muster, there's no way this is going to end. At least I'll kill you. As the only one who knows what you think."

And Rhine was able to hold Ray's fan to a safe place.


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