The Branded Female Fencer

Chapter 485: 485 Demon King Hunt, Part 5 - Who Hunts Demon King

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"No, that helped! Which one of us has been refreshing since we've been away from each other?"

"Hehe, being a dumb brave man. I can't believe I'm in the middle of a fight with one of my people."

"Ha, they often say!

Walk with a healthy young man and a woman who is too colorful for Sister. I guess the man is still young, his youthfulness is invisible in his expression. From behind, a muscular warrior-inspired big man continues, followed by a fine, magician-inspired man.

The magician-style man speaks to the brave man said to be the dumb one.

"So, Master Riddill. Your buddy over there in the woods?

"No, no, don't put 'Dear' on it. It hasn't been a year since they told me I was a brave man. I could have defeated a few demon kings, but without the backing of my people like that, it would be very"

"By chance, then you can't defeat the Demon King. And I saw the movement earlier, but how strong is it inside?"

"If that's what you can tell your fellow brave Zems, it would be an honor for me."

But Lydill, though he was told so, seemed not to be in the mood. Zems' people smiling to see how it goes.

Lydill spoke to them, both illuminating and seniors.

"Oh, I think my people are in the woods over there. Because he said he was waiting at the foot of the woods where only one tree could be seen. Um..."

"It's a dart. It's anarchy that's painful over here. Your Sister is Enema."

"Oh, I was! I'm an idiot."

Zems' companions smiling once again at Ridil, who can illuminate him with his head on. As they soothed, they stepped into the woods where Lydill's people would be waiting. Riddill speaks to them firmly as he walks through the woods. That would be the case, too. Lydil, a brave man, but he respected the brave Zems thing. Zems, with his numerous achievements as a brave man, is also a goal for Running Riddill. Anyway, I want to try to make a name for myself on the continent like he did. That was also Lydill's secret demand.

This is my first big job since I was appointed a brave man. Riddill was stuck fighting alongside other brave men when he was summoned to hunt for the Demon King, a request for guild affairs. And this time, he defeated more than 10 Demon Kings with his people. In reality, the others have defeated more demon kings, but for the inexperienced Riddill and his companions, more than 10 demon king conquests have been a struggle far beyond his abilities.

If I heard about this achievement, how happy would my parents be in the country. Ridil walks in the woods with such anticipation chest inflated, but his face was stretched out step by step. And finally, his mouth was closed and his smile was disappearing from his face again into a combat posture. Look at that face, Dart peeks at how it's going.

"What is it, Master Riddill?"

"Don't you think it's strange? Over here since we went into the woods, it's like there's no sign of a creature. Besides, there is a smell of blood on one side. There's something there."

"... Really? Nothing to me."

"Over here!

Darts chasing Riddill, who suddenly started running. But the foot of Lidil, who grew up in the mountains and grew in the woods, was fast, and the distance gradually went away from him as he jumped over the bushes and kicked the trees.


"Wait! I can't run that fast."

"Be moderate for a second. I've been hungry lately."

Enema runs as he reprimands Anacess. And when Lydill reached the great tree, he saw his people lying on the ground.

"Bardo! Ortina! Misha!!"

Riddill rushes over to his people. I soon found out that Baldo was already breathless. He was the swordsman who taught Lydil the sword, but the sword had already broken and there was no top from his neck. Seeing him desperate with his sword in his grip, he must have died in the middle of a battle. He is not a master of alliances, such as killing as many swordsmen as he once advanced to the top in the Unified Sword Games.

Ortina didn't immediately know if she was alive or dead. She had her hands shot through and stretched out onto the great tree, her feet not already from her knees down, and her face so cleaved that she didn't know the original shape. I was told that if she smiled, the battle would stop too, there is no shadow of a beautiful mage anywhere. But when you look at the faint movement of your chest, you still have a slight breath, but that's no longer...

Lydill looked for another, Misha, who is also her own sister. But when she was found, Riddill fell on her knees. No longer how, because I didn't think Misha was alive. My hands and legs were stitched together in a daze. The clothes were already boiled cloth, which could be seen as true after being pranked. The neck was embedded in xxx.

From there on forward, Riddill stopped recognizing. Because I don't have any more reason.

"Ooh... ooh! What happened!

