The Breaking of Fate

Chapter 5: 5. The Different Revelations

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In a dimly lit secret room, inside the Hyuga's clan compound, where only a few small candles shone, a secret meeting was currently being held between the patriarch and the elders of the main branch.

Everyone was seated, on a wooden floor, in a traditional Japanese-like style. Hiashi sat in the main position, while the other elders sat all around him. The atmosphere was particularly solemn this time around, and everyone was silent and serious while apparently waiting for something else next.

All of a sudden, a shadow entered the room, knelt on the ground, and promptly started reporting in a respectful manner, "Lord Patriarch, esteemed elders, the Uchiha clan was massacred by someone approximately thirty minutes ago. As we could currently probe, the only survivor was Sasuke Uchiha, the younger son of Fugaku Uchiha. He was moved to the Konoha hospital while the bodies are still carried out.", Naoki Hyuga spoke solemnly, he was currently serving as a kind of a branch side family captain after Hizashi passed away. He reported directly to the elders and the patriarch.

Hiashi, Hirayoshi, and other Hyuga main branch clan elders opened their white eyes wide in surprise, even though they have expected such an outcome for a long time already. It was even more obvious when recently Uchiha's famed genius Shisui Uchiha mysteriously vanished overnight.

The suspicion and the silent confrontation between the village's power center, Hokage, Danzo, and the other two Advisors, and the high-level of the Uchiha clan became much more obvious after the Nine-Tails attack, even though it always existed since the village's founding. When primarily without any proof, Uchihas were blamed for that Nine-Tails incident and forced to relocate to the edge of the village, near the main village gates. However, surely, such humiliation wasn't taken very lightly by the Uchihas, who, in turn, just yesterday shut nearly all their members in, preparing for a coup.

That's why the Hyuga here also got together today, wanting to formulate a plan of action no matter what happened next. If Uchiha won, or if the village won, they must have an appropriate response. It seems the village won in the end, as most of them previously predicted. After all, Uchiha was just a clan in the village, even though they founded it, they were still forced against the whole village.

"Do you know how many people were involved? And who exactly were they from the village?", Hiashi quickly asked, guessing that Konoha must've sent quite a force to massacre the whole clan this time around, probably Danzo's whole Root and maybe even Hokage personally made a move.

"T-The thing is, Lord Patriarch... We actually found no traces of fighting both inside and outside the Uchihas' temporary residence. Then there is that rumor now secretly moving around... That it was Itachi Uchiha alone who wiped his entire clan out in an attempt to prove himself strong after awakening the Uchiha's legendary Mangekyo Sharingan!", Naoki reported feeling amazed himself.

"What!?", All of Hyuga's big-shots inside the room suddenly opened their eyes wide in amazement.

If the information was true, then Itachi was a thirteen-year-old awakened Manegkyo Sharingan user, who also managed to defeat one of the strongest shinobi clans in the entire history, all by himself. And what is even more astonishing, was that clearly, the village's high level managed to successfully bewitch and win over such a person, leading him to slaughter his whole birth clan, even women, children, elderly, because of their planned rebellion just yesterday. The situation was truly insane. Of course, they don't buy the rumors circulated by the village's high-level, that the reason was that Itachi just wanted to prove himself strong, it was too stupid for them to believe in. These elderly Hyuga clan elders, in the room, can't even remember something similar ever happening in the past.

"They will probably opt to move him out of the village next and keep him as some kind of a secret backhand outside!", Hirayoshi Hyuga first woke up from the shock and speculated on the following development.

"Sigh... The Third Hokage and Danzo truly reached a pinnacle of human ideological manipulation. Exterminating a whole clan by using their own biggest genius, against them, without lifting their hands. I still can't comprehend this situation...", Another elder suddenly sighed and added feeling strange.

"We all expected a way bigger fight so that we could fish for some benefits afterward, but this... What should we do now? This isn't good for us no matter how you look at it", Another one added.

Even though they were stable as a mountain in their first family placement in Konoha, now that the Uchiha clan was fully gone, and were the only distinguished dojutsu family left, they weren't happy.

"Yes, the unitary "One Village, One Family" system that all the previous Hokage envisioned and worked towards was now coming closer than ever!", Another elder sighed worriedly all of a sudden.

