The Breaking of Fate

Chapter 21: 21. The Deal With Orochimaru

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"Thank you for your words of praise, Orochimaru. In fact, this move wouldn't have been possible if not for your senjutsu chakra. I apologize for destroying Sasuke's seal, but I had to, for more strength. Glad you managed to place it back later.", Neji calmy came closer and spoke with true gratitude.

"You're right, only a handful of people in this world got an opportunity to learn secret methods of absorbing senjutsu chakra, usually, only people chosen by destiny. I was chosen by the Ryuchi Cave when I was younger, and Jiraiya was chosen by Mount Myaboku, Tsunade by the Shikkotsu Forest!",

"And we were all teammates. Isn't destiny wonderful? You can't find those places, only they can find you. And you can't learn senjutsu or the so-called Sage Mode anywhere outside of these three legendary Sage regions. Though we, the chosen ones, can recommend and bring more people there...", Orochimaru peculiarly mentioned while secretly glancing at Kabuto a little bit. His subordinates all opened their eyes wide, no one previously knew that kind of information. But that was also only the beginning of what was to come later during this conversation between these two.

'It seems that I was right, there was no way to absorb natural energy without the help of those three holy places...', Neji realized something, but he felt like even if there was a way to do it without them, it would probably take him decades of research. The best way for him was to steal it a bit back then. They probably developed special methods that only they mastered which allowed for someone to gather it, like toads had that weird, special oil and staff and the Snake Sage which needed to bite you in order for you to learn it. The slugs probably had something similar. They were after all animals, who were inherently closer to nature than humans. It was logical why they were superior. However, the Otsutuski clan were probably also all perfect Sages, it was Neji's own theory after watching everyone about this universe from his previous world. He just needed to determine it.

"So what did you come to talk about!? What kind of deal did you come to make with me, Neji Hyuga!? I'm really intrigued!", Orochimaru finally came to the point, he couldn't wait to hear it anymore. His gaze grew with anticipation, his intuition telling him it was something eye-opening.

"I can give you the truth about the entire Ninja World if you give me a portion of Senju Hashirama's cells you currently have in your possession alongside all of your past cellular research!", Neji suddenly smiled confidently before adding another bombshell, "As well as a way to unlock the Rinnegan, a superior dojutsu, a peak dojutsu, way above the Sharingan, you so desire nowadays!",

"What!?", Kabuto got goosebumps all over his skin and exclaimed loudly, he felt he suddenly entered a whole new field of vision. The other Sound Four were less informed, so they didn't react in the same way. They didn't even know what was he talking about for the most part.

However, the most affected one was Orochimaru, he even started uncontrollably shaking. He still couldn't forget the day he fought against Pain when they recruited him to join Akatsuki, those cold and dominating eyes, the eyes of Gods, the Rinnegan. In fact, he already subconsciously regarded Rinnegan as some kind of Godly possession that he simply couldn't have, but now he learned that it was suddenly possible? He always had a feeling that those eyes were much stronger than the Sharingan.

But, he suddenly calmed down, and his eyes turned very dangerous, "But, how could I believe you Hyuga, moreover, how could I, with decades of experience and research not come about that information, you have, but you, a thirteen-year-old boy got it, instead!", Orochimaru got very angry. The truth of the Ninja World? How can a snotty boy know about it better than himself who always searched for it for many decades? And it was such a vague proposition, that Orochimaru turned a little disappointed at Neji's childishness. But the Rinnegan part still kept him in the conversation. Even if it was some minor piece of information on it, in his opinion, it was well worth listening to.

"You can believe me because you have already seen what I am capable of at just thirteen years of age, as you say. I'm clearly not just anybody or a fool. Moreover, you can judge for yourself if I'm lying or not after I give you the full information next!", "And as for how I came about that info, whereas you didn't...? It's because those stories are from ancient times, and only a few selected clans, in the world, carrying all of that destiny and heritage, like my Hyuga clan, can learn about it! I accidentally stumbled upon it inside the Hyuga clan compound, because of great luck or fate, I don't know even now. However, the patriarch and the rest of them should not know much about it!", Neji confidently spoke, obviously lying about the origin of the information. He can't say he is from another dimension now, can he?

'Hyuga clan was that extraordinary? I honestly don't know now that I think about it! They are truly an ancient clan, often compared to the Uchihas, but were too weak in comparison, so maybe they really hide something! ', Orochimaru still doubted him, but after seeing him appearing so confident, he finally spoke, "I give you a chance to speak about the so-called "truth". if I believe in it, I give you my notes regarding all the cellular experiments I did in the past. Then we go on from there next...",

Neji nodded, cleared his mouth, and started speaking about various topics. Basically, everything he knew, outside of the Otsutsuki clan, from space, or the magical Tenseigan, as those were his deepest secrets. Therefore, he talked about only the following:

How Chakra originated from a giant tree called the "Divine Tree." How the God Tree, as it was also called, bore a specific fruit only once every one thousand years, a "chakra fruit" so to speak.