Lydil hugged the remains as he leaned against the remains of those who were his sister. I whimpered and cried, but I felt someone's sign behind me and jumped off to Ortina. Moving into Lydil's eyes was a man sitting on a stone the size of a good one in a painting of an open place and staring at him.

Lydil doubted my eyes because he was sitting there too naturally. His appearance is too familiar with this bloody sight. ominous. Yes. When Riddill thought, he heard a slight voice from behind.

"Careful... careful. He..."

When she realized that the Lord of her slightly audible voice was Ortina, she was about to die pierced by the tree that had been bracketed. Lydil's face is littered with the warm blood of a woman who was in love with her. To him that solidifies in despair, it is a voice in mild condition that reaches.

"Oh, the effect of 'Silence (Silent)' I left on you was expired. I thought you'd enjoy it a little more."

"The stuffing is sweet, the stuffing is"

"I don't want to be told by someone who messed up so much."

"I don't think I chopped it up."

"Yes, yes, that's it. Try to be mine to regulate and heal women from dying."

Sighing is Enema. Of course it was Zems' people who showed up. They were not alert with this sight in front of them, but rather had a calmer look than earlier. Yes, as if when I came home.

Lydill guessed. They said they created this tragedy. So the guy who's been sitting here watching us for a while...

"No way, you're Zems the Brave, huh?

"... what if I said yes?

"What are you going to do... why are you doing this!?

At the end of the day Zems gives Lidil's scream, which is also close to screaming, a look that on the contrary seems to have cooled Xing.

"Look at this sight and ask... stupid"

"Hey, what's stupid! You're better..."

"So I told you, this guy needs to talk to us."

"That's right. This is just a toy. No, a man can't even be a toy."

"Oh, just fine for me? I'm not a kid who doesn't even seem to live in a brush grate yet. There's a eater. Wow."

Enema laughs joyfully with a slutty look on her face. Seeing the look on his face, Lydill was convinced. These guys say it's true evil.



The sword rolled out by Riddill towards Zems was stopped by the axe of Anaseth, who broke it and went in. In contrast to Anaseth, who holds two hand-axe-sized axes, Riddill pulls out a second shorter sword and shows him his two-sword setup. Anarchy with an extra look for Ridil who got serious.

"Heh, duplicitous. Just like me!

"So yours is a double knife. It means something completely different."

"Nice, either way"

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"Don't be ridiculous!

Ignoring the joking anarchy and dart, Riddill jumped. The onslaught of the disease was stopped by the great man at the time of the boulder.

"Nice. Fast, you."

"Not yet!"

A series of slaughters that are not even in Lydil's eyes are all played by Anarches. However, Lydil's attacks gradually increased in intensity at the time of the wind, shifting from typhoon to storm to tornado.

"Oh, oh? Ooh!?

Anarches' body gradually goes all over the blood. No matter how anarchic the war has been, the fierce attacks so far are not remembered. And it's an anarchy trying to turn to attack, but it was pushed off by the extra maneuvers and it wasn't there anymore.

"This... kid!

Anacess' blow, which he tried to twist down with force, would, on the contrary, create a huge gap. And both axes of Anarches were lifted up, and he was supposed to expose his defenseless torso.



Lydil's slaughter, breathing in just a little, chops up the anarchy. Three from the bottom, seven from the left and right, four from the top. A total of 14 slaughters were slapped by anarchists in less than a tenth of a second. Exactly an eye-catching slaughter. But instead of falling, Anaseth, who should have been chopped up, waved the axe down his hands shortly afterwards.


But Lydill reacts quickly. The attack of Anaseth is never too late, but there was as much difference between the two as there was between heaven and earth in terms of agility. Riddill flew to the side kicking the axe that was shaken down, as if he were an anarchist attack fool.

But Lydill wondered that Anaseth had not fallen. Sure, Riddill's slaughter is light for speed, but the earlier attack targeted all the thin muscles. If you also thought about the cleavage of the sword, you could have been fatally wounded about the neck.

The answer is right in front of you. Anarches' body is much more muscular than it was earlier. Because it looks like someone else. Armor couldn't keep up with the rapidly swollen flesh, and his condition was naked.

"Absolutely. I almost died."

"He's a big enemy. Once and for all, he's a brave man."


