The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 330: 330 Reunion

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Around that time, this is a Meesian liquor store. Beastman, it is still the Beastman who runs the famous liquor store where people gather. The unfathomable but rigid manager who was here a while ago disappeared, and it seemed that this tavern was no good, but since the ever quiet dog beast man became the manager, this tavern has been more flourishing than before. Suffice it to say that we plan to open shop number two this winter.


"This way please ~"

It is the Beast Man and the Human Daughter who welcome the guests who enter the store. This place, which embraces people regardless of race or work history, was usually likely to attract people with poor patterns, but it was a store with little wonder and rubbing. Is that also because the Meesian vigilante is making this place a haven, and will the breadth of the customer base make it so? Recently, it had begun to become a popular restaurant for families and upper-class faces to the point of cooking.

Two beasts drink chicken, booze and milk in that corner.

"Not at all... aren't you planning on traveling at all!

"Oh, Nia. You get more wrinkles when you're that angry, huh?

"Leave me alone!

Dan, and it was Nia who slapped the table. Naturally before that there is Amur. Less than a month after they broke up with Alphilis, they were still around Meesia. If they were traveling at speed, it wouldn't be strange if they were already playing gruzzards, but this was happening because they were doing a little roundabout.

"By and large, what is the captain going to do!? Don't go straight to Groussard. Flirt around here like this."

"Because you care, don't you? Romansland's Jiu-Jiu-Jiu-Jiu"

"I don't know what to say."

Nia drank the milk all at once, now Dan the glass, and put it ramblingly on the table. It's like drunken behavior.

But the seemingly nagging look on Amur's face was never laughing until his eyes.

"Oh, I'm pretty serious. By and large, how do you think the Demon King will be born?

"Ugh... that's"

"You're not gonna be born of a strand of wood, are you? But it would be extremely reasonable to assume that they were making those demon kings somewhere, wouldn't it? I can think of a country in the south, but I noticed that the place of the outbreak was actually scattered, huh?

"What do you mean?

"Look at this."

That's how Amur expanded it: a simple continental map. It's a small enough map to be on the table for both of us, but there's an X mark on it.

"What's this?

"This is where demon kings and confirmed demons have emerged over the past few years. Let my men and guild look into it, just the stuff I could get behind. Maybe I'm still the only one doing this."

"So much?"

Nia was surprised. The sign was loosely over a hundred. Why not make so much noise while the Demon King has emerged so far. What is the frequency of this occurrence again? One question after another on Nia's head mixes up, and her head quickly gets stuck in the thought circuit.

"Why, to this?

"I'm not in a hurry, because I'm looking into that now. But there are a number of things that do bother me."

Explain to Nia as Amur waves his finger.

"The first is the high frequency of occurrence. This can be solved by what the kid told me about Alphilis. If there's someone intentionally making it, it would be quick to talk, wouldn't it?

Then the next thing that comes to mind is where is it made? Just look at this map, and you can imagine that, right?


Nia looks at the map seriously, but if you divide the emergence locations into a few, it's like it's pretty dense...

"No way?"

"I like swallowing. Hey. Yeah, it's my idea, but you still want to unleash it when you make it, don't you? That way, it's normal to release it from where it's made. But where I'm building it, I think I'll call it the 'workshop'. If you get run over by the Demon King near the workshop, that would be a lot of danger, wouldn't it?

"That means in the middle of this demon king's place of appearance. He said there's a workshop in a blank place."

"That's what I stare at."

Amur laughs. Nia is now afraid of Amur's ability to gather information and the Beast Man and others.

"I see, that's"

"So, here's one serious fact I noticed. Until then, when I say my intelligence collection is sweet, but in Romansland, I don't have any sightings of the Demon King. Think about what this means. What do you think of Nia?

"No sightings...?

Nia put on an arm and thought. Thoughts disappear with the harsh look of Anneclose and the soft look on his face when talking to Alphilis. At first I also thought she was an uncompromising sturdy princess, but I also know very well that she is one person who suffers from being her. I didn't even have that bad impression as a nearer or eventually.

But aside from that, here's what you might think.