Since the time Hyuga came into Konoha, Uchiha always served as a living wall for them. People were usually afraid of them, hated them, and were suspicious of them, so Hyuga never experienced all those things before and remained safe and prosperous no matter what happened. Being the first ninja family inside of this kind of strongly, ideologically motivated village wasn't always the best position to have and be in. Now they were first on the line of fire, and probably next for an attack.

The marginalization and rejection of the Uchiha clan didn't come overnight. It was always an unofficially adopted position of the Second Hokage and his disciples, current Konoha's Advisors. Tobirama always held some prejudice against the Uchiha clan and wanted to suppress them. That's why he deviously tricked them into the Konoha Police Force, making the ordinary Konoha populace fear and reject them even more. After all, no one likes policemen, no matter the time and place.

Some more knowledgeable people hypothesized that it had to do something with the Uchihas' crazy mental states. That whole clan was always a very weird and emotional existence, even their power, Sharingan, depended upon drawing different kinds of emotions. It might've been some kind of a genetic disorder. Tobirama maybe had the right to ostracize them, or maybe not, no one knew.

"Danzo always desired to recruit one of the Hyugas for his Root. Since we rejected him at that time, he turned quite hostile to us. He will probably focus on us next!", Hiashi sighed and stated coldly.

Some time ago, Hiruzen allowed Danzo to recruit members of all of the village's big clans for his Root, as children, to train them into his organization, on the pretext it was all for Konoha's good. Or he simply couldn't refuse his childhood friend Danzo like many other times. Later on, nearly all of the big families folded and gave him some of their children, outside the Hyuga and the Uchiha.

They were the strongest two of all the other ninja clans, of Konoha, and after a bit of political drama with the Third Hokage and others, they barely managed to escape the enrollment of their children into Root. It was especially hard for the Hyuga clan to accomplish that because their bloodline Byakugan was the perfect fit for the Root's overall function, nature, and missions. However, after all that happened back then with those Senju cell experiments, done by Danzo and Orochimaru, Hyugas were very firm, not wanting to risk their dojutsu secrets being researched and even stolen by Danzo. Therefore, they even threatened to publicize that matter to the rest of the village and the civilian population. Sixty dead, abducted children, human experimentation, Senju cells, Hiruzen letting Orochimaru unpunished, it would simply spell a disaster if it got out, so Hiruzen backed out.

However, Danzo never forgot that matter and henceforth always played against their clan on various matters. Now that Uchiha were gone, it was hard not to expect to turn against them next.

"Naoki, great job for today! You should go back now!", Seeing Hiashi's words, Naoki left the room.

"In light of the current situation, I propose we allow Neji Hyuga access to our secret techniques and create another strong member in our family who will protect us against everything that comes!"

Hiashi coughed a little and immediately went to the point. That was the moment he waited for to convince elders to agree to his proposal about giving those secret techniques to his nephew, Neji.

"I reject!", "No way, those are just for the main branch!", "Lord Hiashi, are you alright!?",

A barrage of voices of disapproval entered his ears next, but Hiashi motioned with his hand to stop.

"Neji is a natural-born genius. Are you sure he won't pick up on those techniques, all by himself, in the future? After all, he lives inside this compound, with you all, and you use these techniques quite openly around the residence! Maybe other people wouldn't learn them on their own, but Neji is the biggest genius in our clan's history, even comparable to outside geniuses, he's truly exceptional!",

"Instead of it going like that, it's better for us to give him the techniques ourselves as to cultivate more goodwill in his mind towards us. I'll even give him Hiashi's letter, at the same time, where he explained everything. I don't believe Neji would still turn around on us after all that!", Hiashi again motioned them to stop and continued speaking quite confidently, he planned this a long time ago.

"Hiashi, but what if he deserts the village and starts plotting against us from the distance? Or what if he sells our technique secrets to other villages?", Hirayoshi suddenly interjected seemingly seriously considering Hiashi's proposal but still having some reservations and doubts about it. What if Neji left Konoha in the future, escaping their curse mark juinjutsu required range of activation?

