The Cannon Fodder’s Survival Plan

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: It’s totally Jake’s fault

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Rina's tiny workplace was strewn with paperwork and empty energy drink cans.


To say the least, it had been a rough week. Her desk was piled high with unfinished projects, and she hadn't slept in 42 hours.


A knock cut through the frantic tapping of keyboards. A soft, quiet voice called out from the other side of the door,


"Rina? Can I come in?"


She grunted confirmation for the individual to enter anyhow, despite being irritated by the sudden interruption. Her gaze shifted from the computer to the door, which revealed a young blonde male wearing glasses.


"What do you need, Ben?"


Her bestfriend, the young man in question, sighed. "You've been cooped up in here for god knows how long; I doubt you've had a real meal in days. Please take a break." he begged, his voice tinged with anxiety and concern.


"Thank you for your concern, Ben," she said, motioning to a stack of papers beside her. "But you see, we have something called a 'deadline,' and it's coming up fast." Her eyes were puffy, and her hair is untidy, hanging out all over.


Ben raised an eyebrow at the remark, saying, "Yeah, well, I think you'll die even before the deadline if you don't come out and eat." He walked over to her desk and yanked her out of the chair. Rina let out a whine but didn't complain, her joints popping as she stood up after a long period of sitting.


He grabbed her forearms and began dragging her out of her den. "Where are we going?" she asked, tiredly, as they walked out of the office and into the parking lot.


"We'll eat, I'll treat you." Ben said as they made their way to his car.


"I'll drive!" she exclaimed way too loudly.


"I don't think that's a good idea?" Ben said, furrowing his brow at the girl. He knew she was sleep deprived, and he wasn't looking forward to dying in a car accident today. But she was already sprinting for the driver's seat before he could even stop her.


"Oh please, I am totally capable of driving." she said as she waved her hand back and forth with a silly smile before entering the car.



They've been driving around for ten minutes and no one has attempted to strike up a conversation. They simply sat in silence and basked in the sunlight streaming through the sunroof.


They were both just tired from work.


Ben sighed deeply and leaned against his seat. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but quickly closed it again.


He swallowed thickly after a minute of silence, "He cheated on me."


"What?" Rina looked at Ben, puzzled.


"Jake cheated on me," Jake is Ben's boyfriend. He had caught him cheating three days prior. "with a girl." he added.


"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked solemnly, her voice cracking. "And also, didn't he say he was gay?" she exclaimed incredulously.


"Well, you were busy, and I didn't want to bother you, you know?"


"I'm sorry, Ben, he doesn't deserve you." She whispered, her voice full of sadness and empathy. With tears welling up in his eyes, he gave her a soft smile.



They were completely unaware of the truck heading straight for them.



Ben's eyes sprang wide as he saw the vehicle. "LOOK OUT!" yelled Ben, pointing to the approaching truck, but it was too late.


She diverted her attention to the direction that Ben was pointing. "Oh shi-"



As the two vehicles collided, a loud 'boom' was heard.





"m-my c-car..." Ben wheezed as blood began to pour from his mouth.


Rina moaned in agony as blood gushed from a cut on the side of her head, her brain throbbing with pain.


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She extended her hand to Ben, seeking comfort. They turned their heads to each other, blinking away tears as they both drifted out of consciousness.




So much for beating Jake up.




The pain began to fade gradually, and was replaced by a numbing sensation.


People were calling out to her, but their voices were muffled and distant.


Her ears began to ring louder and louder.



It was tranquil.



She felt as if she were floating; there was no pain, only silence.


Her entire life flashed before her eyes. Memories, both happy and sad, replayed in her mind. It was as though she was watching a movie about herself.


The memories began to fade as she was overcome by a faint, falling sensation as she was gradually swallowed by the darkness.




A rhythmic heartbeat jolted her awake.


She was perplexed as to what had happened to her; the last thing she remembered was dying.


She tried wiggling her body, but she didn't move much. She did, however, bumped into something. She was in a confined and constrained space. She felt drenched, as if she were swimming.


She attempted to wiggle her body even more, but was met with a sharp tugging sensation. Screams that seemed to come from outside the water-filled ball or whatever she was in were faint and muffled.



She saw a light!




She moved her body closer to it. She was so eager to get out that she didn't notice the presence right beside her.


The pulling sensation became more intense, causing her to squirm in pain.


After what felt like an eternity, she was finally out.


As the cold hair hit her body, she shivered. Her ears were assaulted with screams and cries, she slowly opened her eyes.

She couldn't make out the facial features of the person in front of her; all she saw was a maroon-haired woman with a slightly wrinkled face.


As fatigue quickly overtook her body, she didn't have time to process what was going on. Everything began to blur, and her eyelids grew heavier by the second, sending her back into unconsciousness.







"Congratulations on the twins, dear."



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