"Roman's Land is glued with the sorcerers,"

"That's good, too. Well, I guess so. Atashi is thinking of another possibility."

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Amur made some thought-provoking remarks, but he never told us what lay ahead. Amur speaks only of matters backwards and with considerable certainty of light condition. He shut up, and Nia also sensed that it was still in the inference phase, so he shut up on the spot. And the table wraps the silence. Urd, the manager to visit there.

"That, Mr. Nia. Long time no see."

"Uld. It's troublesome."

"No, as long as you leave me something to put down and I'm happy with this one"

"He tells me"

Nia laughs all the time, and Uld laughs in response.

"Speaking of which, have you sent Seeker's sister over here since?

"Well, it's been a long time. That's the way it is. What about Zeldos, the manager?

"Oh, that's what made me return to mercenary service."

"To mercenaries? I heard Zeldos used to be a mercenary, but which mercenary?

"Sure... did I say Blackhawk or something?

Nia was also surprised by the words, but it was Amur who reacted even more. The tone returns to that of the man.

"Boy, is that information true?

"Yeah, yeah. People like my old men picked me up, so I'm pretty sure they did."

"Well, that's a pain in the ass. Then Blackhawk better hold him in early... no, is that hard too when he's around? But..."

Nia and Uld were looking at each other as Amur started to say something about bumps. Ask Amur, who Nia probably is.

"Um, captain? Who is Zeldos?

"Oh, you don't know. He used to be a military adviser to Gruzaldo. So is the strength of the individual, but he's rarely a good mass fighter for the Beastman. He was such a good fighter that the Beast General alone couldn't stop him. I used to be a bandit, but I was so skilled that I caught Dryan coming out."

"Oh, is that so?

"Not so much. Look, Nia, remember this. The stronger he is, the better at hiding his strength. Again, strength is not a lump sum of criteria. If this guy's underestimated to be weaker than himself, he's gonna give you a painful whip, okay? And vice versa."

"Got it. Advice, keep in mind."

Nia still couldn't feel what Amur was saying, but that will be quickly apparent when she gets to her home country.

And there's another person approaching their table as Nia worries as she bites Amur's words off. Nia's ears reacted automatically to that footstep, which may not be possible. It's an unusual footstep, but it's a special footstep that only sounds very comfortable to her ears. Nia's consciousness was instantly drawn back to her thoughts, and she looked up.

"This footsteps..."

Quick to say, Nia was running out. Even if I hit the crowd, I couldn't even keep an eye on it just now. More than that, I can't help but worry about the Lord of Footsteps.

"Kazas! Where!?

"... Near? Near, right here!

Reacting to Nia's voice, I see a less tall Kazas waving. Nia jumped straight into Kazas as she ran like a disease to the place.

Kazas also responded calmly, very much like him, with another look of delight and surprise embraced by Nia.

"Kazas! Are you all right!

"That's this line, Nia. Well done. You're safe."

"Wow, wow, I'll be safe! I'm working out. You're better than that."

"I'm not working out, but I'm not going to leave Nia to die."

Nia's face turns bright red to that word spun blocking Nia's lines. And all kinds of chilling sounds rise from the surroundings where I realized the signs. It was already noticeable from around Nia jumped with tremendous momentum, but Kazas ignored it while realizing it, and Nia realized it for the first time now.

This is very unusual for a sober nia, and I wasn't sure why the nia did the same. Actually, that's all I cared about and cherished about Kazas, but there's no reason for Nia to even notice that emotion sprouts to herself. She was still a beginner when it came to romance. Even if it wasn't, I was very impressed with Kazas' pursuit and encounter with herself, but Nia couldn't have organized her emotions, and now she was acting with her instincts.

Amur and Uld leak their thoughts as they blush with such a hug to Kazas and watch Nia swing her tail sideways at high speed.

"It's nice to be young."

"That's right."

What the Nears wrapped was a cheer to bless them regardless of race. Two new shadows emerge in a liquor store that had such a happy reunion.

"That's... that's the face you saw both of them"

When the man looked at Kazas and Nia, he walked over to them as if he had come up with a good teasing complaint.


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