"Neji isn't like that father, you should also understand his personality and care towards Hinata.",

"But even if he secretly plotted against us, from the moment he was three years old, and somehow tricked all of us, I could still personally deal with him with ease. He'll never get away from his fate, no matter where in the world he wants to escape!", Hiashi suddenly stated confidently with a smirk.

"That thing!? Hiashi you plan to use that against Neji, if he goes against us in the future!?" Another elder opened his eyes wide, apparently already knowing what Hiashi was talking about, but still unconsciously lowering his voice, even though only trusted people were in the room. It was the biggest secret of their whole clan's thousand years of history. Their biggest backhand in the world.

It was also the reason why the clan was split into two, and where their ancient heritage went to.

"What do you say? It's way more efficient to use Neji as our biggest weapon against our future threats than it was to reveal that ancient thing, to the outside world, or spend its precious "energy!",

'Neji this is the most I can do to improve your current fate. Hizashi, with this, the debt to you has been repaid!', After convincing the elders some more, Hiashi finally got their approval and sighed.

The weapon, they all knew about, was used only against existential threats to their clan, or to the main branch. If Neji ever became one, in their mind, he would never be able to escape its powers.


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It was already night, now seven years old Neji was seated on his wooden floor in a meditation position. Enlarged veins popped all around his white eyes. He was doing today's Byakugan development exercise. His current vision development went past seeing only muscles and inner organs. He feels like maybe in one year, he could even zoom a bit more and see different cell tissue inside his body, though he was still far away from being able to achieve the microscopic vision, and see individual cells, not to mention the later theorized DNA vision.

However, all of a sudden, his sharp activated Byakugan eyes suddenly moved towards the wooden door of his room. Behind the layer of material, he saw Hiashi heading towards his room through a large wooden hallway. Neji immediately shut off his Byakugan, and returned to a normal state while thinking, 'While is he coming so late? Not to mention, why is he coming specifically towards my room?'

Soon, the door was opened after a quick knock. Hiashi came into Neji's spacious but simple living room and looked over curiously. Also seeing Neji in some kind of meditation position on the floor.

"Lord Patriarch!", Seeing this, Neji quickly got up from his position on the ground and bowed his head in respect.

"Sorry to disrupt your cultivation Neji, but I came to you to talk about something important.", Hiashi stated his purpose. Coming personally towards Neji's room now was also a sign of goodwill.

"I understand Lord Patriarch, it doesn't matter. I will listen!" Neji replied politely, also feeling a bit curious about Hiashi's purpose, also taking a notice of Hiashi's show of goodwill towards him.

"Neji, the Uchiha clan was massacred an hour ago!", Hiashi stated calmly while looking at Neji.

'I guess it should've really happened by now. Though, why did he come over here to tell me that?', Neji thought puzzledly, having a hard time connecting that matter to Hiashi coming here personally.

"Do you know what is your duty given to you at birth?" Noticing Neji's confusion, Hiashi asked.

"Of course, it is to protect the Main Branch and the whole Hyuga clan.", Neji replied immediately.

"The Uchiha clan was, in fact, massacred by the Konohagakure! What would you do if Konoha wanted to massacre the Hyuga clan next? Which side would you take?", Hiashi questioned next.

"I would protect the clan! Or better said, I'll listen to the Lord Patriarch's instructions at that time!", Neji answered promptly and felt relieved. Realizing it may be only a stupid test by Hiashi today.

Hiashi suddenly smiled at him, for the first time in this life, and took out three different shinobi-like scrolls, from his large pockets on the green haori he wore, and handed them over to the surprised Neji, "This is the final message from your father. The other two are the advanced techniques of our Hyuga clan, simply called the Rotation and Vacuum Palm. Previously they were only taught to the main branch members. I hope you won't disappoint me in the future Neji. Make us proud of you!"

Neji, with a thankful face, suddenly bowed a bit and shouted, "I won't disappoint you, Lord Patriarch!"

Hiashi nodded contentedly. He left Neji's room and went to a small courtyard gazing at the night sky. He felt like that giant rock, which weighed on his heart for years, finally disappeared with this.

