The Brothers

Chapter 18: Haru to Aiden: Chapter 18

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Aiden knew Haru was nervous as hell, and why wouldn’t he be? Suddenly being told that they were going to make love, and then being dragged into a bedroom like this. But damn, Aiden couldn’t help himself.

Haru had confessed to him that he loved him. For the longest time, he had always thought Haru’s love for him was simply that, a family kinship and not the romantic kind.

Shit, but his heart was still racing while waves of euphoria were washing over his body, something he hadn’t felt before.

Yes, he was elated and so fucking happy. He felt like he was on cloud nine.

Without even looking to see that Haru’s face had gone beetroot red, he led the boy into the master bedroom. Once he shut the door, he pulled Haru into his arms and claimed the boy’s lips again.

Haru’s lips were warm and surprisingly soft against his. He could feel the boy’s toned body, hot and eager, and when he wedged his thigh against Haru’s legs, he felt the bulge.

Fuck! Haru was already getting hard from being kissed like this, and because Aiden himself got turned on, he deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue into the boy’s mouth. He was wild, his tongue playing havoc with Haru’s, stroking and caressing.

“Ngh…” Haru groaned softly, his slender body quivering in Aiden’s strong arms.

When Aiden finally pulled back, Haru was breathless and bemused, his eyes bright and his face flushed hot. The sight was so fucking beautiful that Aiden felt his cock harden even more, so much so that it was almost painful.

He made his move and swiftly wrapped his arms around Haru’s thighs and lifted the boy up, which caused Haru to gasp in surprise.

“Aiden! What are you doing?”

The man chuckled. “Taking you to bed, of course.”

In two swift strides, he was beside the bed and laid Haru there. Blushing severely, Haru muttered, “I’m a guy. You don’t have to do things like that. It’s embarrassing.”

Aiden laughed. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

“Ridiculous,” Haru muttered, avoided making eye contact.

Holy shit! Aiden realized that Haru was shy, and he was so damned cute.

Eager to hold the boy in his arms once again and taste him everywhere, Aiden pulled off his shirt and threw it to the floor. Half naked, with his toned muscles taut with sexual tension, he then climbed onto the bed.

“Let me see all of you,” he said seductively.

Haru said meekly, “You’ve already seen me naked the other night when we did it the first time.”

“I want to see you bare again.” He chuckled. “Besides, it was quite dark that night.”

Haru was hesitant for a moment and then started taking off his shirt. When he was about to go for his pants, Aiden helped him, eagerly unzipping and then pulling down the jeans, along with the underpants.

Completely naked, with a toned, firm body, and his milky skin basking in the bright daylight, Haru was indeed enchanting. Aiden swallowed hard at the sight, and he had to remind himself again at just how pretty Haru was.

“You’re just beautiful, Haru,” he said as he moved toward the boy.

“Am I?” Haru asked. “I didn’t know that.”

Aiden chuckled. “You’re pretty oblivious when it comes to your looks, huh?”

Haru didn’t reply. In fact, he was too busy staring at Aiden’s gorgeous face and dark eyes, which were filled with passion.

Aiden pulled Haru into his arms and said, “Let me taste you again.”

Haru nodded, offering his lips to the man. They kissed, their lips locked and tongues wild, intertwining and dancing with each other. When Aiden stopped the kiss, it was to make Haru lie back on the bed so that he could have full access to that beautiful body.

Haru groaned softly, writhing in pleasure as Aiden gave the boy sweet little kisses down his throat and then to his chest. When Aiden took a nipple into his hot mouth, Haru squirmed in delight as sexual heat coursed through his body.

“Aiden…” the boy moaned out softly. “It feels good.”

Aiden lifted his head. “Then I’m glad.” He moved his hand to touch Haru’s aroused penis. It was a little on the small side, but then again, Haru was petite. Besides, it fit his hand perfectly, the whole length of it, and it was easy for him to tease.

He watched Haru shuddering as more pleasure coursed through his body while Aiden himself stroked and toyed with the boy’s very aroused cock.

Fuck, but to think that Haru would be this aroused because of him; it not only amazed him but made him especially happy and, indeed, boosted his ego.

