The Cannon Fodder’s Survival Plan

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Stupid Novel

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They were absolutely fucked.


It's been a little over two and a half months, and being a baby has been quite boring. They evidently did nothing but eat and sleep.

Every morning, their mother would take them outside. They'd generally just lounge in their spacious, well-kept garden, which was full of lovely plants, some of which they had never seen before. They didn't venture far from their home, so they had no idea what the region surrounding them looked like.

Their mother adores them. She is constantly by their side, never leaving them. Although Iris' grasp of the language was still poor, she was confident that their mother would constantly brag to the servants about how adorable they were.

Despite being in his office for the majority of the day, their father, like their mother, always made time to play with them.

Their grandmother, on the other hand, didn't come over very often, maybe once every two weeks. They figured she was preoccupied with work.

Magic was also real!

When Iris found out, she was completely taken aback.

It was a beautiful day, and they were having fun in the garden with their parents when a plant caught fire. Her mother came to the rescue and began conjuring water out of thin air!

Let's just say she and Asra didn't get much sleep that night as they telepathically discussed all the possibilities that magic may offer them.



Someone had come to see their father a week after the magical episode.

Iris had overheard their conversation, although her understanding in the language was still lacking, she had come to know their last name.


'Iris Stenir, what a lovely name.'


She thought the name seemed somewhat familiar.

She had to rummage through her memories to remember where she had heard the name before. She finally got an answer after days of contemplation.


It almost made her want to die again.


It was one thing to be reborn into a strange world full of magic, but being reborn into a stupid novel she'd written as a teenager was ridiculous!

In her story, 'True Love,' Iris Stenir was nothing more than cannon fodder.

Arabella, the novel's protagonist, was a kind and carefree young lady. 

Or perhaps it was how she wanted people to perceive her.

She wasn't naïve in the least. Her years on the streets had taught her how to be a clever and deceitful woman. She was born to an aristocratic family, but she became a commoner after her whole family was hanged for a crime they did not commit.

When the count first saw her, he fell in love with her and decided to adopt her. His wife was infertile, but he couldn't bring himself to take a concubine since he loved her dearly.

Arabella's ultimate objective is to avenge her family. She intended to seduce the prince and usurp the throne.

Her plan was to seize the crown prince's status as top student in order to pique his attention. The strategy succeeded, but the prince detested her because he couldn't bear the blow to his ego.

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Their love-hate relationship began with that.

However, after a while, Arabella's love for the Heimir became genuine, and she stopped acting. Heimir, too, fell in love with her and proposed to her.

Of course, what is life without a little drama?

Roxanna, the count's daughter, harbored feelings for the crown prince Heimir. She was a crazy, obsessed little twerp who murdered or bullied anybody who came close to her 'lover.' 

Arabella, of course, was not exempt from Roxanna's abuse. They both despise one another, but Arabella, as the 'nice girl' she was, had to put up with all of Roxanna's cruelty. 

Arabella had intended to put Roxanna to death after becoming queen for all the atrocities she had committed against her. But, Roxanna became depressed shortly after learning about Arabella and Heimir's marriage and committed suicide.

Iris and Arabella were friends, or at least Iris thought they were. Iris was nothing more than a pawn in Arabella's game. Arabella frequently used Iris as a scapegoat since she was stupid and followed her about wherever she went.

Iris was also portrayed as a promiscuous lady in the novel. She is said to have slept with about half of the students at the academy.


In conclusion, Iris was a bimbo.


Someone had circulated the word that Iris had had an affair with Crown Prince Heimir.

Roxanna was not pleased with the news and hired a crew of individuals to rape Iris. She ordered them to chop Iris up into pieces and feed her to her dogs after they were done with her.

Asra, Iris' twin brother, was an egotistical moron who felt he was superior to everyone. He, like her sister, lived a rich and debauched life surrounded by a harem of men and women.

He joined the army, following in their father's footsteps.

He died in war.

The recollection made Iris shudder. She didn't like the idea of her and her brother dying because of the stupid characters she created.

The narrative of the novel was foolish, but who could blame her? She was just 16 years old when she wrote that.

But that wasn't the only threat hanging over her head.

The novel itself was not particularly well-received; in fact, no one read it. She immediately lost enthusiasm to write because it only got about 50 views. As a result, she chose an abrupt ending to the work.

She added a secret organization that intended to eliminate the world and build a new one, being the sadistic little shit she was. They experimented with diseases, magic, and curses in order to engineer a pandemic that would wipe off all living people. They created a virus so potent that it could kill you in minutes, regardless of your race.


Consequently, everyone died.


That was how her novel ended.


Fuck her sixteen-year-old mind.


The members of the group were not even mentioned in the novel! How was she expected to deal with a group of people about whom she knew nothing?

Who had the wonderful notion to reincarnate her in this shithole?!


She needed a plan.

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