However, as soon as Hiashi went enough far away from his room. Neji finally couldn't keep his previous thankful and polite face anymore. He furiously threw all those three scrolls onto the wooden ground with a thump. His whole face turned very distorted and ferocious at the moment, 'So, that's how it is!?', He understood something now, many things became very obvious to him.

Neji now knew why there was so little information about that Hyuga clan's curse mark in the original series, and why no one managed to escape it in history. Also why there wasn't a follow-back on it, in the Boruto series, and why it was still not removed even with Naruto's promise to Neji at the Chunin Exams? It probably has something to do with the Otstutsuki clan's heritage or Hamura's heritage. And it may not even be just for the control, there is probably even more backstory to it.

Or else, what gave them the confidence to give him those techniques so casually? Why were they not scared of his talents and potential revenge? Are they pure idiots? Or do they have some hidden powers as their backhands, that they never used in the original series? If they were idiots, then that slavery system wouldn't have existed for so long. They probably had some other, powerful means instead. If not the curse mark, then maybe they possess some other secret ways to deal with himself if he ever got out of control. As if that curse mark, he couldn't see through with his nearly microscopic vision, wasn't bad enough already on its own. For freedom-loving people like him, this was akin to a hell-level position. But, he also wasn't one to give up that easily, there was still hope.

It's also no wonder why they kept around ninety percent of their clan's population in a slave-like, zombie status, making all of those people simply resigned to fate, unhopeful and waiting to die as the only option for liberation, who couldn't even bother to train hard, fight for improving their strength, adding creativity to their techniques, or generally being a stronger shinobi. It was because they had other means to protect the clan and the main branch from foreign opponents, maybe it tied all even directly to those mysterious unbreakable swastika curse seals, everything was logical.

As for why they didn't use that strange power in that Kumogakure situation, well there was probably no point in doing so. After all, sacrificing one Hizashi was truly better than reviling their ancient secrets. The same is true in the original world, they were never near extinction, to must reveal it.

'It seems like they were not as stupid as I previously thought. And, this world is the real world, not the incomplete fantasy like in my previous universe. I have to stop seeing everything through that!',

'The first way out of this situation is to seal away my eyes somehow and live without them.',

'But all of my current fighting skills and the majority of knowledge is related to the Byakugan,',

'Not to mention that not in a million years I would give up my internal vision abilities. From my previous life knowledge, I know just how powerful cellular and DNA-related abilities could be. It was truly the only destiny-changing ability that exists. So, the only option to get rid of that seal was -',

'The Tenseigan! But, I still didn't expect to have to be a bird trapped in a cage until that far away!'

If the Tenseigan was awakened, the legendary dojutsu on the level of Rinnegan, then no amount of curse seals could bind him anymore. That was Neji's confident guess. After all, that original seal was designed for simple Byakugan, and definitely not for the godly and celestial-looking Tenseigan.

The soul that occupied this body died at eighteen years of age in his previous world, the Earth. The owner of the soul was a true loner, a shut-in, who only enjoyed writing online fanfictions as a hobby.

Outside, he was always bullied for being physically weak, and inside his home he had abusive parents who always harassed him both verbally and physically, even throwing him outside on his eighteen birthday as they were not legally obliged to take care of him anymore.

He speculated that even they hated him for probably being so physically weak and useless. He had genetic rheumatoid arthritis, his joints were weak, he couldn't train, his bones always hurt and he developed depression so he ate just one meal per day on average. Everything was just a vicious cycle that made him so weak.

That day when they threw him out, it was also the last day he was alive on that planet. He died from cold, on some stone old bench, later inside a public urban park while re-reading Naruto, for the last time, on his phone, on some public wi-fi hotspot, while crying from both physical and mental pain.

And then he suddenly woke up in baby Neji's body. That's when he realized that he could really change his fate now, as everything was possible in the Ninja World! A new fire burned inside of him.

The things he currently values the most were personal freedom, so he could never depend upon others to decide his fate, like when his previous parents caused his death once they threw him out. He valued being physically strong above everything else. And finally, he hated when others despised him or looked down on him due to all the peer bullying he received in his previous life.

Therefore, the eradication of the main branch of the Hyuga family hit one of those categories,

Getting rid of the curse mark hit another category,

And his final goal was to become as strongest as he possibly could in this world, to get to the peak!


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