Special abilities of anarchy. It encourages muscle growth and temporarily draws more power than the limit. It is so powerful that if he gives all his strength, he is told that even the cyclops will be twisted. And your body is far tougher than iron. It was precisely the ability of anarchy to turn it into a systemic murder weapon.

"Ha ha, I wouldn't be hurt a bit or softly if this happened! Come on, come on, anything. If you're a poor sword like that, you don't scratch me."

When the anarchy was showing off its strength, Riddill was again being hit by the anarchy with a sickness like motion. But Anarches is right, Lydill's sword stops with Anarches' skin.

"So I said-"

"Whoa, whoa!

Temper flashes, now Lidil's muscles thrive. Then the body of Anarches, which is supposed to be harder than iron, is torn apart. And there's a blood splash coming up from Anarches' body.

"Then, silly"

"I'm not dead!

Riddill hits the anarchy with a temper, but it was thwarted by the magic of a single hair dart. The wind blade strikes Lidil. And the ice, the flames, the soil and all sorts of attack magic are unleashed on Riddill without interruption.

"That's why I told you to stay alert!

"Shit, lend me one."

"I can't help it. I'll fix you up, but it's expensive, okay?

"Are you talking about money from your people?

"Naturally. 500 pent for blood control, 1000 pent for flying pain too, 3000 pent for full healing"

"You must be kidding me!

"Otherwise, who will heal an old man like you? I like beautiful people. I'm discounting you because you're still one of us. Be grateful."

Anarches was being treated by Enema as he was told scattered things. Meanwhile, Dart is holding Lydil back, but that dart was desperate, too.

"This guy!

Dart is a magician who manipulates four attributes. The magic he uses can be used as an indirect aid as well as an attack, but he doesn't have to say he doesn't like an attack. But Dart's offensive witchcraft, which is played out numerous times, none of which caught Riddill. Riddill, who was distancing himself from Dart's offensive witchcraft, but when he grabbed Dart's approximate chanting tendency, he gradually packed that intermission. Inside, inside, like a circle. At that slowly clogging distance, the dart begins to rush.

"Damn! I can't hit it!"

Dirt tries to give more chanting momentum, but that's when he realizes Riddill is whining about something.

"(WHAT, WHAT -)"

At the same time, Lidil released the "compressed atmosphere (deep press)". Dart stopped attacking witchcraft while chanting and strengthened his defensive witchcraft. But the moment is deadly.

Shortly after the atmosphere could play in front of Dart, Riddill had already slashed in front of him.


Dart was prepared to discuss it and used the magic of the explosion in front of him. Of course, I used my magic barrier regardless, so both Dart and Riddill blew it up in consultation.

It was a dart that I couldn't even take a rolling around look at, but Lydil was blown away but took a proper one. While he is blown away, he gets in shape and relaxes himself. And while healing magic on yourself, aren't you again in a penetrating position?

"That kid, isn't he a big deal?"

"Right. It's probably the best they've had lately."

"You don't seem to be on guard or anything like that. That's brave. Strong."

The three of you give praise at all costs, but Lydill, the person in charge was not alarmed. The three of us might be able to handle it. But the problem is Zems, who has not yet moved. Lydil didn't chase Dart earlier because he and Zems had instant eye contact. Therefore, Lydil, despite the opportunity, is doing a great deal of healing magic on himself to see how it goes.

But Zems finally stepped forward. Did you feel like dealing with yourself on behalf of your impudent companions, or did you want to fight Riddill? No one knows that. But Zems did move silently.

The lower back sword is pulled out and placed in the front eye. An Orthodox-looking structure stands out from Lydill's war-grown field swordsmanship. Lydill peeps around him to look for Zems' gap. But Zems doesn't have a gap in changing the orientation of his body as Ridil moves.

"(... this man, strong)"

From Lydill's head, the hatred that his people have already been hit has blown away. Just as a pure warrior, Riddill was confronted with Zems. Otherwise, because he wasn't a very likely opponent to defeat. Rather, obvious character. Lydill clearly recognized Zems that way.

Still, Lydill didn't retreat. I guess it's because I still have a grudge against Zems. But the grudge dulls judgment. Riddill should have retreated at a stage where Zems felt he was superficial. If he's calm, it's because he definitely did. There is a word for not standing in regret, but it may not be appropriate for Ridil in this case. Because he must have regretted choosing any path.


The roar of Lydil stuck in the woods.


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