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“Aiden, don’t do that anymore,” Haru groaned out softly. “You’re going to make me come.”

A devilish grin playing about his lips, Aiden said, “Then come, Haru. It’s okay.”

Haru groaned out some more as his body shook, and it wasn’t long before he did, his hard penis squirting out his cum into Aiden’s hand.

Dazed, Haru rested back, his breathing heavy. “Sorry, I couldn’t hold back.”

Aiden reached for the tissue and wiped his hand clean. “It’s fine. I wanted you to come. I wanted to see you come.”

Haru blushed. “Then it’s my turn to make you come.”

Aiden leaned forward and kissed the boy on the forehead. “Then I’ll be taking you here,” he said, his finger caressing Haru’s butt hole.

Haru shivered with delight at hearing that. He nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

Aiden leaned down, and the two kissed again, deeply and passionately while Aiden’s hands were all over Haru’s body, caressing and stroking, sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout the boy’s body. When Haru became hard again, it not only pleased Aiden but shocked him as well. After all, men couldn’t usually get hard that fast after they had just come.

“Fuck, it’s so easy to turn you on,” he said.

“I’ve been imagining us doing this sort of thing for years, why wouldn’t I easily get hard when it’s happening? Just having you hugging me and kissing me is driving me insane already. My heart is beating like crazy.”

Aiden rested his hand on Haru’s chest, and sure enough, he felt the rapid beating of the boy’s heart. He couldn’t help himself and chuckled, his own heart swelling with joy.

“I love you, Haru,” he said.

“I love you, too, Aiden,” Haru replied.

A moment later, Haru was on his side while Aiden applied lubricant, the man’s fingers inserted into the boy’s butt.

“You okay?”

Haru nodded. “I’m fine,” he said breathlessly. “Hurry. Put it in. I don’t think I can wait anymore.”

Aiden chuckled. “Okay. You’ve loosened up enough.” He moved the boy and repositioned him so that they were face-to-face. Then Aiden inserted his rock-hard cock into Haru’s butt hole, and as he did so, Haru writhed and groaned, his body rushing with pleasure.

“You’re so hot and tight, Haru,” Aiden said. Fuck, but it felt so good, he thought. Haru was squeezing him tight, lovingly enveloping his penis in a hot embrace. Because he couldn’t hold back, he started thrusting, and the moment he did so, Haru became breathless.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Haru nodded. “I’m fine. I’m fine. It feels so good. Don’t stop, Aiden. Please don’t stop.”

Aiden just couldn’t believe it, that Haru wanted him that much.

He continued thrusting, and along with this movement, Haru’s body, too, was dancing erotically along with his tempo as he groaned softly. Aiden knew how exquisite Haru must have felt, to sing out such a sexy song to him, and because Haru’s sweet cries of pleasure turned him on even more, Aiden went harder and faster.

“Aiden! I’m going to come!” Haru managed to voice out brokenly in between groans.

Aiden decided that he loved seeing Haru in this erotic state too much to let the boy relieve his sexual need. He grabbed hold of Haru’s hard penis and squeezed it tight in his large hand with his thumb on the tip, blocking any forthcoming cum that was about to be released.

Haru shuddered, his eyes brewing with tears, his cheeks flushing hot as he breathlessly said, “Aiden! Don’t!” He shuddered some more.

The sight was too fucking sexy for words, and Aiden fucked Haru even harder and faster, so much so that the boy became mindless. Aiden knew he himself was about to come, along with Haru, and he removed his thumb from the tip of Haru’s penis. Just like that, Haru orgasmed, and Aiden, too, came, squirting his semen deep inside of Haru while Haru released his against Aiden’s belly.

Both were breathless once it was all over, and Aiden came to lie beside Haru. Then he pulled the boy into his arms and kissed him on the forehead.

“You were mean, Aiden,” Haru finally said out of the blue.

Aiden smiled. “That’s because you were so sexy, and I couldn’t help myself. I wanted us to come at the same time.”

“Oh,” Haru said, looking at him, his eyes bright.

Aiden stroked the boy’s hair. “I love you.”

Haru smiled. “Me, too. I love you, too.”

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