Otsutsuki Kaguya, "The Rabbit Goddess" ate this fruit and then gained an enormous amount of chakra within her body. Using that power, Kaguya subdued the conflicts of the human world. After that, Kaguya gave birth to two sons with an ordinary human due to love, boredom, or some other reason. They were the ancient, twin brothers Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Hamura.

However, Kaguya later, once they grew up, Kaguya regretted birthing them, because once they were born, they automatically took away a part of her chakra, she then again, for some reason, grew greedy and decided to get it all back and then kill her own two sons. She also wanted to eat another chakra fruit as the planet apparently survived the first planting and harvesting before.

However, she was defeated and sealed by them away, on a Moon, inside her own dimension, as she was way too powerful to be directly killed.

The God Tree, however, later also took on the form of a powerful beast in order to take back its stolen fruit and began to attack human villages. This was the origin of the "Ten-Tails".

The two brothers, who had inherited and taken a part of their mother's chakra, worked together, and at the end of a life-or-death struggle, they succeeded in sealing the Ten-Tails inside the older brother's abdomen.

Hagoromo became the first "jinchuuriki", a human-like container of a tailed beast. Creating "ninshuu", religion and the peaceful precursor of modern ninjutsu.

After that, Hagoromo, who had become known as the "Sage of Sixth Paths", became the ancestor of Earth's ninja shinobi. Hagoromo regarded the Ten-Tails sealed in his abdomen as dangerous. That immeasurable power might bring catastrophe to the world.

Creating the nine tailed-beasts, he divided the Ten-Tails chakra into nine and bestowed it upon the tailed beasts, attempting to disperse its power.

The empty shell of the Ten-Tails's body from which the chakra had been extracted was referred to as the Gedo Statue. The Gedo Statue was a chakra container - if the chakra that had been divided into nine parts was once again gathered and returned to the statue, the Ten-Tails would be revived.

To prevent it from being resurrected, Hagoromo created a new celestial body, naming it the Moon, and confined the Gedo Statue there.

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The younger brother Hamura and a group of one of his son's clan immigrated to the Moon and chose to live as guards of the Gedo Statue.

However, Homura had another clan of descendants left on Earth, from another son, and he left that clan back on Earth in order for them to defend his brother's dearest world in the future, which was the Hyuga clan. That's precisely how Neji said he learned all of this information in the first place.

Hagoromo also had his descendants, through two sons who intermarried with ordinary people, they were the Senju and Uchiha clans respectively, and that's precisely why they remained the strongest clans throughout the whole of history. It was because of their origins and genetics, not for any other reason. As they were closer genetically to the origin of the chakra, and the chakra progenitor, than the rest of the ordinary people on Earth, those clans also always produced the strongest people.

Neji avoided talking about how Uzumaki clans and Kaguya clans were also possibly related to  Kaguya, in some way or another, as he didn't want to give any more information to Orochimaru. The Uzumaki clan probably descended from the Senju clan, or from Ashura, its progenitor, directly, while the Kaguya clan descended probably from Hamura's Otsutsuki clan from when they were still on Earth or its progenitor, one of Hamura's sons, the same way as the Uzumaki clan. Then there were additionally Kinkaku and Ginkaku who were also possibly from the mysterious fallen Hagoromo clan. Then there was Ketsuryugan and other more elemental Kekkei Genkai clans who possibly appeared due to some Chakra Fruit mutations, from the chakra Hagoromo spread around the world, not from Kaguya's Otsutski's blood. Although those were all mainly Neji's own hypotheses.

All of the people present listen to Neji's explanations dumbly with earth-shattering expressions. And once Neji finally finished his whole explanation, there was still a weird silence lingering all around.

"Hahaha, so that's how it is! I Orochimaru, my whole life looked for the wrong things! This world is not the world of jutsu, nor can true immortality be achieved in that way! It's all about genetics!", Orochimaru suddenly laughed so hard that he started in a weird way, his whole expression twisted.

There was no question that he believed Neji for the most part as he also himself connected the dots between his previous experiences. Especially various legends he came across in the past regarding the "Sage of Six Paths" and the "Rabbit Goddes", but the part between Senju and Uchiha sealed it.

"Neji, in your story, you mentioned two times that Hagoromo and Hamura sealed something two times, first Kaguya, but then the Ten-Tails as well? They probably did it with Rinnegan I suppose?", Orochimaru finally composed himself again, with his thirst for knowledge and power ignited like never before, his brain firing up. He immediately remembered Pain's gravitational usage of Rinnegan, and there was indeed a way for Rinnegan to do that kind of sealing, just on a much larger scale, as Hagoromo and Hamura possibly did, 'Wait, why would Neji tell me all about Rinnegan, if he also wanted it? Humans by nature are selfish creatures who don't want to share. That's it! Hamura probably also had another secret kind of dojutsu, on par with Rinnegan, and Neji wants that one instead! Meanwhile, the Sharingan and Byakugan were probably just watered-down versions of those two superior dojutsu. Then the method was -??',

'No, it's probably not that. The method would be too simple, and many Senjus and Uchihas probably intermarried in the past, but there were no Rinnegans. It must be a closer genetic connection to those progenitors of chakra! But how to achieve that, that's probably Neji's secret!'

Neji didn't interrupt Orochimaru's current thinking, and everyone else was also deep in their thoughts. And once Orochimaru finished thinking, Neji finally spoke, "Yes, as you guessed, Hagoromo probably had Rinnegan. And the way to unlock it, I will tell you after you also now give me those Senju cells, your cellular research papers, and keep the meeting of us secret from anyone until at least three years later, after that, the method is yours!", Neji proposed the final part of the deal.

'For now, Senju cells research should be restarted and put on the same level of priority as getting Sasuke Uchiha and Sharingan. I must also focus all my personal attention on genetic research, that was always my weaker point...', Orochimaru still thought about something, not answering Neji yet.

Neji was sure that Orochimaru would not reject him, after all, the genetic technology of this world, required to tap into the Otsutsuki potential, was still way down there in Boruto's era. Neji's dojutsu was the only way in the present era to tap into that. Orochimaru couldn't waste his information regarding Rinnegan.

Yes, in Neji's and now probably Orochimaru's opinion in addition, the only way to acquire Rinnegan/Tenseigan level of dojutsu, was to improve your genetic information closer and closer to that of the progenitor of the chakra itself, Kaguya Otsutsuki. Though Orochimaru probably didn't guess yet about the existence of other aliens like herself and how she was strong and genetically superior way before she ate the Chakra Fruit, as her whole galactic clan was superior like that.

Combing Ashura's and Indra's DNA in order to obtain Rinnegan, was just that, a way to bring yourself infinitely closer to those higher beings, but it doesn't mean there weren't other ways to improve your genetics. Neji, his whole life, worked for the development of a DNA vision, his biggest trump card. Once you saw them yourself, it would be easier to categorize and even change them.

"Neji, you have a deal! I agree to your terms! But, three years later, I will find you for the information about unlocking Rinnegan!", Orochimaru suddenly licked his lips a little as Kabuto came in and helped him summon a thick notebook and a small bottle, handing them right over to Neji in front.

'Finally! I'm again closer to being free!', Neji inwardly turned euphoric but still pretended to be calm outside as he inspected the two items he received with his Byakugan calmly. It was really dangerous telling all of that information to Orochimaru, but Neji couldn't care less, even if Orochimaru destroyed half of the world later with it, it was more important for him to get personally freed. As for later, after he was liberated, then he will think about other problems. Orochimaru's was the only way he could currently obtain the Senju cells now. Danzo was inside Konoha, way close to those Main Branch bastards and their secret, mysterious abilities. This was a big-time calculated best choice.

Once he verified the contents of those two things, Neji straightaway thanked Orochimaru and vouched for his part to be fulfilled around three years later. As for whether will it really happen, it depended if he needed Orochimaru for something else later. He didn't want to burn bridges yet.

After a while, Orochimaru and his team finally watched Neji's back getting further and further away. Instead of immortality and perfecting all jutsu, Orochimaru's goal suddenly shifted to immortality and becoming the most perfect being. He was intrigued now, just where was the peak of existence?

'This poor little bastard thinks I didn't see how excited he was at the end! I'm really interested in how this would turn out. Mastering my cellular technology alongside the injection of Senju cells inside of him in just three years? Those Senju cells are no joke and are very dangerous and with his current state of mind, I don't think it will end in a good way. Either way, it's good if he gets crippled, I'll easily get the rest of the information. But, on the other hand, it would be really interesting to see just what kind of change he would bring in the Ninja World, if he acquires that advanced dojutsu, on par with the Rinnegan, he avoided talking about. I just hope he doesn't die, that would be the worst outcome for me! This time, this trip to Konoha, was really great!', Orochimaru grinned hard.

However, Orochimaru didn't factor in Neji's future microscopic Byakugan vision, therefore, that three-year timeline looked much more realistic to Neji than it seemed in Orochimaru's opinion.


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